
final class TestContext extends ExecutionContext

A scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext implementation and a provider of cats.effect.Timer instances, that can simulate async boundaries and time passage, useful for testing purposes.

Usage for simulating an ExecutionContext):

 implicit val ec = TestContext()

 ec.execute(new Runnable { def run() = println("task1") })

 ex.execute(new Runnable {
   def run() = {

     ec.execute(new Runnable {
       def run() = println("inner")

 // Nothing executes until `tick` gets called

 // Testing the resulting state
 assert(ec.state.lastReportedFailure == None)

Our TestContext can also simulate time passage, as we are able to builds a cats.effect.Timer instance for any data type that has a LiftIO instance:

 val ctx = TestContext()

 val timer: Timer[IO] = ctx.timer[IO]

We can now simulate actual time:

 val io = timer.sleep(10.seconds) *> IO(1 + 1)
 val f = io.unsafeToFuture()

 // This invariant holds true, because our IO is async
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Not yet completed, because this does not simulate time passing:
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Simulating time passing:
 assert(f.value == Some(Success(2))

Simulating time makes this pretty useful for testing race conditions:

 val never = IO.async[Int](_ => {})
 val timeoutError = new TimeoutException
 val timeout = timer.sleep(10.seconds) *> IO.raiseError[Int](timeoutError)

 val pair = (never, timeout).parMapN(_ + _)

 // Not yet
 assert(f.value == None)
 // Not yet
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Good to go:
 assert(f.value, Some(Failure(timeoutError)))
trait ExecutionContext
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def contextShift[F[_]](implicit F: Async[F]): ContextShift[F]

Derives a cats.effect.ContextShift from this TestContext, for any data type that has an Async instance.

Derives a cats.effect.ContextShift from this TestContext, for any data type that has an Async instance.


 val ctx = TestContext()
 // Building a Timer[IO] from this:
 implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = ctx.timer[IO]

 // Can now simulate time
 val io = timer.sleep(10.seconds) *> IO(1 + 1)
 val f = io.unsafeToFuture()

 // This invariant holds true, because our IO is async
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Not yet completed, because this does not simulate time passing:
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Simulating time passing:
 assert(f.value == Some(Success(2))
def execute(r: Runnable): Unit

Inherited from ExecutionContext, schedules a runnable for execution.

Inherited from ExecutionContext, schedules a runnable for execution.

def ioContextShift: ContextShift[[A] =>> IO[A]]

Derives a cats.effect.ContextShift from this TestContext for IO.

Derives a cats.effect.ContextShift from this TestContext for IO.

def ioTimer: Timer[[A] =>> IO[A]]

Derives a cats.effect.Timer from this TestContext for IO.

Derives a cats.effect.Timer from this TestContext for IO.

def reportFailure(cause: Throwable): Unit

Inherited from ExecutionContext, reports uncaught errors.

Inherited from ExecutionContext, reports uncaught errors.

def state: State

Returns the internal state of the TestContext, useful for testing that certain execution conditions have been met.

Returns the internal state of the TestContext, useful for testing that certain execution conditions have been met.

def tick(time: FiniteDuration): Unit

Triggers execution by going through the queue of scheduled tasks and executing them all, until no tasks remain in the queue to execute.

Triggers execution by going through the queue of scheduled tasks and executing them all, until no tasks remain in the queue to execute.

Order of execution isn't guaranteed, the queued Runnables are being shuffled in order to simulate the needed non-determinism that happens with multi-threading.

 implicit val ec = TestContext()

 val f = Future(1 + 1).flatMap(_ + 1)
 // Execution is momentarily suspended in TestContext
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Simulating async execution:
 assert(f.value, Some(Success(2)))

The optional parameter can be used for simulating time, to be used in combination with cats.effect.Timer. See the timer method.


 val ctx = TestContext()
 // Building a Timer[IO] from this:
 implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = ctx.timer[IO]

 // Can now simulate time
 val io = timer.sleep(10.seconds) *> IO(1 + 1)
 val f = io.unsafeToFuture()

 // This invariant holds true, because our IO is async
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Not yet completed, because this does not simulate time passing:
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Simulating time passing:
 assert(f.value == Some(Success(2))
Value Params

is an optional parameter for simulating time passing;

def tickOne(): Boolean

Executes just one tick, one task, from the internal queue, useful for testing that a some runnable will definitely be executed next.

Executes just one tick, one task, from the internal queue, useful for testing that a some runnable will definitely be executed next.

Returns a boolean indicating that tasks were available and that the head of the queue has been executed, so normally you have this equivalence:

 while (ec.tickOne()) {}
 // ... is equivalent with:

Note that ask extraction has a random factor, the behavior being like tick, in order to simulate non-determinism. So you can't rely on some ordering of execution if multiple tasks are waiting execution.


true if a task was available in the internal queue, and was executed, or false otherwise

def timer[F[_]](implicit F: LiftIO[F]): Timer[F]

Derives a cats.effect.Timer from this TestContext, for any data type that has a LiftIO instance.

Derives a cats.effect.Timer from this TestContext, for any data type that has a LiftIO instance.


 val ctx = TestContext()
 // Building a Timer[IO] from this:
 implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = ctx.timer[IO]

 // Can now simulate time
 val io = timer.sleep(10.seconds) *> IO(1 + 1)
 val f = io.unsafeToFuture()

 // This invariant holds true, because our IO is async
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Not yet completed, because this does not simulate time passing:
 assert(f.value == None)

 // Simulating time passing:
 assert(f.value == Some(Success(2))

Deprecated and Inherited methods

@deprecated(message = "preparation of ExecutionContexts will be removed", since = "2.12.0")
def prepare(): ExecutionContext
[Since version 2.12.0] preparation of ExecutionContexts will be removed
Inherited from