
final class TestControl[A]

Implements a fully functional single-threaded runtime for a cats.effect.IO program. When using this control system, IO programs will be executed on a single JVM thread, ''similar'' to how they would behave if the production runtime were configured to use a single worker thread regardless of underlying physical thread count. The results of the underlying IO will be produced by the results effect when ready, but nothing will actually evaluate until one of the ''tick'' effects on this class are sequenced. If the desired behavior is to simply run the IO fully to completion within the mock environment, respecting monotonic time, then tickAll is likely the desired effect (or, alternatively, TestControl.executeEmbed).

In other words, TestControl is sort of like a "handle" to the runtime internals within the context of a specific IO's execution. It makes it possible for users to manipulate and observe the execution of the IO under test from an external vantage point. It is important to understand that the ''outer'' IOs (e.g. those returned by the tick or results methods) are ''not'' running under the test control environment, and instead they are meant to be run by some outer runtime. Interactions between the outer runtime and the inner runtime (potentially via mechanisms like cats.effect.std.Queue or cats.effect.kernel.Deferred) are quite tricky and should only be done with extreme care. The likely outcome in such scenarios is that the TestControl runtime will detect the inner IO as being deadlocked whenever it is actually waiting on the external runtime. This could result in strange effects such as tickAll or executeEmbed terminating early. Do not construct such scenarios unless you're very confident you understand the implications of what you're doing.

Where things ''differ'' from a single-threaded production runtime is in two critical areas.

First, whenever multiple fibers are outstanding and ready to be resumed, the TestControl runtime will ''randomly'' choose between them, rather than taking them in a first-in, first-out fashion as the default production runtime will. This semantic is intended to simulate different scheduling interleavings, ensuring that race conditions are not accidentally masked by deterministic execution order.

Second, within the context of the TestControl, ''time'' is very carefully and artificially controlled. In a sense, this runtime behaves as if it is executing on a single CPU which performs all operations infinitely fast. Any fibers which are immediately available for execution will be executed until no further fibers are available to run (assuming the use of tickAll). Through this entire process, the current clock (which is exposed to the program via IO.realTime and IO.monotonic) will remain fixed at the very beginning, meaning that no time is considered to have elapsed as a consequence of ''compute''.

Note that the above means that it is relatively easy to create a deadlock on this runtime with a program which would not deadlock on either the JVM or JavaScript:

 // do not do this!

The above program spawns a fiber which yields forever, setting a timeout for 10 milliseconds which is ''intended'' to bring the loop to a halt. However, because the immediate task queue will never be empty, the test runtime will never advance time, meaning that the 10 milliseconds will never elapse and the timeout will not be hit. This will manifest as the tick and tickAll effects simply running forever and not returning if called. tickOne is safe to call on the above program, but it will always produce true.

In order to advance time, you must use the advance effect to move the clock forward by a specified offset (which must be greater than 0). If you use the tickAll effect, the clock will be automatically advanced by the minimum amount necessary to reach the next pending task. For example, if the program contains an IO.sleep for 500.millis, and there are no shorter sleeps, then time will need to be advanced by 500 milliseconds in order to make that fiber eligible for execution.

At this point, the process repeats until all tasks are exhausted. If the program has reached a concluding value or exception, then it will be produced from the unsafeRun method which scheduled the IO on the runtime (pro tip: do ''not'' use unsafeRunSync with this runtime, since it will always result in immediate deadlock). If the program does ''not'' produce a result but also has no further work to perform (such as a program like IO.never), then tickAll will return but no result will have been produced by the unsafeRun. If this happens, isDeadlocked will return true and the program is in a "hung" state. This same situation on the production runtime would have manifested as an asynchronous deadlock.

You should ''never'' use this runtime in a production code path. It is strictly meant for testing purposes, particularly testing programs that involve time functions and IO.sleep.

Due to the semantics of this runtime, time will behave entirely consistently with a plausible production execution environment provided that you ''never'' observe time via side-effects, and exclusively through the IO.realTime, IO.monotonic, and IO.sleep functions (and other functions built on top of these). From the perspective of these functions, all computation is infinitely fast, and the only effect which advances time is IO.sleep (or if something external, such as the test harness, sequences the advance effect). However, an effect such as IO(System.currentTimeMillis()) will "see through" the illusion, since the system clock is unaffected by this runtime. This is one reason why it is important to always and exclusively rely on realTime and monotonic, either directly on IO or via the typeclass abstractions.

WARNING: ''Never'' use this runtime on programs which use the IO#evalOn method! The test runtime will detect this situation as an asynchronous deadlock.

See also:
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Advances the runtime clock by the specified amount (which must be positive). Does not execute any fibers, though may result in some previously-sleeping fibers to become pending and eligible for execution in the next tick.

Advances the runtime clock by the specified amount (which must be positive). Does not execute any fibers, though may result in some previously-sleeping fibers to become pending and eligible for execution in the next tick.

A convenience effect which advances time by the specified amount and then ticks once. Note that this method is very subtle and will often ''not'' do what you think it should. For example:

A convenience effect which advances time by the specified amount and then ticks once. Note that this method is very subtle and will often ''not'' do what you think it should. For example:

 // will never print!
 val program = IO.sleep(100.millis) *> IO.println("Hello, World!")


This is very subtle, but the problem is that time is advanced ''before'' the IO.sleep even has a chance to get scheduled! This means that when sleep is finally submitted to the runtime, it is scheduled for the time offset equal to 1.second + 100.millis, since time was already advanced 1.second before it had a chance to submit. Of course, time has only been advanced by 1.second, thus the sleep never completes and the println cannot ever run.

There are two possible solutions to this problem: either sequence tick ''first'' (before sequencing advanceAndTick) to ensure that the sleep has a chance to schedule itself, or simply use tickAll if you do not need to run assertions between time windows.

See also:

Returns the base64-encoded seed which governs the random task interleaving during each tick. This is useful for reproducing test failures which came about due to some unexpected (though clearly plausible) execution order.

Returns the base64-encoded seed which governs the random task interleaving during each tick. This is useful for reproducing test failures which came about due to some unexpected (though clearly plausible) execution order.

Concrete fields

Produces true if the runtime has no remaining fibers, sleeping or otherwise, indicating an asynchronous deadlock has occurred. Or rather, ''either'' an asynchronous deadlock, or some interaction with an external asynchronous scheduler (such as another thread pool).

Produces true if the runtime has no remaining fibers, sleeping or otherwise, indicating an asynchronous deadlock has occurred. Or rather, ''either'' an asynchronous deadlock, or some interaction with an external asynchronous scheduler (such as another thread pool).

Produces the minimum time which must elapse for a fiber to become eligible for execution. If fibers are currently eligible for execution, the result will be Duration.Zero.

Produces the minimum time which must elapse for a fiber to become eligible for execution. If fibers are currently eligible for execution, the result will be Duration.Zero.

val tick: IO[Unit]

Executes all pending fibers in a random order, repeating on new tasks enqueued by those fibers until all pending fibers have been exhausted. Does not result in the advancement of time.

Executes all pending fibers in a random order, repeating on new tasks enqueued by those fibers until all pending fibers have been exhausted. Does not result in the advancement of time.

See also:

Drives the runtime until all fibers have been executed, then advances time until the next fiber becomes available (if relevant), and repeats until no further fibers are scheduled. Analogous to, though critically not the same as, running an IO on a single-threaded production runtime.

Drives the runtime until all fibers have been executed, then advances time until the next fiber becomes available (if relevant), and repeats until no further fibers are scheduled. Analogous to, though critically not the same as, running an IO on a single-threaded production runtime.

This function will terminate for IOs which deadlock ''asynchronously'', but any program which runs in a loop without fully suspending will cause this function to run indefinitely. Also note that any IO which interacts with some external asynchronous scheduler (such as NIO) will be considered deadlocked for the purposes of this runtime.

See also:

Executes a single pending fiber and returns immediately. Does not advance time. Produces false if no fibers are pending.

Executes a single pending fiber and returns immediately. Does not advance time. Produces false if no fibers are pending.