
object Async
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


trait AllOps[F[_], A] extends Ops[F, A] with AllOps[F, A] with AllOps[F, A]
trait Ops[F[_], A]
trait ToAsyncOps
class `ops$`
object nonInheritedOps extends ToAsyncOps

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_]](instance: Async[F]): Async[F]

Summon an instance of Async for F.

Summon an instance of Async for F.

def fromFuture[F[_], A](fa: F[Future[A]])(F: Async[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): F[A]
def liftIO[F[_], A](io: IO[A])(F: Async[F]): F[A]

Lifts any IO value into any data type implementing Async.

Lifts any IO value into any data type implementing Async.

This is the default Async.liftIO implementation.

def memoize[F[_], A](f: F[A])(F: Async[F]): F[F[A]]

Lazily memoizes f. For every time the returned F[F[A]] is bound, the effect f will be performed at most once (when the inner F[A] is bound the first time).

Lazily memoizes f. For every time the returned F[F[A]] is bound, the effect f will be performed at most once (when the inner F[A] is bound the first time).

Note: This version of memoize does not support interruption. Use Concurrent.memoize if you need that.

def parSequenceN[T[_], M[_], A](n: Long)(tma: T[M[A]])(`evidence$2`: Traverse[T], M: Async[M], P: Parallel[M]): M[T[A]]

Like Parallel.parSequence, but limits the degree of parallelism.

Like Parallel.parSequence, but limits the degree of parallelism.

def parTraverseN[T[_], M[_], A, B](n: Long)(ta: T[A])(f: A => M[B])(`evidence$1`: Traverse[T], M: Async[M], P: Parallel[M]): M[T[B]]

Like Parallel.parTraverse, but limits the degree of parallelism.

Like Parallel.parTraverse, but limits the degree of parallelism.

def shift[F[_]](ec: ExecutionContext)(F: Async[F]): F[Unit]

Generic shift operation, defined for any Async data type.

Generic shift operation, defined for any Async data type.

Shifts the bind continuation onto the specified thread pool. Analogous with IO.shift.

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Moved to Async[F]", "0.10")
def never[F[_], A](F: Async[F]): F[A]

Returns an non-terminating F[_], that never completes with a result, being equivalent with async(_ => ()).

Returns an non-terminating F[_], that never completes with a result, being equivalent with async(_ => ()).


Concrete fields

val ops: `ops$`



implicit def ReaderWriterStateTAsync[F[_], E, L, S](`evidence$11`: Async[F], `evidence$12`: Monoid[L]): Async[[_] =>> ReaderWriterStateT[F, E, L, S, _$25]]

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

implicit def catsEitherTAsync[F[_], L](`evidence$3`: Async[F]): Async[[_] =>> EitherT[F, L, _$13]]

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

implicit def catsIorTAsync[F[_], L](`evidence$9`: Async[F], `evidence$10`: Semigroup[L]): Async[[_] =>> IorT[F, L, _$23]]

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

implicit def catsKleisliAsync[F[_], R](`evidence$8`: Async[F]): Async[[_] =>> Kleisli[F, R, _$21]]

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

implicit def catsOptionTAsync[F[_]](`evidence$4`: Async[F]): Async[[_] =>> OptionT[F, _$15]]

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

implicit def catsStateTAsync[F[_], S](`evidence$5`: Async[F]): Async[[_] =>> StateT[F, S, _$17]]

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

implicit def catsWriterTAsync[F[_], L](`evidence$6`: Async[F], `evidence$7`: Monoid[L]): Async[[_] =>> WriterT[F, L, _$19]]

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.

Async instance built for values initialized with any F data type that also implements Async.