
final class DispatcherOps[F[_]] extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def unsafeRunSyncToFuture[A](fa: F[A], syncLimit: Int)(implicit F: Async[F]): Future[A]

Executes an effect by first taking a syncStep limited by syncLimit, then if necessary submitting the remainder of the effect to the dispatcher to be executed asynchronously, finally returning a Future that holds the result of its evaluation.

Executes an effect by first taking a syncStep limited by syncLimit, then if necessary submitting the remainder of the effect to the dispatcher to be executed asynchronously, finally returning a Future that holds the result of its evaluation.

This function should really only be used if it is critical to attempt to evaluate this effect without first yielding to the event loop.

See also:
def unsafeRunSyncToPromise[A](fa: F[A], syncLimit: Int)(implicit F: Async[F]): Promise[A]

Executes an effect by first taking a syncStep limited by syncLimit, then if necessary submitting the remainder of the effect to the dispatcher to be executed asynchronously, finally returning a Promise that holds the result of its evaluation.

Executes an effect by first taking a syncStep limited by syncLimit, then if necessary submitting the remainder of the effect to the dispatcher to be executed asynchronously, finally returning a Promise that holds the result of its evaluation.

This function should really only be used if it is critical to attempt to evaluate this effect without first yielding to the event loop.

See also: