

package laws

Linear Supertypes
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  2. By inheritance
  1. laws
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AlternativeLaws[F[_]] extends ApplicativeLaws[F] with MonoidKLaws[F]

  2. trait ApplicativeErrorLaws[F[_], E] extends ApplicativeLaws[F]

  3. trait ApplicativeLaws[F[_]] extends ApplyLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any Applicative.

  4. trait ApplyLaws[F[_]] extends FunctorLaws[F] with CartesianLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any Apply.

  5. trait ArrowLaws[F[_, _]] extends CategoryLaws[F] with SplitLaws[F] with StrongLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Arrow.

  6. trait BifunctorLaws[F[_, _]] extends AnyRef

    Laws that must be obeyed by any Bifunctor.

  7. trait BimonadLaws[F[_]] extends MonadLaws[F] with ComonadLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any Bimonad.

  8. trait CartesianLaws[F[_]] extends AnyRef

  9. trait CategoryLaws[F[_, _]] extends ComposeLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Category.

  10. trait ChoiceLaws[F[_, _]] extends CategoryLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Choice.

  11. trait CoflatMapLaws[F[_]] extends FunctorLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any CoflatMap.

  12. trait ComonadLaws[F[_]] extends CoflatMapLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any Comonad.

  13. trait ComposeLaws[F[_, _]] extends AnyRef

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Compose.

  14. trait ContravariantLaws[F[_]] extends InvariantLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.functor.Contravariant.

  15. trait FlatMapLaws[F[_]] extends ApplyLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any FlatMap.

  16. trait FoldableLaws[F[_]] extends AnyRef

  17. trait FunctorLaws[F[_]] extends InvariantLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any Functor.

  18. trait InvariantLaws[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.functor.Invariant.

  19. final case class IsEq[A](lhs: A, rhs: A) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents two values of the same type that are expected to be equal.

  20. implicit final class IsEqArrow[A] extends AnyVal

  21. trait MonadCombineLaws[F[_]] extends MonadFilterLaws[F] with AlternativeLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any MonadCombine.

  22. trait MonadErrorLaws[F[_], E] extends ApplicativeErrorLaws[F, E] with MonadLaws[F]

  23. trait MonadFilterLaws[F[_]] extends MonadLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any MonadFilter.

  24. trait MonadLaws[F[_]] extends ApplicativeLaws[F] with FlatMapLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any Monad.

  25. trait MonadReaderLaws[F[_], R] extends MonadLaws[F]

  26. trait MonadStateLaws[F[_], S] extends MonadLaws[F]

  27. trait MonoidKLaws[F[_]] extends SemigroupKLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.MonoidK.

  28. trait ProfunctorLaws[F[_, _]] extends AnyRef

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.functor.Profunctor.

  29. trait SemigroupKLaws[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.SemigroupK.

  30. trait SplitLaws[F[_, _]] extends ComposeLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.arrow.Split.

  31. trait StrongLaws[F[_, _]] extends ProfunctorLaws[F]

    Laws that must be obeyed by any cats.functor.Strong.

  32. trait TraverseLaws[F[_]] extends FunctorLaws[F] with FoldableLaws[F]

Value Members

  1. object AlternativeLaws

  2. object ApplicativeErrorLaws

  3. object ApplicativeLaws

  4. object ApplyLaws

  5. object ArrowLaws

  6. object BifunctorLaws

  7. object BimonadLaws

  8. object CartesianLaws

  9. object CategoryLaws

  10. object ChoiceLaws

  11. object CoflatMapLaws

  12. object ComonadLaws

  13. object ComposeLaws

  14. object ContravariantLaws

  15. object FlatMapLaws

  16. object FoldableLaws

  17. object FunctorLaws

  18. object InvariantLaws

  19. object MonadCombineLaws

  20. object MonadErrorLaws

  21. object MonadFilterLaws

  22. object MonadLaws

  23. object MonadReaderLaws

  24. object MonadStateLaws

  25. object MonoidKLaws

  26. object ProfunctorLaws

  27. object SemigroupKLaws

  28. object SerializableLaws

    Check for Java Serializability.

  29. object SplitLaws

  30. object StrongLaws

  31. object TraverseLaws

  32. package discipline

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
