
package cats.mtl

Type members


@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Ask[${F}, ${E}]. If you have a\nvalue of type ${E} in scope, or a way of computing one, you may want to construct\na value of type Kleisli for this call-site, rather than type ${F}. An example type:\n\n Kleisli[${F}, ${E}, *]\n\nIf you do not have an ${E} or a way of getting one, you should add\nan implicit parameter of this type to your function. For example:\n\n (implicit fask: Ask[${F}, ${E}])\n")
trait Ask[F[_], +E] extends Serializable

Ask[F, E] lets you access an E value in the F[_] context.

Ask[F, E] lets you access an E value in the F[_] context.

Intuitively, this means that an E value is required as an input to get "out" of the F[_] context.

Ask[F, E] has one external law:

def askAddsNoEffects[A](fa: F[A]) = {
 (ask *> fa) <-> fa

Ask[F, E] has one internal law:

def readerIsAskAndMap[A](f: E => A) = { <-> reader(f)
object Ask extends AskInstances
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Censor[${F}, ${L}]. If you wish\nto capture side-channel output of type ${L} at this location, you may want\nto construct a value of type WriterT for this call-site, rather than ${F}.\nAn example type:\n\n WriterT[${F}, ${L}, *]\n\nOne use-case for this would be if ${L} represents an accumulation of values\nwhich are produced by this function *in addition to* its normal results.\nThis can be used to implement some forms of pure logging.\n\nIf you do not wish to capture a side-channel of type ${L} at this location,\nyou should add an implicit parameter of this type to your function. For\nexample:\n\n (implicit fcensor: Censor[${F}, ${L}])\n")
trait Censor[F[_], L] extends Listen[F, L]
object Censor extends CensorInstances
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Chronicle[${F}, ${E}]. If you\nhave a good way of handling errors of type ${E} at this location, you may\nwant to construct a value of type IorT for this call-site, rather than \n${F}. An example type:\n\n IorT[${F}, ${E}, *]\n\nThis is analogous to writing try/catch around this call. The IorT will\n\"catch\" and accumulate the errors of type ${E}. Unlike try/catch, IorT\nmay produce errors alongside a valid result.\n\nIf you do not wish to handle errors of type ${E} at this location, you should\nadd an implicit parameter of this type to your function. For example:\n\n (implicit fchron: Chronicle[${F}, ${E}])\n")
trait Chronicle[F[_], E] extends Serializable
object Chronicle extends ChronicleInstances
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Handle[${F}, ${E}]. If you\nhave a good way of handling errors of type ${E} at this location, you may want\nto construct a value of type EitherT for this call-site, rather than ${F}.\nAn example type:\n\n EitherT[${F}, ${E}, *]\n\nThis is analogous to writing try/catch around this call. The EitherT will\n\"catch\" the errors of type ${E}.\n\nIf you do not wish to handle errors of type ${E} at this location, you should\nadd an implicit parameter of this type to your function. For example:\n\n (implicit fhandle: Handle[${F}, ${E}}])\n")
trait Handle[F[_], E] extends Raise[F, E] with Serializable
object Handle extends HandleInstances
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Listen[${F}, ${L}]. If you wish\nto capture side-channel output of type ${L} at this location, you may want\nto construct a value of type WriterT for this call-site, rather than ${F}.\nAn example type:\n\n WriterT[${F}, ${L}, *]\n\nOne use-case for this would be if ${L} represents an accumulation of values\nwhich are produced by this function *in addition to* its normal results.\nThis can be used to implement some forms of pure logging.\n\nIf you do not wish to capture a side-channel of type ${L} at this location,\nyou should add an implicit parameter of this type to your function. For\nexample:\n\n (implicit flisten: Listen[${F}, ${L}])\n")
trait Listen[F[_], L] extends Tell[F, L] with Serializable

Listen[F, L] is a function F[A] => F[(A, L)] which exposes some state that is contained in all F[A] values, and can be modified using tell.

Listen[F, L] is a function F[A] => F[(A, L)] which exposes some state that is contained in all F[A] values, and can be modified using tell.

Listen has two external laws:

def listenRespectsTell(l: L) = {
 listen(tell(l)) <-> tell(l).as(((), l))

def listenAddsNoEffects(fa: F[A]) = {
 listen(fa).map(_._1) <-> fa

Listen has one internal law:

def listensIsListenThenMap(fa: F[A], f: L => B) = {
 listens(fa)(f) <-> listen(fa).map { case (a, l) => (a, f(l)) }
object Listen extends ListenInstances
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Local[${F}, ${E}]. If you have a\nvalue of type ${E} in scope, or a way of computing one, you may want to construct\na value of type Kleisli for this call-site, rather than type ${F}. An example type:\n\n Kleisli[${F}, ${E}, *]\n\nIf you do not have an ${E} or a way of getting one, you should add\nan implicit parameter of this type to your function. For example:\n\n (implicit flocal: Local[${F}, ${E}])\n")
trait Local[F[_], E] extends Ask[F, E] with Serializable

Local[F, E] lets you alter the E value that is observed by an F[A] value using ask; the modification can only be observed from within that F[A] value.

Local[F, E] lets you alter the E value that is observed by an F[A] value using ask; the modification can only be observed from within that F[A] value.

Local[F, E] has three external laws:

def askReflectsLocal(f: E => E) = {
 local(f)(ask) <-> ask map f

def localPureIsPure[A](a: A, f: E => E) = {
 local(f)(pure(a)) <-> pure(a)

def localDistributesOverAp[A, B](fa: F[A], ff: F[A => B], f: E => E) = {
 local(f)(ff ap fa) <-> local(f)(ff) ap local(f)(fa)

Local has one internal law:

def scopeIsLocalConst(fa: F[A], e: E) = {
 scope(e)(fa) <-> local(_ => e)(fa)
object Local extends LocalInstances
trait MonadPartialOrder[F[_], G[_]] extends FunctionK[F, G]

Encapsulates the notion of a monad, G, which contains all of the effects of some other monad, F. This means that any effect of type F[A] can be lifted to G[A], such that both F and G form monads and the lifting distributes over flatMap and pure.

Encapsulates the notion of a monad, G, which contains all of the effects of some other monad, F. This means that any effect of type F[A] can be lifted to G[A], such that both F and G form monads and the lifting distributes over flatMap and pure.

Original idea by Kris Nuttycombe.

object MonadPartialOrder extends MonadPartialOrderInstances
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Raise[${F}, ${E}]. If you have\na good way of handling errors of type ${E} at this location, you may want\nto construct a value of type EitherT for this call-site, rather than ${F}.\nAn example type:\n\n EitherT[${F}, ${E}, *]\n\nThis is analogous to writing try/catch around this call. The EitherT will\n\"catch\" the errors of type ${E}.\n\nIf you do not wish to handle errors of type ${E} at this location, you should\nadd an implicit parameter of this type to your function. For example:\n\n (implicit fraise: Raise[${F}, ${E}])\n")
trait Raise[F[_], -E] extends Serializable

Raise[F, E] expresses the ability to raise errors of type E in a functorial F[_] context. This means that a value of type F[A] may contain no A values but instead an E error value, and further map calls will not have any values to execute the passed function on.

Raise[F, E] expresses the ability to raise errors of type E in a functorial F[_] context. This means that a value of type F[A] may contain no A values but instead an E error value, and further map calls will not have any values to execute the passed function on.

Raise has no external laws.

Raise has two internal laws:

def catchNonFatalDefault[A](a: => A)(f: Throwable => E)(implicit A: Applicative[F]) = {
 catchNonFatal(a)(f) <-> try {
 } catch {
   case NonFatal(ex) => raise(f(ex))

def ensureDefault[A](fa: F[A])(error: => E)(predicate: A => Boolean)(implicit A: Monad[F]) = {
 ensure(fa)(error)(predicate) <-> for {
   a <- fa
   _ <- if (predicate(a)) pure(()) else raise(error)
 } yield a

Raise has one free law, i.e. a law guaranteed by parametricity:

def failThenFlatMapFails[A, B](ex: E, f: A => F[B]) = {
 fail(ex).flatMap(f) <-> fail(ex)
guaranteed by:
 fail[X](ex) <-> fail[F[Y]](ex) // parametricity
 fail[X](ex).map(f) <-> fail[F[Y]](ex)  // map must have no effect, because there's no X value
 fail[X](ex).map(f).join <-> fail[F[Y]].join // add join to both sides
 fail(ex).flatMap(f) <-> fail(ex) // join is equal, because there's no inner value to flatten effects from
 // QED.
object Raise extends RaiseInstances
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Stateful[${F}, ${S}]. If you wish\nto ensure that the statefulness of this function is confined within this\nscope, you may want to construct a value of type StateT for this call-site,\nrather than ${F}. An example type:\n\n StateT[${F}, ${S}, *]\n\nIf you wish the state of ${S} to be threaded *through* this location, rather\nthan being scoped entirely within it, you should add an implicit parameter\nof this type to your function. For example:\n\n (implicit fstate: Stateful[${F}, ${S}])\n")
trait Stateful[F[_], S] extends Serializable

Stateful[F, S] is the capability to access and modify a state value from inside the F[_] context, using set(s: S): F[Unit] and get: F[S].

Stateful[F, S] is the capability to access and modify a state value from inside the F[_] context, using set(s: S): F[Unit] and get: F[S].

Stateful has four external laws:

def getThenSetDoesNothing = {
 get >>= set <-> pure(())
def setThenGetReturnsSetted(s: S) = {
 set(s) *> get <-> set(s) *> pure(s)
def setThenSetSetsLast(s1: S, s2: S) = {
 set(s1) *> set(s2) <-> set(s2)
def getThenGetGetsOnce = {
 get *> get <-> get

Stateful has two internal law:

def modifyIsGetThenSet(f: S => S) = {
 modify(f) <-> (inspect(f) flatMap set)

def inspectLaw[A](f: S => A) = {
 inspect(f) <-> (get map f)
object Stateful extends StatefulInstances
@implicitNotFound("Could not find an implicit instance of Tell[${F}, ${L}]. If you wish\nto capture side-channel output of type ${L} at this location, you may want\nto construct a value of type WriterT for this call-site, rather than ${F}.\nAn example type:\n\n WriterT[${F}, ${L}, *]\n\nOne use-case for this would be if ${L} represents an accumulation of values\nwhich are produced by this function *in addition to* its normal results.\nThis can be used to implement some forms of pure logging.\n\nIf you do not wish to capture a side-channel of type ${L} at this location,\nyou should add an implicit parameter of this type to your function. For\nexample:\n\n (implicit ftell: Tell[${F}, ${L}])\n")
trait Tell[F[_], -L] extends Serializable

Tell[F, L] is the ability to "log" values L inside a context F[_], as an effect.

Tell[F, L] is the ability to "log" values L inside a context F[_], as an effect.

Tell has no external laws.

Tell has one internal law:

def writerIsTellAndMap(a: A, l: L) = {
 (tell(l) as a) <-> writer(a, l)

def tupleIsWriterFlipped(a: A, l: L) = {
 writer(a, l) <-> tuple((l, a))
object Tell extends TellInstances