


package fabric

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. fabric
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package define
  2. package filter
  3. package merge
  4. package rw
  5. package search
  6. package transform

Type Members

  1. final case class Arr(value: Vector[Json]) extends AnyVal with Json with Product with Serializable

    Arr represents an array (Vector[Json])

  2. final case class Bool(value: Boolean) extends AnyVal with Json with Product with Serializable

    Bool represents a boolean value

  3. case class ConversionException(message: String) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  4. sealed trait Json extends Any

    Json represents the base sealed trait for all representable types in Fabric.

  5. final case class JsonPath(entries: List[JsonPathEntry]) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    Path is a convenience wrapper to represent paths for lookups or changes in Json

  6. sealed trait JsonPathEntry extends Any
  7. sealed trait JsonType[T] extends AnyRef

    JsonType represents the possible types of Json

  8. trait JsonWrapper extends AnyRef

    JsonWrapper mix-in provides insight to Reader and Writer generation to synchronize to and from the json value.

    JsonWrapper mix-in provides insight to Reader and Writer generation to synchronize to and from the json value. When writing to a type, the json value is provided a reference to the original Json used to build it. When reading into Json, the additional values in the json are retained, although the values in the case class of the same name will overwrite those within the json.

  9. sealed trait MergeType extends AnyRef

    MergeType is used to determine how merging of two Values should occur

  10. sealed trait Null extends Json
  11. sealed trait Num extends Json
  12. case class NumDec(value: BigDecimal) extends Num with Product with Serializable

    NumDec represents a numeric value and wraps a BigDecimal

  13. case class NumInt(value: Long) extends Num with Product with Serializable

    NumInt represents a numeric value and wraps a Long

  14. final class Obj extends AnyVal with Json

    Obj represents a Map of key-value pairs (String, Json)

  15. final case class Str(value: String) extends AnyVal with Json with Product with Serializable

    Str represents a String

Value Members

  1. def arr(values: Json*): Arr

    Create an Arr from the params

  2. implicit def bool(b: Boolean): Bool

    Create a Bool from the supplied Boolean

  3. implicit def doubles2Arr(seq: Seq[Double]): Arr
  4. implicit def int2PathEntry(index: Int): JsonPathEntry
  5. implicit def ints2Arr(seq: Seq[Int]): Arr
  6. implicit def map2Obj(map: Map[String, Json]): Obj
  7. implicit def num(value: Long): Num
  8. implicit def num(value: Int): Num
  9. implicit def num(value: BigDecimal): Num

    Create a Num from the supplied BigDecimal

  10. implicit def num(value: Double): Num

    Create a Num from the supplied Double

  11. def num(value: String): Num

    Create a Num from the supplied String

  12. def obj(params: (String, Json)*): Obj

    Create an Obj from the params

  13. implicit def seq2Arr(seq: Seq[Json]): Arr
  14. implicit def str(s: String): Str

    Create a Str from the supplied String

  15. implicit def string2Path(s: String): JsonPath
  16. implicit def string2PathEntry(name: String): JsonPathEntry
  17. object Cryo
  18. object Json
  19. object JsonPath extends Serializable
  20. object JsonPathEntry
  21. case object JsonType extends Product with Serializable
  22. object MergeType
  23. object Null extends Null

    Null represents a null Json

  24. object Obj
  25. object Str extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
