

package frameless

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait CatalystAverageable[In, Out] extends AnyRef

    When averaging Spark doesn't change these types: - BigDecimal -> BigDecimal - Double -> Double But it changes these types : - Int -> Double - Short -> Double - Long -> Double

    When averaging Spark doesn't change these types: - BigDecimal -> BigDecimal - Double -> Double But it changes these types : - Int -> Double - Short -> Double - Long -> Double

  2. trait CatalystBitShift[In, Out] extends AnyRef

    Spark does not return always Int on shift

    Spark does not return always Int on shift

  3. trait CatalystBitwise[A] extends CatalystNumeric[A]

    Types that can be bitwise ORed, ANDed, or XORed by Catalyst.

    Types that can be bitwise ORed, ANDed, or XORed by Catalyst. Note that Catalyst requires that when performing bitwise operations between columns the two types must be the same so in some cases casting is necessary.

  4. trait CatalystCast[A, B] extends AnyRef
  5. trait CatalystCollection[C[_]] extends AnyRef
  6. trait CatalystDivisible[In, Out] extends AnyRef

    Spark divides everything as Double, expect BigDecimals are divided into another BigDecimal, benefiting from some added precision.

    Spark divides everything as Double, expect BigDecimals are divided into another BigDecimal, benefiting from some added precision.

  7. trait CatalystIsin[A] extends AnyRef

    Types for which we can check if is in

    Types for which we can check if is in

  8. trait CatalystNaN[A] extends AnyRef

    Spark does NaN check only for these types

    Spark does NaN check only for these types

  9. trait CatalystNullable[A] extends AnyRef
  10. trait CatalystNumeric[A] extends AnyRef

    Types that can be added, subtracted and multiplied by Catalyst.

    Types that can be added, subtracted and multiplied by Catalyst.

  11. trait CatalystNumericWithJavaBigDecimal[In, Out] extends AnyRef

    Spark does not return always the same type as the input was for example abs

    Spark does not return always the same type as the input was for example abs

  12. trait CatalystOrdered[A] extends AnyRef

    Types that can be ordered/compared by Catalyst.

    Types that can be ordered/compared by Catalyst.

  13. trait CatalystPivotable[A] extends AnyRef
  14. trait CatalystRound[In, Out] extends AnyRef

    Spark does not return always long on round

    Spark does not return always long on round

  15. trait CatalystSummable[In, Out] extends AnyRef

    When summing Spark doesn't change these types: - Long -> Long - BigDecimal -> BigDecimal - Double -> Double

    When summing Spark doesn't change these types: - Long -> Long - BigDecimal -> BigDecimal - Double -> Double

    For other types there are conversions: - Int -> Long - Short -> Long

  16. trait CatalystVariance[A] extends AnyRef

    Spark's variance and stddev functions always return Double

    Spark's variance and stddev functions always return Double

  17. trait Injection[A, B] extends Serializable

    An Injection[A, B] is a reversible function from A to B.

    An Injection[A, B] is a reversible function from A to B.

    Must obey forAll { a: A => invert(apply(a)) == a }.

  18. trait NotCatalystNullable[A] extends AnyRef
  19. case class SQLDate(days: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Type for the internal Spark representation of SQL date.

    Type for the internal Spark representation of SQL date. If the spark.sql.functions where typed, [date_add][1] would for instance be defined as def date_add(d: SQLDate, i: Int); SQLDate.

    [1]: https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.0.2/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/functions.html#add_months(org.apache.spark.sql.Column,%20int)

  20. case class SQLTimestamp(us: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Type for the Spark internal representation of a timestamp.

    Type for the Spark internal representation of a timestamp. If the spark.sql.functions where typed, [current_timestamp][1] would for instance be defined as def current_timestamp(): SQLTimestamp.

    [1]: https://spark.apache.org/docs/1.6.2/api/java/org/apache/spark/sql/functions.html#current_timestamp()
