



package sbt

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class LaikaConfig extends AnyRef

    A subset of the configuration API of the library that is tailored for use as a setting in the sbt plugin.

    A subset of the configuration API of the library that is tailored for use as a setting in the sbt plugin.

    It does not include those options for which there is a dedicated sbt setting for convenience, like the settings for registering an AST rewrite rule, a custom renderer or an extension bundle.

  2. sealed abstract class LaikaPreviewConfig extends AnyRef

    Plugin configuration options specific to the preview server.

  3. trait TreeProcessors extends AnyRef

    API shortcuts for adding tree processors to the the laikaTreeProcessors setting.

    API shortcuts for adding tree processors to the the laikaTreeProcessors setting.

    Tree processors are effect-ful functions processing the document AST between parsing and rendering.

    One example would be generating a table of content based on inspecting the content of the tree and insert it as the first document. You can also modify or delete content.

    Processors are usually specific per output format, therefore the API allows to specify the format each processor should be applied to.

Value Members

  1. object LaikaConfig
  2. object LaikaPlugin extends AutoPlugin

    Plugin that adapts the features of the Laika library for use from within sbt.

    Plugin that adapts the features of the Laika library for use from within sbt.

    It is only a thin layer on top the library API, defining sbt settings and tasks that allow to configure a Laika transformation. The only feature not available in the library API is the optional integration with the scaladoc API generator to be included in the generated html site.

    The following settings are available:

    - Laika / sourceDirectories: one or more directories containing text markup and other markup files (default src/docs)

    - laikaInputs: freely compose the input tree from files, directories, streams, in-memory data. If this setting is defined Laika / sourceDirectories is discarded.

    - Laika / target: the output directory root (default target/docs)

    - Laika / excludeFilter: files in the source directories to be excluded (default HiddenFileFilter)

    - laikaExtensions: the main extension hook that allows to add one or more ExtensionBundle instances for adding directives, parser extensions, rewrite rules or custom renderers. See the API of laika.api.bundle.ExtensionBundle.

    - laikaConfig: allows to specify additional flags and settings through instances of LaikaConfig:

    • encoding: specifies the character encoding (default UTF-8)
    • strict: switches off all extensions and only uses features defined in the spec of the markup languages (default false)
    • withRawContent: allows to include raw content like HTML embedded in text markup (default false)
    • renderMessageLevel: the minimum level required for an invalid node to be rendered to the output (default Warning)
    • logMessageLevel: the minimum level required for an invalid node to be logged to the console (default Warning)
    • withConfigValue: applies a global configuration value (that can be overridden in folders and documents)

    - laikaTheme: configuration for the theme to use for all transformations, if not specified the default Helium theme with all default colors and fonts will be used.

    - laikaTreeProcessors: functions processing the AST between parsing and rendering (empty by default).

    - laikaRenderers: contains the configurations for all of Laika's built-in renderers and enables users to install their own or 3rd-party renderers.

    - laikaIncludeAPI, laikaIncludeEPUB and laikaIncludePDF: specifies whether to include scaladoc and/or PDF/EPUB output in the generated site.

    - laikaDescribe: inspects your setup and prints information about your inputs, outputs and installed extensions.

    The actual tasks for running a transformation are:

    - laikaGenerate: main transformation task of the plugin, accepts one or more arguments specifying the output formats. Valid arguments are html, pdf, xsl-fo and ast.

    - laikaHTML, laikaPDF, laikaXSLFO, laikaAST: shortcuts for laikaGenerate when only a single output format is required

    - laikaSite: combines the html generator with optionally also rendering a PDF document from the same input and creating scaladoc documentation and copying both over to the target directory.

    - laikaPreview: launches an HTTP server for the generated site and e-books, auto-refreshing when inputs change.

    - laikaPackageSite: packages the generated html site and (optionally) the included API documentation and PDF file into a zip archive.

  3. object LaikaPreviewConfig

    Companion for creating preview server configuration instances.

  4. object Settings

    Implementations for Laika's sbt settings.

  5. object Tasks

    Implementations for Laika's sbt tasks.
