


package optional

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class IterableGroupoid[A, SA <: IterableLike[A, SA]] extends Groupoid[SA]
  2. final class IterableSemigroupoid[A, SA <: IterableLike[A, SA]] extends Semigroupoid[SA]
  3. final class MapIntIntGroup extends Group[Map[Int, Int]]
  4. final class MapIntIntIntAction extends Action[Int, Map[Int, Int]]
  5. final class MapIntIntSeqPartialAction[A, SA <: SeqLike[A, SA]] extends PartialAction[SA, Map[Int, Int]]
  6. trait PartialIterable0 extends AnyRef
  7. trait PartialIterable1 extends PartialIterable0
  8. trait VectorOrderLow extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object genericEq

    This provides an implicit Eq[A] for any type A using Scala's (Java's) == (equals).

    This provides an implicit Eq[A] for any type A using Scala's (Java's) == (equals). This is generally considered a bad idea, since it means you lose all type safety -- for instance, any 2 types can always be compared as Eq[Any].

  2. object intervalGeometricPartialOrder
  3. object intervalSubsetPartialOrder
  4. object intervalValuePartialOrder
  5. object mapIntIntPermutation
  6. object partialIterable extends PartialIterable1
  7. object powerSetPartialOrder
  8. object rationalTrig
  9. object totalfloat

    This provides orderings (Order and Eq) for Float and Double that have a total order.

    This provides orderings (Order and Eq) for Float and Double that have a total order. Specifically, this will order NaN's consistently, rather than having their order be undefined. However, this won't be as fast as the default ordering.

  10. object vectorOrder extends VectorOrderLow

    This object provides implicit instances of Eq and Order for Seq-likes that will behave like infinite vectors.

    This object provides implicit instances of Eq and Order for Seq-likes that will behave like infinite vectors. Essentially all this means is that Seq(0, 0, 0) === Seq(), since both are infinite vectors of zeros. Any element not explicitly set is implied to be 0.
