
object Operations
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def about(address: Address, workingDir: Path, in: InputStream, out: OutputStream, err: OutputStream, logger: BloopRifleLogger, scheduler: ExecutorService): Int
def bsp(address: Address, bspSocketOrPort: BspConnectionAddress, workingDir: Path, in: InputStream, out: OutputStream, err: OutputStream, logger: BloopRifleLogger): BspConnection

Opens a BSP connection to a running bloop server.

Opens a BSP connection to a running bloop server.

Starts a thread to read output from the nailgun connection, and another one to pass input to it.


A BspConnection object, that can be used to close the connection.

def check(address: Address, logger: BloopRifleLogger): Boolean

Checks whether a bloop server is running at this host / port.

Checks whether a bloop server is running at this host / port.


Whether a server is running or not.

def exit(address: Address, workingDir: Path, in: InputStream, out: OutputStream, err: OutputStream, logger: BloopRifleLogger): Int
def startServer(address: Address, javaPath: String, javaOpts: Seq[String], classPath: Seq[Path], workingDir: File, scheduler: ScheduledExecutorService, waitInterval: FiniteDuration, timeout: Duration, logger: BloopRifleLogger, bloopServerSupportsFileTruncating: Boolean): Future[Unit]

Starts a new bloop server.

Starts a new bloop server.


A future, that gets completed when the server is done starting (and can thus be used).

def timeout[T](duration: Duration, scheduler: ExecutorService, logger: BloopRifleLogger)(body: => T): T