
object Build
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


final case class Cancelled(inputs: Inputs, options: BuildOptions, scope: Scope, reason: String) extends Build
final case class Failed(inputs: Inputs, options: BuildOptions, scope: Scope, sources: Sources, artifacts: Artifacts, project: Project, diagnostics: Option[Seq[(Either[String, Path], Diagnostic)]]) extends Build
final case class Successful(inputs: Inputs, options: BuildOptions, scalaParams: Option[ScalaParameters], scope: Scope, sources: Sources, artifacts: Artifacts, project: Project, output: Path, diagnostics: Option[Seq[(Either[String, Path], Diagnostic)]], generatedSources: Seq[GeneratedSource], isPartial: Boolean) extends Build
final class Watcher(val watchers: ListBuffer[PathWatcher[Event]], val scheduler: ScheduledExecutorService, onChange: => Unit, onDispose: => Unit)

Value members

Concrete methods

def build(inputs: Inputs, options: BuildOptions, compilerMaker: ScalaCompilerMaker, docCompilerMakerOpt: Option[ScalaCompilerMaker], logger: Logger, crossBuilds: Boolean, buildTests: Boolean, partial: Option[Boolean], actionableDiagnostics: Option[Boolean]): Either[BuildException, Builds]
def buildOnce(inputs: Inputs, sources: Sources, generatedSources: Seq[GeneratedSource], options: BuildOptions, scope: Scope, logger: Logger, buildClient: BloopBuildClient, compiler: ScalaCompiler, partialOpt: Option[Boolean]): Either[BuildException, Build]
def buildProject(inputs: Inputs, sources: Sources, generatedSources: Seq[GeneratedSource], options: BuildOptions, compilerJvmVersionOpt: Option[Positioned[Int]], scope: Scope, logger: Logger, maybeRecoverOnError: BuildException => Option[BuildException]): Either[BuildException, Project]

Builds a Bloop project.

Builds a Bloop project.

Value parameters:

compiler JVM version (optional)


sources generated by Scala CLI as part of the build


inputs to be included in the project




a function handling BuildException instances, possibly recovering them; returns None on recovery, Some(e: BuildException) otherwise


build options


build scope for which the project is to be created


sources to be included in the project


a bloop Project

def classesDir(root: Path, projectName: String, scope: Scope, suffix: String): Path
def classesRootDir(root: Path, projectName: String): Path
def onChangeBufferedObserver(onEvent: Event => Unit): Observer[Event]
def postProcess(generatedSources: Seq[GeneratedSource], generatedSrcRoot: Path, classesDir: Path, logger: Logger, workspace: Path, updateSemanticDbs: Boolean, scalaVersion: String): Either[Seq[String], Unit]
def prepareBuild(inputs: Inputs, sources: Sources, generatedSources: Seq[GeneratedSource], options: BuildOptions, compilerJvmVersionOpt: Option[Positioned[Int]], scope: Scope, compiler: ScalaCompiler, logger: Logger, buildClient: BloopBuildClient, maybeRecoverOnError: BuildException => Option[BuildException]): Either[BuildException, (Path, Option[ScalaParameters], Artifacts, Project, Boolean)]
def releaseFlag(options: BuildOptions, compilerJvmVersionOpt: Option[Positioned[Int]], logger: Logger): Option[Int]
def scalaNativeSupported(options: BuildOptions, inputs: Inputs): Either[BuildException, Option[ScalaNativeCompatibilityError]]
def updateInputs(inputs: Inputs, options: BuildOptions, testOptions: Option[BuildOptions]): Inputs
def validate(logger: Logger, options: BuildOptions): Either[BuildException, Unit]
def watch(inputs: Inputs, options: BuildOptions, compilerMaker: ScalaCompilerMaker, docCompilerMakerOpt: Option[ScalaCompilerMaker], logger: Logger, crossBuilds: Boolean, buildTests: Boolean, partial: Option[Boolean], actionableDiagnostics: Option[Boolean], postAction: () => Unit)(action: Either[BuildException, Builds] => Unit): Watcher