
object Inputs
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


sealed trait AnyScalaFile extends Compiled
sealed trait AnyScript extends Element
sealed trait Compiled extends Element
final case class Directory(path: Path) extends OnDisk with Compiled
sealed abstract class Element extends Product with Serializable
final case class JavaFile(base: Path, subPath: SubPath) extends OnDisk with SourceFile with Compiled
sealed abstract class OnDisk extends Element
final case class ResourceDirectory(path: Path) extends OnDisk
final case class ScalaFile(base: Path, subPath: SubPath) extends OnDisk with SourceFile with AnyScalaFile
final case class Script(base: Path, subPath: SubPath) extends OnDisk with SourceFile with AnyScalaFile with AnyScript
sealed trait SingleElement extends Element
sealed trait SingleFile extends OnDisk with SingleElement
sealed trait SourceFile extends SingleFile
sealed abstract class Virtual extends SingleElement
final case class VirtualData(content: Array[Byte], source: String) extends Virtual
final case class VirtualJavaFile(content: Array[Byte], source: String) extends VirtualSourceFile with Compiled
final case class VirtualScalaFile(content: Array[Byte], source: String) extends VirtualSourceFile with AnyScalaFile
final case class VirtualScript(content: Array[Byte], source: String, wrapperPath: SubPath) extends Virtual with AnyScalaFile with AnyScript
sealed abstract class VirtualSourceFile extends Virtual
sealed abstract class WorkspaceOrigin extends Product with Serializable

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(args: Seq[String], cwd: Path, directories: Directories, baseProjectName: String, defaultInputs: () => Option[Inputs], download: String => Either[String, Array[Byte]], stdinOpt: => Option[Array[Byte]], scriptSnippetList: List[String], scalaSnippetList: List[String], javaSnippetList: List[String], acceptFds: Boolean, forcedWorkspace: Option[Path], withRestrictedFeatures: Boolean): Either[BuildException, Inputs]
def default(): Option[Inputs]
def empty(workspace: Path): Inputs
def empty(projectName: String): Inputs
def homeWorkspace(elements: Seq[Element], directories: Directories): Path
def validateArgs(args: Seq[String], cwd: Path, download: String => Either[String, Array[Byte]], stdinOpt: => Option[Array[Byte]], acceptFds: Boolean): Seq[Either[String, Seq[Element]]]
def validateSnippets(scriptSnippetList: List[String], scalaSnippetList: List[String], javaSnippetList: List[String]): Seq[Either[String, Seq[Element]]]