
final class ConfigDb

In-memory representation of a configuration DB content.

Use ConfigDb.apply or to create an instance of it.

set, setFromString, and remove only change values in memory.

Use save to persist values on disk.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def dump: Array[Byte]

Dumps this DB content as JSON

Dumps this DB content as JSON

def get[T](key: Key[T]): Either[ConfigDbFormatError, Option[T]]

Gets an entry.

Gets an entry.

If the value cannot be decoded, an error is returned on the left side of the either.

If the key isn't in DB, None is returned on the right side of the either.

Else, the value is returned wrapped in Some on the right side of the either.

def getAsString[T](key: Key[T]): Either[ConfigDbFormatError, Option[Seq[String]]]

Gets an entry in printable form.

Gets an entry in printable form.

See get for when a left value, or a None on the right, can be returned.

def remove(key: Key[_]): ConfigDb

Removes an entry from memory

Removes an entry from memory

def save(directories: Directories): Either[BuildException, Unit]

Saves this DB at the config directory of the passed Directories

Saves this DB at the config directory of the passed Directories

def saveUnsafe(path: Path): Either[ConfigDbPermissionsError, Unit]
def set[T](key: Key[T], value: T): ConfigDb

Sets an entry in memory

Sets an entry in memory

def setFromString[T](key: Key[T], values: Seq[String]): Either[MalformedValue, ConfigDb]

Sets an entry in memory, from a printable / user-writable representation.

Sets an entry in memory, from a printable / user-writable representation.

Concrete fields

var rawEntries: Map[String, Array[Byte]]