Class AbstractURLSegment

  extended by org.apache.wicket.util.string.StringValue
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IClusterable
Direct Known Subclasses:
FixedURLSegment, MultiParamSegment, ParamSegment

public abstract class AbstractURLSegment
extends StringValue

Base class to contain the informations of the segments that compose the URL used to map a method. It's used to use simple segments with no path parameters.

andrea del bene
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static MetaPattern REGEXP_BODY
          MetaPattern to identify the content of a regular expression.
          MetaPattern to identify the declaration of a regular expression.
static MetaPattern SEGMENT_PARAMETER
          MetaPattern to identify a path parameter inside a segment (i.e.
Method Summary
abstract  int calculateScore(String segment)
          This method checks if a given string is compatible with the current segment.
static String getActualSegment(String fullSegment)
          Get the segment value without optional matrix parameters.
 MetaPattern getMetaPattern()
          Getter method for segment MetaPattern.
static Map<String,String> getSegmentMatrixParameters(String fullSegment)
          Extract matrix parameters from the segment in input.
protected abstract  MetaPattern loadMetaPattern()
          Method invoked to load the MetaPattern for the current segment.
static AbstractURLSegment newSegment(String segment)
          Factory method to create new instances of AbstractURLSegment.
abstract  void populatePathVariables(Map<String,String> variables, String segment)
          With this method every segment contributes to extract path parameters from the current request URL.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.wicket.util.string.StringValue
afterFirst, afterLast, beforeFirst, beforeLast, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, isNull, repeat, repeat, replaceAll, to, toBoolean, toBoolean, toBooleanObject, toChar, toChar, toCharacter, toDouble, toDouble, toDoubleObject, toDuration, toDuration, toEnum, toEnum, toEnum, toInt, toInt, toInteger, toLong, toLong, toLongObject, toOptional, toOptionalBoolean, toOptionalCharacter, toOptionalDouble, toOptionalDuration, toOptionalEnum, toOptionalInteger, toOptionalLong, toOptionalString, toOptionalTime, toString, toString, toTime, toTime, valueOf, valueOf, valueOf, valueOf, valueOf, valueOf, valueOf, valueOf
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final MetaPattern REGEXP_BODY
MetaPattern to identify the content of a regular expression.


public static final MetaPattern REGEXP_DECLARATION
MetaPattern to identify the declaration of a regular expression.


public static final MetaPattern SEGMENT_PARAMETER
MetaPattern to identify a path parameter inside a segment (i.e. "{paramName:regexp}")

Method Detail


protected abstract MetaPattern loadMetaPattern()
Method invoked to load the MetaPattern for the current segment.

the MetaPattern for the current segment.


public static AbstractURLSegment newSegment(String segment)
Factory method to create new instances of AbstractURLSegment.

segment - The content of the new segment.
the new instance of AbstractURLSegment.


public abstract int calculateScore(String segment)
This method checks if a given string is compatible with the current segment.

segment -
an integer positive value if the string in input is compatible with the current segment, 0 otherwise. Segments of type FixedURLSegment have the priority over the other types of segment. That's why positive matches has a score of 2 if the method is invoked on a FixedURLSegment, while it returns 1 for the other types of segment.


public static String getActualSegment(String fullSegment)
Get the segment value without optional matrix parameters. For example given the following value 'segment;parm=value', the function returns 'segment'.

fullSegment -
the value of the segment without matrix parameters.


public static Map<String,String> getSegmentMatrixParameters(String fullSegment)
Extract matrix parameters from the segment in input.

fullSegment - the segment in input.
a map containing matrix parameters.


public abstract void populatePathVariables(Map<String,String> variables,
                                           String segment)
With this method every segment contributes to extract path parameters from the current request URL.

variables - the Map object containing the extracted parameters.
segment - the value of the current segment.


public final MetaPattern getMetaPattern()
Getter method for segment MetaPattern.

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