Class AbstractRestResource<T extends IWebSerialDeserial>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRestResource

        public AbstractRestResource​(T serialDeserial)
        Constructor with no role-checker (i.e we don't use annotation AuthorizeInvocation).
        serialDeserial - General class that is used to serialize/desiarilze objects to string.
      • AbstractRestResource

        public AbstractRestResource​(T serialDeserial,
                                    IRoleCheckingStrategy roleCheckingStrategy)
        Constructor that takes in input the object serializer/deserializer and the role-checking strategy to use.
        serialDeserial - General class that is used to serialize/desiarilze objects to string
        roleCheckingStrategy - the role-checking strategy.
      • AbstractRestResource

        public AbstractRestResource​(T serialDeserial,
                                    IRoleCheckingStrategy roleCheckingStrategy,
                                    Supplier<Locale> localeSupplier)
        Main constructor that takes in input the object serializer/deserializer and the role-checking strategy to use.
        serialDeserial - General class that is used to serialize/desiarilze objects to string
        roleCheckingStrategy - the role-checking strategy.
        localeSupplier - the Supplier used to retrieve the Locale.
    • Method Detail

      • respond

        public final void respond​(IResource.Attributes attributes)
        Handles a REST request invoking one of the methods annotated with MethodMapping. If the annotated method returns a value, this latter is automatically serialized to a given string format (like JSON, XML, etc...) and written to the web response.
        If no method is found to serve the current request, a 400 HTTP code is returned to the client. Similarly, a 401 HTTP code is return if the user doesn't own one of the roles required to execute an annotated method (See AuthorizeInvocation).
        Specified by:
        respond in interface IResource
        attributes - the Attribute object of the current request
      • unauthorizedMethodAccess

        protected void unauthorizedMethodAccess​(WebResponse response,
                                                MethodMappingInfo methodInfo)
        Handle unauthorized user access. Default: set response Status to 401. Override this method to implement customized handling
        response - Response-Object
        methodInfo - The mapped method
      • noSuitableMethodFound

        public void noSuitableMethodFound​(WebResponse response,
                                          org.wicketstuff.restutils.http.HttpMethod httpMethod)
        This method can be used to write a standard error message to the current response object when no mapped method has been found for the current request.
        response - the current response object
        httpMethod - the HTTP method of the current request
      • onBeforeMethodInvoked

        protected void onBeforeMethodInvoked​(MethodMappingInfo mappedMethod,
                                             IResource.Attributes attributes)
        Invoked just before a mapped method is invoked to serve the current request.
        mappedMethod - the mapped method.
        attributes - the current Attributes object.
      • onAfterMethodInvoked

        protected void onAfterMethodInvoked​(MethodMappingInfo mappedMethod,
                                            IResource.Attributes attributes,
                                            Object result)
        Invoked just after a mapped method has been invoked to serve the current request.
        mappedMethod - the mapped method.
        attributes - the current Attributes object.
        result - the value returned by the invoked method.
      • objectToResponse

        public void objectToResponse​(Object result,
                                     WebResponse response,
                                     String mimeType)
        Method invoked to serialize the result of the invoked method and write this value to the response.
        response - The current response object.
        result - The object to write to response.
        mimeType - The MIME type to use to serialize data
      • onInitialize

        protected void onInitialize​(T objSerialDeserial)
        Method called to initialize and configure the resource.
        objSerialDeserial - the object serializer/deserializer
      • handleException

        protected void handleException​(WebResponse response,
                                       Exception exception)
        Handle Exception. Default: responds with a generic error message "General server error." and logging the exception. Override this method to implement customized error handling
        exception - The Exception
        response - Response-Object
      • resolveExceptionStatusCode

        protected int resolveExceptionStatusCode​(Exception e,
                                                 int defaultStatusCode)
        Resolve WebResponse status code for Exception. Override this method to implement customized status code resolution for exceptions
        e - The Exception
        defaultStatusCode - default status code returned in this situation by AbstractRestResource
      • resolveValidationErrorStatusCode

        protected int resolveValidationErrorStatusCode​(IValidationError error,
                                                       int defaultStatusCode)
        Resolve WebResponse status code for IValidationError. Override this method to implement customized status code resolution for validation errors
        error - The Validation Error
        defaultStatusCode - default status code returned in this situation by AbstractRestResource
      • handleValidationError

        protected void handleValidationError​(WebResponse response,
                                             String outputFormat,
                                             IValidationError error)
        Handle Validation exception. Override this method to implement customized validation error handling
        response -
        outputFormat -
        error -
      • extractUrlFromRequest

        public static Url extractUrlFromRequest()
        Utility method to extract the client URL from the current request.
        the URL for the current request.
      • requestToObject

        public <E> E requestToObject​(WebRequest request,
                                     Class<E> argClass,
                                     String mimeType)
        Internal method that tries to extract an instance of the given class from the request body.
        argClass - the type we want to extract from request body.
        the extracted object.
      • getCurrentWebRequest

        public static final WebRequest getCurrentWebRequest()
        Utility method to retrieve the current web request.
        the current web request
      • toObject

        public static Object toObject​(Class<?> clazz,
                                      String value,
                                      Supplier<Locale> localeSupplier)
                               throws RuntimeException
        Utility method to convert string values to the corresponding objects.
        clazz - the type of the object we want to obtain.
        value - the string value we want to convert.
        the object corresponding to the converted string value, or null if value parameter is null
      • getCurrentWebResponse

        public static final WebResponse getCurrentWebResponse()
        Utility method to retrieve the current web response.
        the current web response
      • setResponseStatusCode

        protected final void setResponseStatusCode​(int statusCode)
        Set the status code for the current response.
        statusCode - the status code we want to set on the current response.
      • getMappedMethods

        protected Map<String,​List<MethodMappingInfo>> getMappedMethods()
        Return mapped methods grouped by number of segments and HTTP method. So for example, to get all methods mapped on a path with three segments and with GET method, the key to use will be "3_GET" (underscore-separated)
        the immutable map containing mapped methods.
      • registerValidator

        protected final void registerValidator​(String key,
                                               IValidator<?> validator)
        Register a Wicket validator for the current resource.
        key - the key to use to store the validator.
        validator - the validator to register
      • unregisterValidator

        protected final void unregisterValidator​(String key)
        Unregister a Wicket validator.
        key - the key to use to remove the validator.
      • getValidator

        protected final <E> IValidator<E> getValidator​(String key,
                                                       E validatorType)
        Retrieve a registered validator.
        key - the key to use to retrieve the validator.
        the registered validator corresponding to the given key. Null if no validator has been registered with the given key.
      • getLocaleSupplier

        public Supplier<Locale> getLocaleSupplier()
        Gets the Supplier used to retrieve the Locale
        the Supplier used to retrieve the Locale