
trait Route

A mapping from an HTTP endpoint to a corresponding method (or function)

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def call[Req : HttpRequestAdapter, Resp, F[_]](controller: Any, request: Req, params: Map[String, String], context: HttpContext[Req, Resp, F], codecFactory: MessageCodecFactory): Any

Find a corresponding controller and call the matching methods

Find a corresponding controller and call the matching methods

def controllerSurface: Surface
def isRPC: Boolean

Returns true if this Route is for @RPC call, otherwise returns false (regular @Endpoint calls)

Returns true if this Route is for @RPC call, otherwise returns false (regular @Endpoint calls)

def method: String
def methodSurface: MethodSurface
def path: String
def returnTypeSurface: Surface
def serviceName: String

Concrete fields

val pathComponents: IndexedSeq[String]