
Type members


object Automaton
case class ControllerRoute(rpcInterfaceCls: Class[_], controllerSurface: Surface, method: String, path: String, methodSurface: ReflectMethodSurface, isRPC: Boolean) extends Route with LogSupport

Define mappings from an HTTP request to a controller method which has the Endpoint annotation

Define mappings from an HTTP request to a controller method which has the Endpoint annotation

class HttpEndpointExecutionContext[Req, Resp, F[_]](val backend: HttpBackend[Req, Resp, F], routeMatch: RouteMatch, responseHandler: ResponseHandler[Req, Resp], controller: Any, codecFactory: MessageCodecFactory)(implicit evidence$1: HttpRequestAdapter[Req]) extends HttpContext[Req, Resp, F] with LogSupport

Create the terminal request handler for processing a method with @EndPoint annotation.

Create the terminal request handler for processing a method with @EndPoint annotation.

This handler will call a controller method with the request parameters build from the method arguments.

object HttpRequestDispatcher extends LogSupport

Create a filter for dispatching HTTP requests to controller methods with @Endpoint or @RPC annotation

Create a filter for dispatching HTTP requests to controller methods with @Endpoint or @RPC annotation

object HttpRequestMapper extends LogSupport

Mapping HTTP requests to RPC/Endpoint method call arguments.

Mapping HTTP requests to RPC/Endpoint method call arguments.

http request (path parameters, query parameters, request body (json or msgpack data)) -> rpc function call arguments (p1:t1, p2:t2, ...)

case class RPCCallContext(rpcInterfaceCls: Class[_], rpcMethodSurface: MethodSurface, rpcArgs: Seq[Any])
trait ResponseHandler[Req, Res]
trait Route

A mapping from an HTTP endpoint to a corresponding method (or function)

A mapping from an HTTP endpoint to a corresponding method (or function)

case class RouteMatch(route: Route, params: Map[String, String])

Find a matching route (RouteMatch) from a given HttpRequest

Find a matching route (RouteMatch) from a given HttpRequest

object RouteMatcher extends LogSupport