
trait JSONContext[Expr] extends JSONHandler[Expr]

A facade to build json ASTs while scanning json with JSONScanner

trait JSONHandler[Expr]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def add(v: Expr): Unit
def addBoolean(s: JSONSource, v: Boolean, start: Int, end: Int): Unit
def addNull(s: JSONSource, start: Int, end: Int): Unit
def addNumber(s: JSONSource, start: Int, end: Int, dotIndex: Int, expIndex: Int): Unit
def addString(s: JSONSource, start: Int, end: Int): Unit
def addUnescapedString(s: String): Unit
def closeContext(s: JSONSource, end: Int): Unit
def isObjectContext: Boolean
def result: Expr

Inherited methods

def arrayContext(s: JSONSource, start: Int): JSONContext[Expr]
Inherited from:
def objectContext(s: JSONSource, start: Int): JSONContext[Expr]
Inherited from:
def singleContext(s: JSONSource, start: Int): JSONContext[Expr]
Inherited from: