
object OptionParser extends LogSupport

Creates option parsers

trait LogSupport
trait LazyLogger
trait LoggingMethods
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class ArgMapping(opt: CLArgItem, value: String) extends OptionMapping
case class ArgMappingMultiple(opt: CLArgument, value: Seq[String]) extends OptionMapping
trait CLArgItem extends CLOptionItem
case class CLArgument(path: Path, arg: argument, argIndex: Int, param: Parameter) extends CLOptionItemBase with CLArgItem

CommandTrait line argument type and the associated class parameter

CommandTrait line argument type and the associated class parameter

case class CLOption(path: Path, annot: option, param: Parameter) extends CLOptionItemBase

CommandTrait line option and the associated class parameter

CommandTrait line option and the associated class parameter

sealed trait CLOptionItem

command-line option

command-line option

abstract class CLOptionItemBase(val param: Parameter) extends CLOptionItem
case class OptMapping(opt: CLOption, value: String) extends OptionMapping
case class OptMappingMultiple(opt: CLOption, value: Seq[String]) extends OptionMapping
case class OptSetFlag(opt: CLOption) extends OptionMapping
sealed abstract class OptionMapping

Option -> value mapping result

Option -> value mapping result

case class OptionParserResult(parseTree: StringTree, unusedArgument: Array[String], showHelp: Boolean) extends LogSupport

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(surface: Surface): OptionParser
def tokenize(line: String): Array[String]

Inherited methods

inline protected def debug(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def debug(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def error(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def error(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def info(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def info(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def logAt(inline logLevel: LogLevel, inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from: