
object Resource

Resource file manager.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class FileInJar(resourceURL: URL, logicalPath: String, isDirectory: Boolean) extends VirtualFile

A virtual file implementation for file resources contained in a JAR file

A virtual file implementation for file resources contained in a JAR file

class SystemFile(file: File, logicalPath: String) extends VirtualFile

A virtual file implementation for usual files

A virtual file implementation for usual files


VirtualFile is a common interface to handle system files and file resources in JAR.

VirtualFile is a common interface to handle system files and file resources in JAR.

System file resources have an URL prefixed with "file:". e.g., "file:/C:/Program Files/Software/classes/org/xerial/util/" JAR file contents have an URL prefixed with "jar:file: e.g., "jar:file:/C:/Program Files/Software/something.jar!/org/xerial/util/"

Value members

Concrete methods

def find(referenceClass: Class[_], resourceFileName: String): Option[URL]
def find(absoluteResourcePath: String): Option[URL]

Find a resource from the give absolute path

Find a resource from the give absolute path

def find(packageName: String, resourceFileName: String): Option[URL]

Finds the of the resource

Finds the of the resource

Value Params

the base package name to find the resource


the resource file name relative to the package folder


the URL of the specified resource

def findClasses[A](packageName: String, toSearch: Class[A], classLoader: ClassLoader): Seq[Class[A]]
def findClasses[A](searchPath: Package, toSearch: Class[A], classLoader: ClassLoader): Seq[Class[A]]
def findResourceURLs(cl: ClassLoader, name: String): Seq[URL]

Find resource URLs that can be found from a given class loader and its ancestors

Find resource URLs that can be found from a given class loader and its ancestors

Value Params

class loader


resource name

def listResources(packageName: String): Seq[VirtualFile]

Collect resources under the given package

Collect resources under the given package

def listResources(packageName: String, resourceFilter: String => Boolean, classLoader: ClassLoader): Seq[VirtualFile]

Collect resources under the given package

Collect resources under the given package

def open[U](referenceClass: Class[_], resourceFileName: String)(body: BufferedInputStream => U): U

Open a resource as a stream, then execute the code block using the stream

Open a resource as a stream, then execute the code block using the stream

Value Params

code block


context class to specify the package containing the resource file


file name