
Type members


Trait containing the contents of the Attrs module, so they can be mixed in to other objects if needed. This should contain "all" attributes and mix in other traits (defined above) as needed to get full coverage.

Trait containing the contents of the Attrs module, so they can be mixed in to other objects if needed. This should contain "all" attributes and mix in other traits (defined above) as needed to get full coverage.

Clipboard Events

Clipboard Events

case class Embedded(v: Any) extends RxElement with LogSupport

Holder for embedding various types as tag contents

Holder for embedding various types as tag contents

case class EntityRef(ref: String) extends HtmlNode

Form Events that are triggered by actions inside an HTML form. However, these events apply to almost all HTML elements but are most commonly used in form elements.

Form Events that are triggered by actions inside an HTML form. However, these events apply to almost all HTML elements but are most commonly used in form elements.

A trait for global attributes that are applicable to any HTML5 element. All traits that define Attrs should derive from this trait since all groupings of attributes should include these global ones.

A trait for global attributes that are applicable to any HTML5 element. All traits that define Attrs should derive from this trait since all groupings of attributes should include these global ones.

case class HtmlAttribute(name: String, v: Any, ns: Namespace, append: Boolean) extends HtmlNode
class HtmlAttributeOf(name: String, namespace: Namespace)
case class HtmlElement(name: String, namespace: Namespace, modifiers: List[Seq[HtmlNode]]) extends RxElement
class HtmlEventHandlerOf[E](name: String, namespace: Namespace)
object HtmlNode
trait HtmlNode
trait InputAttrs extends GlobalAttrs

Attributes applicable only to the input element. This set is broken out because it may be useful to identify the attributes of the input element separately from other groupings. The attributes permitted by the input element are likely the most complex of any element in HTML5.

Attributes applicable only to the input element. This set is broken out because it may be useful to identify the attributes of the input element separately from other groupings. The attributes permitted by the input element are likely the most complex of any element in HTML5.

Keyboard Events - triggered by user action son the keyboard or similar user actions

Keyboard Events - triggered by user action son the keyboard or similar user actions

case class LazyRxElement[A](v: () => A)(implicit evidence$1: EmbeddableNode[A]) extends RxElement with LogSupport

Media Events - triggered by media like videos, images and audio. These apply to all HTML elements, but they are most common in media elements, like