
object Rx extends LogSupport
trait LogSupport
trait LazyLogger
trait LoggingMethods
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class CacheOp[A](input: Rx[A], var lastValue: Option[A], var lastUpdatedNanos: Long, expirationAfterWriteNanos: Option[Long], ticker: Ticker) extends UnaryRx[A, A] with RxStreamCache[A]
case class ConcatOp[A](first: Rx[A], next: Rx[A]) extends RxStream[A]
case class FilterOp[A](input: Rx[A], cond: A => Boolean) extends UnaryRx[A, A]
case class FlatMapOp[A, B](input: Rx[A], f: A => Rx[B]) extends UnaryRx[A, B]
case class IntervalOp(interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit) extends RxStream[Long]
case class Join3Op[A, B, C](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B], c: Rx[C]) extends RxStream[(A, B, C)]
case class Join4Op[A, B, C, D](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B], c: Rx[C], d: Rx[D]) extends RxStream[(A, B, C, D)]
case class JoinOp[A, B](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B]) extends RxStream[(A, B)]
case class LastOp[A](input: Rx[A]) extends RxStream[Option[A]]
case class MapOp[A, B](input: Rx[A], f: A => B) extends UnaryRx[A, B]
case class NamedOp[A](input: Rx[A], name: String) extends UnaryRx[A, A]
case class RecoverOp[A, U](input: Rx[A], f: PartialFunction[Throwable, U]) extends UnaryRx[A, U]
case class RecoverWithOp[A, U](input: Rx[A], f: PartialFunction[Throwable, Rx[U]]) extends UnaryRx[A, U]
case class SeqOp[A](lst: LazyF0[Seq[A]]) extends RxStream[A]
case class SingleOp[A](v: LazyF0[A]) extends RxStream[A]
case class TakeOp[A](input: Rx[A], n: Long) extends RxStream[A]
case class ThrottleFirstOp[A](input: Rx[A], interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit) extends UnaryRx[A, A]
case class ThrottleLastOp[A](input: Rx[A], interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit) extends UnaryRx[A, A]
case class TimerOp(interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit) extends RxStream[Long]
case class TryOp[A](v: Try[A]) extends RxStream[A]
abstract class UnaryRx[I, A] extends RxStream[A]
case class Zip3Op[A, B, C](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B], c: Rx[C]) extends RxStream[(A, B, C)]
case class Zip4Op[A, B, C, D](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B], c: Rx[C], d: Rx[D]) extends RxStream[(A, B, C, D)]
case class ZipOp[A, B](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B]) extends RxStream[(A, B)]

Value members

Concrete methods

def concat[A, A1 >: A](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[A1]): RxStream[A1]
def const[A](v: => A): RxStream[A]
def delay(interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit): RxStream[Long]

Emits 0 once after the give delay period.

Emits 0 once after the give delay period.

def empty[A]: RxStream[A]
def exception[A](e: Throwable): RxStream[A]
def fromFuture[A](f: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): RxOption[A]

Mapping a Scala Future into Rx. While the future response is unavailable, it emits Rx.none. When the future is complete, Rx.some(A) will be returned.

Mapping a Scala Future into Rx. While the future response is unavailable, it emits Rx.none. When the future is complete, Rx.some(A) will be returned.

The difference from Rx.future is that this method can observe the waiting state of the Future response. For example, while this returns None, you can render an icon that represents loading state.

def fromSeq[A](lst: => Seq[A]): RxStream[A]

Create a sequence of values from Seq[A]

Create a sequence of values from Seq[A]

def future[A](f: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): RxStream[A]

Mapping a Scala Future into Rx that emits a value when the future is completed.

Mapping a Scala Future into Rx that emits a value when the future is completed.

def interval(interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit): RxStream[Long]

Periodically trigger an event and report the interval millis. After running Rx with an interval, the cancel method must be called to stop the timer: val c = Rx.interval(...).run { x => ... } c.cancel

Periodically trigger an event and report the interval millis. After running Rx with an interval, the cancel method must be called to stop the timer: val c = Rx.interval(...).run { x => ... } c.cancel

def intervalMillis(intervalMillis: Long): RxStream[Long]
def join[A, B](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B]): RxStream[(A, B)]
def join[A, B, C](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B], c: Rx[C]): RxStream[(A, B, C)]
def join[A, B, C, D](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B], c: Rx[C], d: Rx[D]): RxStream[(A, B, C, D)]
def option[A](v: => Option[A]): RxOption[A]
def optionVariable[A](v: Option[A]): RxOptionVar[A]
def sequence[A](values: A*): RxStream[A]

Create a sequence of values

Create a sequence of values

def single[A](v: => A): RxStream[A]
def timer(interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit): RxStream[Long]

Emits 0 once after the give delay period.

Emits 0 once after the give delay period.

def variable[A](v: A): RxVar[A]
def zip[A, B](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B]): RxStream[(A, B)]
def zip[A, B, C](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B], c: Rx[C]): RxStream[(A, B, C)]
def zip[A, B, C, D](a: Rx[A], b: Rx[B], c: Rx[C], d: Rx[D]): RxStream[(A, B, C, D)]

Deprecated methods

@deprecated(message = "Use Rx.variable instead", since = "20.9.2")
def apply[A](v: A): RxVar[A]
[Since version 20.9.2] Use Rx.variable instead

Inherited methods

inline protected def debug(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def debug(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def error(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def error(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def info(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def info(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def logAt(inline logLevel: LogLevel, inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def trace(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any, inline cause: Throwable): Unit
Inherited from:
inline protected def warn(inline message: Any): Unit
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val none: RxOption[Nothing]