
class LazyF0[+R](f: => R) extends Serializable with Cloneable

This class is used to obtain the class names of the call-by-name functions (Function0[R]).

This wrapper do not directly access the field f (Function0[R]) in order to avoid the evaluation of the function.

trait Cloneable
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean
def copy: LazyF0[R]
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
def eval: R

This definition is necessary to let compiler generate the private field 'f' that holds a reference to the call-by-name function.

This definition is necessary to let compiler generate the private field 'f' that holds a reference to the call-by-name function.

def functionClass: Class[_]

Obtain the function class

Obtain the function class

def functionInstance: () => R
override def hashCode(): Int
Definition Classes