Class Yaml

  • public class Yaml
    extends Object
    Public YAML interface. This class is not thread-safe. Which means that all the methods of the same instance can be called only by one thread. It is better to create an instance for every YAML stream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Yaml

        public Yaml()
        Create Yaml instance.
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(DumperOptions dumperOptions)
        Create Yaml instance.
        dumperOptions - DumperOptions to configure outgoing objects
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(LoaderOptions loadingConfig)
        Create Yaml instance.
        loadingConfig - LoadingConfig to control load behavior
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(Representer representer)
        Create Yaml instance.
        representer - Representer to emit outgoing objects
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(BaseConstructor constructor)
        Create Yaml instance.
        constructor - BaseConstructor to construct incoming documents
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(BaseConstructor constructor,
                    Representer representer)
        Create Yaml instance.
        constructor - BaseConstructor to construct incoming documents
        representer - Representer to emit outgoing objects
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(Representer representer,
                    DumperOptions dumperOptions)
        Create Yaml instance. It is safe to create a few instances and use them in different Threads.
        representer - Representer to emit outgoing objects
        dumperOptions - DumperOptions to configure outgoing objects
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(BaseConstructor constructor,
                    Representer representer,
                    DumperOptions dumperOptions)
        Create Yaml instance. It is safe to create a few instances and use them in different Threads.
        constructor - BaseConstructor to construct incoming documents. Its LoaderOptions will be used everywhere
        representer - Representer to emit outgoing objects
        dumperOptions - DumperOptions to configure outgoing objects
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(BaseConstructor constructor,
                    Representer representer,
                    DumperOptions dumperOptions,
                    LoaderOptions loadingConfig)
        Create Yaml instance. It is safe to create a few instances and use them in different Threads.
        constructor - BaseConstructor to construct incoming documents
        representer - Representer to emit outgoing objects
        dumperOptions - DumperOptions to configure outgoing objects
        loadingConfig - LoadingConfig to control load behavior
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(BaseConstructor constructor,
                    Representer representer,
                    DumperOptions dumperOptions,
                    Resolver resolver)
        Create Yaml instance. It is safe to create a few instances and use them in different Threads.
        constructor - BaseConstructor to construct incoming documents
        representer - Representer to emit outgoing objects
        dumperOptions - DumperOptions to configure outgoing objects
        resolver - Resolver to detect implicit type
      • Yaml

        public Yaml​(BaseConstructor constructor,
                    Representer representer,
                    DumperOptions dumperOptions,
                    LoaderOptions loadingConfig,
                    Resolver resolver)
        Create Yaml instance. It is safe to create a few instances and use them in different Threads.
        constructor - BaseConstructor to construct incoming documents
        representer - Representer to emit outgoing objects
        dumperOptions - DumperOptions to configure outgoing objects
        loadingConfig - LoadingConfig to control load behavior
        resolver - Resolver to detect implicit type
    • Method Detail

      • dump

        public String dump​(Object data)
        Serialize a Java object into a YAML String.
        data - Java object to be Serialized to YAML
        YAML String
      • represent

        public Node represent​(Object data)
        Produce the corresponding representation tree for a given Object.
        data - instance to build the representation tree for
        representation tree
        See Also:
        Figure 3.1. Processing Overview
      • dumpAll

        public String dumpAll​(Iterator<? extends Object> data)
        Serialize a sequence of Java objects into a YAML String.
        data - Iterator with Objects
        YAML String with all the objects in proper sequence
      • dump

        public void dump​(Object data,
                         Writer output)
        Serialize a Java object into a YAML stream.
        data - Java object to be serialized to YAML
        output - stream to write to
      • dumpAll

        public void dumpAll​(Iterator<? extends Object> data,
                            Writer output)
        Serialize a sequence of Java objects into a YAML stream.
        data - Iterator with Objects
        output - stream to write to
      • dumpAs

        public String dumpAs​(Object data,
                             Tag rootTag,
                             DumperOptions.FlowStyle flowStyle)

        Serialize a Java object into a YAML string. Override the default root tag with rootTag.

        This method is similar to Yaml.dump(data) except that the root tag for the whole document is replaced with the given tag. This has two main uses.

        First, if the root tag is replaced with a standard YAML tag, such as Tag.MAP, then the object will be dumped as a map. The root tag will appear as !!map, or blank (implicit !!map).

        Second, if the root tag is replaced by a different custom tag, then the document appears to be a different type when loaded. For example, if an instance of MyClass is dumped with the tag !!YourClass, then it will be handled as an instance of YourClass when loaded.

        data - Java object to be serialized to YAML
        rootTag - the tag for the whole YAML document. The tag should be Tag.MAP for a JavaBean to make the tag disappear (to use implicit tag !!map). If null is provided then the standard tag with the full class name is used.
        flowStyle - flow style for the whole document. See Chapter 10. Collection Styles If null is provided then the flow style from DumperOptions is used.
        YAML String
      • dumpAsMap

        public String dumpAsMap​(Object data)

        Serialize a Java object into a YAML string. Override the default root tag with Tag.MAP.

        This method is similar to Yaml.dump(data) except that the root tag for the whole document is replaced with Tag.MAP tag (implicit !!map).

        Block Mapping is used as the collection style. See 10.2.2. Block Mappings (

        data - Java object to be serialized to YAML
        YAML String
      • serialize

        public void serialize​(Node node,
                              Writer output)
        Serialize (dump) a YAML node into a YAML stream.
        node - YAML node to be serialized to YAML
        output - stream to write to
      • serialize

        public List<Event> serialize​(Node data)
        Serialize the representation tree into Events.
        data - representation tree
        Event list
        See Also:
        Processing Overview
      • load

        public <T> T load​(String yaml)
        Parse the only YAML document in a String and produce the corresponding Java object. (Because the encoding in known BOM is not respected.)
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the instance to be created
        yaml - YAML data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        parsed object
      • load

        public <T> T load​(InputStream io)
        Parse the only YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding Java object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the instance to be created
        io - data to load from (BOM is respected to detect encoding and removed from the data)
        parsed object
      • load

        public <T> T load​(Reader io)
        Parse the only YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding Java object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the class of the instance to be created
        io - data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        parsed object
      • loadAs

        public <T> T loadAs​(Reader io,
                            Class<? super T> type)
        Parse the only YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding Java object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Class is defined by the second argument
        io - data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        type - Class of the object to be created
        parsed object
      • loadAs

        public <T> T loadAs​(String yaml,
                            Class<? super T> type)
        Parse the only YAML document in a String and produce the corresponding Java object. (Because the encoding in known BOM is not respected.)
        Type Parameters:
        T - Class is defined by the second argument
        yaml - YAML data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        type - Class of the object to be created
        parsed object
      • loadAs

        public <T> T loadAs​(InputStream input,
                            Class<? super T> type)
        Parse the only YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding Java object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - Class is defined by the second argument
        input - data to load from (BOM is respected to detect encoding and removed from the data)
        type - Class of the object to be created
        parsed object
      • loadAll

        public Iterable<Object> loadAll​(Reader yaml)
        Parse all YAML documents in the Reader and produce corresponding Java objects. The documents are parsed only when the iterator is invoked.
        yaml - YAML data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        an Iterable over the parsed Java objects in this String in proper sequence
      • loadAll

        public Iterable<Object> loadAll​(String yaml)
        Parse all YAML documents in a String and produce corresponding Java objects. (Because the encoding in known BOM is not respected.) The documents are parsed only when the iterator is invoked.
        yaml - YAML data to load from (BOM must not be present)
        an Iterable over the parsed Java objects in this String in proper sequence
      • loadAll

        public Iterable<Object> loadAll​(InputStream yaml)
        Parse all YAML documents in a stream and produce corresponding Java objects. The documents are parsed only when the iterator is invoked.
        yaml - YAML data to load from (BOM is respected to detect encoding and removed from the data)
        an Iterable over the parsed Java objects in this stream in proper sequence
      • compose

        public Node compose​(Reader yaml)
        Parse the first YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding representation tree. (This is the opposite of the represent() method)
        yaml - YAML document
        parsed root Node for the specified YAML document
        See Also:
        Figure 3.1. Processing Overview
      • composeAll

        public Iterable<Node> composeAll​(Reader yaml)
        Parse all YAML documents in a stream and produce corresponding representation trees.
        yaml - stream of YAML documents
        parsed root Nodes for all the specified YAML documents
        See Also:
        Processing Overview
      • addImplicitResolver

        public void addImplicitResolver​(Tag tag,
                                        Pattern regexp,
                                        String first)
        Add an implicit scalar detector. If an implicit scalar value matches the given regexp, the corresponding tag is assigned to the scalar.
        tag - tag to assign to the node
        regexp - regular expression to match against
        first - a sequence of possible initial characters or null (which means any).
      • addImplicitResolver

        public void addImplicitResolver​(Tag tag,
                                        Pattern regexp,
                                        String first,
                                        int limit)
        Add an implicit scalar detector. If an implicit scalar value matches the given regexp, the corresponding tag is assigned to the scalar.
        tag - tag to assign to the node
        regexp - regular expression to match against
        first - a sequence of possible initial characters or null (which means any).
        limit - the max length of the value which may match the regular expression
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get a meaningful name. It simplifies debugging in a multi-threaded environment. If nothing is set explicitly the address of the instance is returned.
        human readable name
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Set a meaningful name to be shown in toString()
        name - human readable name
      • parse

        public Iterable<Event> parse​(Reader yaml)
        Parse a YAML stream and produce parsing events.
        yaml - YAML document(s)
        parsed events
        See Also:
        Processing Overview
      • setBeanAccess

        public void setBeanAccess​(BeanAccess beanAccess)
      • addTypeDescription

        public void addTypeDescription​(TypeDescription td)