Interface Extension

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canUnload()  
      void databaseOpen​(Database db)
      Implement this method to register database tables to be used by the add-on
      void destroy()
      Performs final cleanups, free resources.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getActiveActions()
      Returns the (internationalised) names of all active actions of the extension - if there are any the user will be given the option not to exit ZAP or, if the extension is bundled in an add-on that's being updated or uninstalled, not to continue with the changes.
      AddOn getAddOn()
      Returns the add-on where this extension is bundled.
      default java.lang.String getAuthor()
      Gets the author of the extension.
      java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends Extension>> getDependencies()
      Gets the list of Extensions that this extension depends on.
      java.lang.String getDescription()
      Returns the description of the extension, to be shown in UI components.
      java.lang.String getI18nPrefix()  
      java.util.ResourceBundle getMessages()
      Gets the resource bundle of the extension.
      Model getModel()  
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the name of the extension, for configurations and access from other components (e.g.
      int getOrder()  
      java.lang.String getUIName()
      Returns a short descriptive name of the extension, to be shown in UI components.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getUnsavedResources()
      Extensions should return the user friendly names of any unsaved resources - if there are any the user will be given the option not to exit ZAP or, if the extension is bundled in an add-on that's being updated or uninstalled, not to continue with the changes.
      default getURL()
      Gets the URL to info about the extension.
      default Version getVersion()
      (2.8.0) Don't override, not used.
      ViewDelegate getView()  
      void hook​(ExtensionHook hook)
      Called during extension's initialisation to allow to add new functionality to core components.
      void init()
      Initialize plugin during startup.
      void initModel​(Model model)
      Initialization of plugin after obtaining data model from core.
      void initView​(ViewDelegate view)  
      void initXML​(Session session, OptionsParam options)
      Initialize session and options parameter if required XML node not in either files.
      boolean isCore()  
      boolean isDepreciated()  
      boolean isEnabled()
      Tells whether or not this extension is enabled.
      void optionsLoaded()
      Called after the options for this extension have been loaded, so that the extension can make use of them.
      void postInit()
      Implement this method to perform tasks after all extensions/add-ons have been initialised.
      void postInstall()
      Implement this method to perform tasks after the add-on is installed.
      void setAddOn​(AddOn addOn)
      Sets the add-on where this extension is bundled.
      void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      Sets whether or not this extension is enabled.
      void setI18nPrefix​(java.lang.String prefix)  
      void setMessages​(java.util.ResourceBundle messages)
      Sets the resource bundle of the extension.
      void setOrder​(int order)  
      void start()
      Start the plugin e.g.
      void stop()
      Stops the extension, e.g.
      boolean supportsDb​(java.lang.String type)
      Return true if the specified db type is supported by the extension (or if it doesn't use any db) If this method returns false (meaning the db in use is not supported) then the extension will not be loaded.
      boolean supportsLowMemory()
      Return true it the extension can run with the 'low memory' option.
      void unload()
      Unloads any component manually added to ZAP or other extensions (that is, a component that was not added through the ExtensionHook).
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the extension, for configurations and access from other components (e.g. extensions).
        the name of the extension, never null
        See Also:
      • getUIName

        java.lang.String getUIName()
        Returns a short descriptive name of the extension, to be shown in UI components. The name must be internationalised.
        the UI name of the extension, never null
        See Also:
        getName(), getDescription()
      • getDescription

        java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the description of the extension, to be shown in UI components. The description must be internationalised.
        the description of the extension, never null
      • getVersion

        default Version getVersion()
        (2.8.0) Don't override, not used.
        Returns the (semantic) version of this extension, null if not versioned
        the version of the extension, or null if not versioned
      • init

        void init()
        Initialize plugin during startup. This phase is carried out before all others.
      • initModel

        void initModel​(Model model)
        Initialization of plugin after obtaining data model from core. Method should not depend on view.
        model - the model
      • getModel

        Model getModel()
      • start

        void start()
        Start the plugin e.g. if there is a running server.
      • stop

        void stop()
        Stops the extension, e.g. running scans, processes, servers.

        Called when the extension is removed (i.e. corresponding add-on is uninstalled) and when ZAP shuts down.

        Should be called only by core functionality.

        See Also:
      • destroy

        void destroy()
        Performs final cleanups, free resources.

        Called when the extension is removed (i.e. corresponding add-on is uninstalled) and when ZAP shuts down.

        Called after stopping the extension.

        Should be called only by core functionality.

      • initXML

        void initXML​(Session session,
                     OptionsParam options)
        Initialize session and options parameter if required XML node not in either files.
        session - the current session
        options - the options
      • hook

        void hook​(ExtensionHook hook)
        Called during extension's initialisation to allow to add new functionality to core components.
        hook - the hook to add the components.
      • isDepreciated

        boolean isDepreciated()
      • getOrder

        int getOrder()
      • setOrder

        void setOrder​(int order)
      • isEnabled

        boolean isEnabled()
        Tells whether or not this extension is enabled.

        Extensions might be disabled by the user (for example, through GUI), or, automatically during loading if all its dependencies are not fulfilled.

        true if the extension is enabled, false otherwise.
      • setEnabled

        void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Sets whether or not this extension is enabled.

        Note: This method should be called only by bootstrap classes.

        enabled - true if the extension should be enabled, false otherwise.
      • getDependencies

        java.util.List<java.lang.Class<? extends Extension>> getDependencies()
        Gets the list of Extensions that this extension depends on.
        the list of dependencies, empty (or null) if none.
      • isCore

        boolean isCore()
      • getAuthor

        default java.lang.String getAuthor()
        Gets the author of the extension.

        Since 2.9.0 defaults to the author of the add-on, if set, otherwise an empty string.

        the author of the extension, might be null.
      • getURL

        default getURL()
        Gets the URL to info about the extension.

        Since 2.10.0 defaults to null.

        the URL to info about the extension, might be null.
      • getMessages

        java.util.ResourceBundle getMessages()
        Gets the resource bundle of the extension.

        Set during start up based on the available resource bundles:

        1. extension's resource bundle, located in the resources directory under the extension's package;
        2. add-on's resource bundle;
        3. core resource bundle;
        the resource bundle, never null.
      • setMessages

        void setMessages​(java.util.ResourceBundle messages)
        Sets the resource bundle of the extension.

        Note: This method should be called only by bootstrap classes.

        messages - the resource bundle of the extension.
      • getI18nPrefix

        java.lang.String getI18nPrefix()
      • setI18nPrefix

        void setI18nPrefix​(java.lang.String prefix)
      • optionsLoaded

        void optionsLoaded()
        Called after the options for this extension have been loaded, so that the extension can make use of them. Note that other add-ons may not have been loaded at this point - if you need them to be then implement postInit()
        See Also:
      • canUnload

        boolean canUnload()
      • unload

        void unload()
        Unloads any component manually added to ZAP or other extensions (that is, a component that was not added through the ExtensionHook).

        Should be called only by core functionality (e.g. during uninstallation of the extension).

        See Also:
      • getUnsavedResources

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getUnsavedResources()
        Extensions should return the user friendly names of any unsaved resources - if there are any the user will be given the option not to exit ZAP or, if the extension is bundled in an add-on that's being updated or uninstalled, not to continue with the changes.
        a List containing the unsaved resources or null if none
        See Also:
      • getActiveActions

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getActiveActions()
        Returns the (internationalised) names of all active actions of the extension - if there are any the user will be given the option not to exit ZAP or, if the extension is bundled in an add-on that's being updated or uninstalled, not to continue with the changes.

        An active action is something that's started by the user, for example, a scan.

        a List containing the active actions or null if none
        See Also:
      • postInstall

        void postInstall()
        Implement this method to perform tasks after the add-on is installed. Note that this will only be called if the user adds the add-on via ZAP, e.g. file the File menu or the Marketplace. If the add-on is installed by copying the file to the plugins directory then it will not be called.
        See Also:
      • postInit

        void postInit()
        Implement this method to perform tasks after all extensions/add-ons have been initialised.
        See Also:
      • getAddOn

        AddOn getAddOn()
        Returns the add-on where this extension is bundled. Might be null if core extension.
        the add-on where this extension is bundled, or null if core extension.
      • setAddOn

        void setAddOn​(AddOn addOn)
        Sets the add-on where this extension is bundled.

        Note: This method should be called only by bootstrap classes.

        addOn - the add-on where this extension is bundled
      • supportsDb

        boolean supportsDb​(java.lang.String type)
        Return true if the specified db type is supported by the extension (or if it doesn't use any db) If this method returns false (meaning the db in use is not supported) then the extension will not be loaded.
        type - the db type
        true if the specified db type is supported by the extension (or if it doesn't use any db)
        See Also:
      • supportsLowMemory

        boolean supportsLowMemory()
        Return true it the extension can run with the 'low memory' option. If the low memory option is set (and the extension supports it) then code should minimize the data stored in memory, using the db for all significant data. Extensions that do not support the low memory option will not be run if the option is set.
        true if the extension support the 'low memory' option, false otherwise