


Related Doc: package tag


class A extends state.Tag with HTMLTag

This element includes the global attributes. <dt> download HTML5 </dt>

This attribute, if present, indicates that the author intends the hyperlink to be used for downloading a resource so that when the user clicks on the link they will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, the value will be used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt that opens when the user clicks on the link (the user can change the name before actually saving the file of course). There are no restrictions on allowed values (though / and \ will be converted to underscores, preventing specific path hints), but you should consider that most file systems have limitations with regard to what punctuation is supported in file names, and browsers are likely to adjust file names accordingly. Note: - Can be used with blob: URLs and data: URLs, to make it easy for users to download content that is generated programmatically using JavaScript (e.g. a picture created using an online drawing Web app). - If the HTTP header Content-Disposition: is present and gives a different filename than this attribute, the HTTP header has priority over this attribute. - If this attribute is present and Content-Disposition: is set to inline, Firefox gives priority to Content-Disposition, like for the filename case, while Chrome gives priority to the download attribute. - This attribute is only honored for links to resources with the same-origin.
<dt> href </dt>
This was the single required attribute for anchors defining a hypertext source link, but is no longer required in HTML5. Omitting this attribute creates a placeholder link. The href attribute indicates the link target, either a URL or a URL fragment. A URL fragment is a name preceded by a hash mark (#), which specifies an internal target location (an ID) within the current document. URLs are not restricted to Web (HTTP)-based documents. URLs might use any protocol supported by the browser. For example, file, ftp, and mailto work in most user agents. Note: You can use the special fragment "top" to create a link back to the top of the page; for example <a href="#top">Return to top</a>. This behavior is specified by HTML5.
<dt> hreflang </dt>
This attribute indicates the language of the linked resource. It is purely advisory. Allowed values are determined by BCP47 for HTML5 and by RFC1766 for HTML4. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
<dt> media HTML5 </dt>
This attribute specifies the media which the linked resource applies to. Its value must be a media query. This attribute is mainly useful when linking to external stylesheets by allowing the user agent to pick the best adapted one for the device it runs on. Usage note: - In HTML 4, only simple white-space-separated list of media description literals, i.e. media types and groups, where defined and allowed as values for this attribute, like print, screen, aural, braille, ... HTML 5 extended this to any kind of media queries, which are a superset of the allowed values of HTML 4. - Browsers not supporting the CSS3 Media Queries won't necessarily recognize the adequate link; do not forget to set fallback links, the restricted set of media queries defined in HTML 4.
<dt> ping HTML5 </dt>
The 'ping' attribute, if present, sends the URLs of the resources a notification/ping if the user follows the hyperlink.
<dt> rel </dt>
For anchors containing the href attribute, this attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a comma-separated list of link types values. The values and their semantics will be registered by some authority that might have meaning to the document author. The default relationship, if no other is given, is void. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
<dt> target </dt>
This attribute specifies where to display the linked resource. In HTML4, this is the name of, or a keyword for, a frame. In HTML5, it is a name of, or keyword for, a browsing context (for example, tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings: - _self: Load the response into the same HTML4 frame (or HTML5 browsing context) as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified. - _blank: Load the response into a new unnamed HTML4 window or HTML5 browsing context. - _parent: Load the response into the HTML4 frameset parent of the current frame or HTML5 parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. - _top: In HTML4: Load the response into the full, original window, canceling all other frames. In HTML5: Load the response into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
<dt> type </dt>
This attribute specifies the media type in the form of a MIME type for the link target. Generally, this is provided strictly as advisory information; however, in the future a browser might add a small icon for multimedia types. For example, a browser might add a small speaker icon when type is set to audio/wav. For a complete list of recognized MIME types, see Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
Obsolete <dt> charset Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
This attribute defines the character encoding of the linked resource. The value is a space- and/or comma-delimited list of character sets as defined in RFC 2045. The default value is ISO-8859-1. Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5 and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use the HTTP Content-Type header on the linked resource.
<dt> coords HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
For use with object shapes, this attribute uses a comma-separated list of numbers to define the coordinates of the object on the page.
<dt> name HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
This attribute is required in an anchor defining a target location within a page. A value for name is similar to a value for the id core attribute and should be an alphanumeric identifier unique to the document. Under the HTML 4.01 specification, id and name both can be used with the <a> element as long as they have identical values. Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5, use global attribute id instead.
<dt> rev HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
This attribute specifies a reverse link, the inverse relationship of the rel attribute. It is useful for indicating where an object came from, such as the author of a document.
<dt> shape HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
This attribute is used to define a selectable region for hypertext source links associated with a figure to create an image map. The values for the attribute are circle, default, polygon, and rect. The format of the coords attribute depends on the value of shape. For circle, the value is x,y,r where x and y are the pixel coordinates for the center of the circle and r is the radius value in pixels. For rect, the coords attribute should be x,y,w,h. The x,y values define the upper-left-hand corner of the rectangle, while w and h define the width and height respectively. A value of polygon for shape requires x1,y1,x2,y2,... values for coords. Each of the x,y pairs defines a point in the polygon, with successive points being joined by straight lines and the last point joined to the first. The value default for shape requires that the entire enclosed area, typically an image, be used. Note: It is advisable to use the usemap attribute for the <img> element and the associated <map> element to define hotspots instead of the shape attribute.
Non standard
This attribute specifies the column name from that data source object that supplies the bound data. Usage note: This attribute is non-standard and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use scripting and a mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest to populate the page dynamically
Support Gecko Presto WebKit Trident
Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented IE4, IE5, IE6, IE7 (Removed in IE8)
Normative document Microsoft's Data Binding: dataFld Property (MSDN)
This attribute indicates the ID of the data source object that supplies the data that is bound to this element. Usage note: This attribute is non-standard and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use scripting and a mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest to populate the page dynamically.
Support Gecko Presto WebKit Trident
Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented IE4, IE5, IE6, IE7 (Removed in IE8)
Normative document Microsoft's Data Binding: dataSrc Property (MSDN)
The value of this attribute provides information about the functions that might be performed on an object. The values generally are given by the HTTP protocol when it is used, but it might (for similar reasons as for the title attribute) be useful to include advisory information in advance in the link. For example, the browser might choose a different rendering of a link as a function of the methods specified; something that is searchable might get a different icon, or an outside link might render with an indication of leaving the current site. This attribute is not well understood nor supported, even by the defining browser, Internet Explorer 4. Methods Property (MSDN)
This supposedly Microsoft-supported attribute relates a uniform resource name (URN) with the link. While it is based on standards work years back, the meaning of URNs is still not well defined, so this attribute is meaningless. urn Property (MSDN)

Linear Supertypes
HTMLTag, state.Tag, Children, state.Node, Tag, Container, Node, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. A
  2. HTMLTag
  3. Tag
  4. Children
  5. Node
  6. Tag
  7. Container
  8. Node
  9. AnyRef
  10. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new A()


Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def ++=(nodes: Seq[Node]): Unit

    Definition Classes
  4. def +=(node: Node): Unit

    Definition Classes
  5. def -=(node: Node): Unit

    Definition Classes
  6. def :=(node: Node): Unit

    Definition Classes
  7. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. val _attributes: Dict[String, Var[Any]]

    Definition Classes
  9. def accesskey: StateChannel[String]


    Provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element.

    Provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element. This attribute consists of a space-separated list of characters. The browser should use the first one that exists on the computer keyboard layout.

    Definition Classes
  10. def append(node: Node): Unit

    Definition Classes
  11. def appendAll(nodes: Seq[Node]): Unit

    Definition Classes
  12. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  13. def attribute(attribute: String): Var[Any]

    Definition Classes
  14. def attributes: scala.Predef.Map[String, Any]

    Definition Classes
  15. def byId[T <: Tag](id: String): T

    Definition Classes
  16. def byIdOpt[T <: Tag](id: String): scala.Option[T]

    Definition Classes
  17. def byTag[T <: Tag](tagName: String): T

    Definition Classes
  18. def byTagOpt[T <: Tag](tag: String): scala.Option[T]

    Definition Classes
  19. def charset: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute defines the character encoding of the linked resource.

    This attribute defines the character encoding of the linked resource. The value is a space- and/or comma-delimited list of character sets as defined in RFC 2045. The default value is ISO-8859-1.

    Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5 and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use the HTTP Content-Type header on the linked resource.

  20. def children: Seq[Node]

    Definition Classes
  21. def class: StateChannel[String]


    Is a space-separated list of the classes of the element.

    Is a space-separated list of the classes of the element. Classes allows CSS and JavaScript to select and access specific elements via the class selectors or functions like the method Document.getElementsByClassName().

    Definition Classes
  22. def clearChildren(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  23. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  24. def contenteditable: StateChannel[String]


    Is an enumerated attribute indicating if the element should be editable by the user.

    Is an enumerated attribute indicating if the element should be editable by the user. If so, the browser modifies its widget to allow editing. The attribute must take one of the following values:

    • true or the empty string, which indicates that the element must be editable;
    • false, which indicates that the element must not be editable.
    Definition Classes
  25. def contextmenu: StateChannel[String]


    Is the id of an <menu> to use as the contextual menu for this element.

    Is the id of an <menu> to use as the contextual menu for this element.

    Definition Classes
  26. def coords: StateChannel[String]


    For use with object shapes, this attribute uses a comma-separated list of numbers to define the coordinates of the object on the page.

  27. def datafld: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute specifies the column name from that data source object that supplies the bound data.

    This attribute specifies the column name from that data source object that supplies the bound data.

    Usage note: This attribute is non-standard and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use scripting and a mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest to populate the page dynamically

    Support Gecko Presto WebKit Trident
    Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented IE4, IE5, IE6, IE7 (Removed in IE8)
    Normative document Microsoft's Data Binding: dataFld Property (MSDN)

  28. def datasrc: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute indicates the ID of the data source object that supplies the data that is bound to this element.

    This attribute indicates the ID of the data source object that supplies the data that is bound to this element.

    Usage note: This attribute is non-standard and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use scripting and a mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest to populate the page dynamically.

    Support Gecko Presto WebKit Trident
    Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented IE4, IE5, IE6, IE7 (Removed in IE8)
    Normative document Microsoft's Data Binding: dataSrc Property (MSDN)

  29. def dir: StateChannel[String]


    Is an enumerated attribute indicating the directionality of the element's text.

    Is an enumerated attribute indicating the directionality of the element's text. It can have the following values:

    • ltr, which means left to right and is to be used for languages that are written from the left to the right (like English);
    • rtl, which means right to left and is to be used for languages that are written from the right to the left (like Arabic);
    • auto, which let the user agent decides. It uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then apply that directionality to the whole element.
    Definition Classes
  30. def domNode: scala.Option[Any]

    Definition Classes
  31. def download: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute, if present, indicates that the author intends the hyperlink to be used for downloading a resource so that when the user clicks on the link they will be prompted to save it as a local file.

    This attribute, if present, indicates that the author intends the hyperlink to be used for downloading a resource so that when the user clicks on the link they will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, the value will be used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt that opens when the user clicks on the link (the user can change the name before actually saving the file of course). There are no restrictions on allowed values (though / and \ will be converted to underscores, preventing specific path hints), but you should consider that most file systems have limitations with regard to what punctuation is supported in file names, and browsers are likely to adjust file names accordingly.


    • Can be used with blob: URLs and data: URLs, to make it easy for users to download content that is generated programmatically using JavaScript (e.g. a picture created using an online drawing Web app).
    • If the HTTP header Content-Disposition: is present and gives a different filename than this attribute, the HTTP header has priority over this attribute.
    • If this attribute is present and Content-Disposition: is set to inline, Firefox gives priority to Content-Disposition, like for the filename case, while Chrome gives priority to the download attribute.
    • This attribute is only honored for links to resources with the same-origin.
  32. def draggable: StateChannel[String]


    Is an enumerated attribute indicating whether the element can be dragged, using the Drag and Drop API.

    Is an enumerated attribute indicating whether the element can be dragged, using the Drag and Drop API. It can have the following values:

    • true, which indicates that the element may be dragged
    • false, which indicates that the element may not be dragged.
    Definition Classes
  33. def dropzone: StateChannel[String]


    Is an enumerated attribute indicating what types of content can be dropped on an element, using the Drag and Drop API.

    Is an enumerated attribute indicating what types of content can be dropped on an element, using the Drag and Drop API. It can have the following values:

    • copy, which indicates that dropping will create a copy of the element that was dragged
    • move, which indicates that the element that was dragged will be moved to this new location.
    • link, will create a link to the dragged data.
    Definition Classes
  34. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  35. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  36. val eventProvider: Provider[(String, Seq[Any]), Unit]

    Definition Classes
  37. def events: scala.Predef.Map[String, (Any) ⇒ Unit]

    Definition Classes
  38. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  39. def find(f: (Node) ⇒ Boolean): scala.Option[Node]

    Definition Classes
  40. def getAttribute(attr: String): scala.Option[Any]

    Definition Classes
  41. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  42. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  43. def hidden: StateChannel[String]


    Is a Boolean attribute indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.

    Is a Boolean attribute indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant. For example, it can be used to hide elements of the page that can't be used until the login process has been completed. The browser won't render such elements. This attribute must not be used to hide content that could legitimately be shown.

    Definition Classes
  44. def href: StateChannel[String]


    This was the single required attribute for anchors defining a hypertext source link, but is no longer required in HTML5.

    This was the single required attribute for anchors defining a hypertext source link, but is no longer required in HTML5. Omitting this attribute creates a placeholder link. The href attribute indicates the link target, either a URL or a URL fragment. A URL fragment is a name preceded by a hash mark (#), which specifies an internal target location (an ID) within the current document. URLs are not restricted to Web (HTTP)-based documents. URLs might use any protocol supported by the browser. For example, file, ftp, and mailto work in most user agents.

    Note: You can use the special fragment "top" to create a link back to the top of the page; for example <a href="#top">Return to top</a>. This behavior is specified by HTML5.

  45. def hreflang: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute indicates the language of the linked resource.

    This attribute indicates the language of the linked resource. It is purely advisory. Allowed values are determined by BCP47 for HTML5 and by RFC1766 for HTML4. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.

  46. def id: StateChannel[String]


    Defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document.

    Defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document. Its purpose is to identify the element when linking (using a fragment identifier), scripting, or styling (with CSS).

    Definition Classes
  47. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  48. def itemid: StateChannel[String]


    Definition Classes
  49. def itemprop: StateChannel[String]


    Definition Classes
  50. def itemref: StateChannel[String]


    Definition Classes
  51. def itemscope: StateChannel[String]


    Definition Classes
  52. def itemtype: StateChannel[String]


    These attributes are related to the WHATWG HTML Microdata feature.

    These attributes are related to the WHATWG HTML Microdata feature.

    Definition Classes
  53. def lang: StateChannel[String]


    Participates in defining the language of the element, the language that non-editable elements are written in or the language that editable elements should be written in.

    Participates in defining the language of the element, the language that non-editable elements are written in or the language that editable elements should be written in. The tag contains one single entry value in the format defines in the Tags for Identifying Languages (BCP47) IETF document. xml:lang has priority over it.

    Definition Classes
  54. def media: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute specifies the media which the linked resource applies to.

    This attribute specifies the media which the linked resource applies to. Its value must be a media query. This attribute is mainly useful when linking to external stylesheets by allowing the user agent to pick the best adapted one for the device it runs on.

    Usage note:

    • In HTML 4, only simple white-space-separated list of media description literals, i.e. media types and groups, where defined and allowed as values for this attribute, like print, screen, aural, braille, ... HTML 5 extended this to any kind of media queries, which are a superset of the allowed values of HTML 4.
    • Browsers not supporting the CSS3 Media Queries won't necessarily recognize the adequate link; do not forget to set fallback links, the restricted set of media queries defined in HTML 4.
  55. def methods: StateChannel[String]


    The value of this attribute provides information about the functions that might be performed on an object.

    The value of this attribute provides information about the functions that might be performed on an object. The values generally are given by the HTTP protocol when it is used, but it might (for similar reasons as for the title attribute) be useful to include advisory information in advance in the link. For example, the browser might choose a different rendering of a link as a function of the methods specified; something that is searchable might get a different icon, or an outside link might render with an indication of leaving the current site. This attribute is not well understood nor supported, even by the defining browser, Internet Explorer 4. Methods Property (MSDN)

  56. def name: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute is required in an anchor defining a target location within a page.

    This attribute is required in an anchor defining a target location within a page. A value for name is similar to a value for the id core attribute and should be an alphanumeric identifier unique to the document. Under the HTML 4.01 specification, id and name both can be used with the <a> element as long as they have identical values.

    Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5, use global attribute id instead.

  57. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  58. val nodeProvider: Provider[Unit, Any]

    Definition Classes
  59. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  60. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  61. def ping: StateChannel[String]


    The 'ping' attribute, if present, sends the URLs of the resources a notification/ping if the user follows the hyperlink.

  62. def prepend(node: Node): Unit

    Definition Classes
  63. def rel: StateChannel[String]


    For anchors containing the href attribute, this attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object.

    For anchors containing the href attribute, this attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a comma-separated list of link types values. The values and their semantics will be registered by some authority that might have meaning to the document author. The default relationship, if no other is given, is void. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.

  64. def remove(node: Node): Unit

    Definition Classes
  65. def removeEvent(event: String): Unit

    Definition Classes
  66. def replace(reference: Node, node: Node): Unit

    Definition Classes
  67. def rev: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute specifies a reverse link, the inverse relationship of the rel attribute.

    This attribute specifies a reverse link, the inverse relationship of the rel attribute. It is useful for indicating where an object came from, such as the author of a document.

  68. def set(node: Node): Unit

    Definition Classes
  69. def setAttribute[T](attr: String, value: T): Unit

    Definition Classes
  70. def setChildren(nodes: Seq[Node]): Unit

    Definition Classes
  71. def setEvent(event: String, f: (Any) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Definition Classes
  72. def shape: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute is used to define a selectable region for hypertext source links associated with a figure to create an image map.

    This attribute is used to define a selectable region for hypertext source links associated with a figure to create an image map. The values for the attribute are circle, default, polygon, and rect. The format of the coords attribute depends on the value of shape. For circle, the value is x,y,r where x and y are the pixel coordinates for the center of the circle and r is the radius value in pixels. For rect, the coords attribute should be x,y,w,h. The x,y values define the upper-left-hand corner of the rectangle, while w and h define the width and height respectively. A value of polygon for shape requires x1,y1,x2,y2,... values for coords. Each of the x,y pairs defines a point in the polygon, with successive points being joined by straight lines and the last point joined to the first. The value default for shape requires that the entire enclosed area, typically an image, be used.

    Note: It is advisable to use the usemap attribute for the <img> element and the associated <map> element to define hotspots instead of the shape attribute.

  73. def spellcheck: StateChannel[String]


    Is an enumerated attribute defines whether the element may be checked for spelling errors.

    Is an enumerated attribute defines whether the element may be checked for spelling errors. It may have the following values:

    • true, which indicates that the element should be, if possible, checked for spelling errors;
    • false, which indicates that the element should not be checked for spelling errors.
    Definition Classes
  74. def style: StateChannel[String]


    Contains CSS styling declarations to be applied to the element.

    Contains CSS styling declarations to be applied to the element. Note that it is recommended for styles to be defined in a separate file or files. This attribute and the <style> element have mainly the purpose of allowing for quick styling, for example for testing purposes.

    Definition Classes
  75. def subscribe(node: ReadChannel[Node]): ReadChannel[Unit]

    Definition Classes
  76. def subscribeChildren(list: DeltaBuffer[Node]): ReadChannel[Unit]

    Definition Classes
  77. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  78. def tabindex: StateChannel[String]


    Is an integer attribute indicates if the element can take input focus (is focusable), if it should participate to sequential keyboard navigation, and if so, at what position.

    Is an integer attribute indicates if the element can take input focus (is focusable), if it should participate to sequential keyboard navigation, and if so, at what position. It can takes several values:

    • a negative value means that the element should be focusable, but should not be reachable via sequential keyboard navigation;
    • 0 means that the element should be focusable and reachable via sequential keyboard navigation, but its relative order is defined by the platform convention;
    • a positive value which means should be focusable and reachable via sequential keyboard navigation; its relative order is defined by the value of the attribute: the sequential follow the increasing number of the tabindex. If several elements share the same tabindex, their relative order follows their relative position in the document).
    Definition Classes
  79. val tagName: String

    Definition Classes
  80. def target: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute specifies where to display the linked resource.

    This attribute specifies where to display the linked resource. In HTML4, this is the name of, or a keyword for, a frame. In HTML5, it is a name of, or keyword for, a browsing context (for example, tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings:

    • _self: Load the response into the same HTML4 frame (or HTML5 browsing context) as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified.
    • _blank: Load the response into a new unnamed HTML4 window or HTML5 browsing context.
    • _parent: Load the response into the HTML4 frameset parent of the current frame or HTML5 parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self.
    • _top: In HTML4: Load the response into the full, original window, canceling all other frames. In HTML5: Load the response into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
  81. def title: StateChannel[String]


    Contains a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to.

    Contains a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to. Such information can typically, but not necessarily, be presented to the user as a tooltip.

    Definition Classes
  82. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  83. def translate: StateChannel[String]


    Is an enumerated attribute that is used to specify whether an element's attribute values and the values of it s Text node children are to be translated when the page is localized, or whether to leave them unchanged.

    Is an enumerated attribute that is used to specify whether an element's attribute values and the values of it s Text node children are to be translated when the page is localized, or whether to leave them unchanged. It can have the following values:

    • empty string and "yes", which indicates that the element will be translated.
    • "no", which indicates that the element will not be translated.
    Definition Classes
  84. def triggerAction(action: String, arguments: Any*): Unit

    Definition Classes
  85. def type: StateChannel[String]


    This attribute specifies the media type in the form of a MIME type for the link target.

    This attribute specifies the media type in the form of a MIME type for the link target. Generally, this is provided strictly as advisory information; however, in the future a browser might add a small icon for multimedia types. For example, a browser might add a small speaker icon when type is set to audio/wav. For a complete list of recognized MIME types, see Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.

  86. def urn: StateChannel[String]


    This supposedly Microsoft-supported attribute relates a uniform resource name (URN) with the link.

    This supposedly Microsoft-supported attribute relates a uniform resource name (URN) with the link. While it is based on standards work years back, the meaning of URNs is still not well defined, so this attribute is meaningless. urn Property (MSDN)

  87. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  88. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  89. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  90. def watchAttributes: ReadChannel[Delta[String, Var[Any]]]

    Definition Classes
  91. def watchChildren: ReadChannel[Delta[Node]]

    Definition Classes
    Tag → Children
  92. def watchEvents: ReadChannel[Delta[String, (Any) ⇒ Unit]]

    Definition Classes

Inherited from HTMLTag

Inherited from state.Tag

Inherited from Children

Inherited from state.Node

Inherited from Tag

Inherited from Container

Inherited from Node

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
