



package tag

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Type Members

  1. class A extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> download HTML5 </dt>

    This attribute, if present, indicates that the author intends the hyperlink to be used for downloading a resource so that when the user clicks on the link they will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, the value will be used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt that opens when the user clicks on the link (the user can change the name before actually saving the file of course). There are no restrictions on allowed values (though / and \ will be converted to underscores, preventing specific path hints), but you should consider that most file systems have limitations with regard to what punctuation is supported in file names, and browsers are likely to adjust file names accordingly. Note: - Can be used with blob: URLs and data: URLs, to make it easy for users to download content that is generated programmatically using JavaScript (e.g. a picture created using an online drawing Web app). - If the HTTP header Content-Disposition: is present and gives a different filename than this attribute, the HTTP header has priority over this attribute. - If this attribute is present and Content-Disposition: is set to inline, Firefox gives priority to Content-Disposition, like for the filename case, while Chrome gives priority to the download attribute. - This attribute is only honored for links to resources with the same-origin.
    <dt> href </dt>
    This was the single required attribute for anchors defining a hypertext source link, but is no longer required in HTML5. Omitting this attribute creates a placeholder link. The href attribute indicates the link target, either a URL or a URL fragment. A URL fragment is a name preceded by a hash mark (#), which specifies an internal target location (an ID) within the current document. URLs are not restricted to Web (HTTP)-based documents. URLs might use any protocol supported by the browser. For example, file, ftp, and mailto work in most user agents. Note: You can use the special fragment "top" to create a link back to the top of the page; for example <a href="#top">Return to top</a>. This behavior is specified by HTML5.
    <dt> hreflang </dt>
    This attribute indicates the language of the linked resource. It is purely advisory. Allowed values are determined by BCP47 for HTML5 and by RFC1766 for HTML4. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
    <dt> media HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute specifies the media which the linked resource applies to. Its value must be a media query. This attribute is mainly useful when linking to external stylesheets by allowing the user agent to pick the best adapted one for the device it runs on. Usage note: - In HTML 4, only simple white-space-separated list of media description literals, i.e. media types and groups, where defined and allowed as values for this attribute, like print, screen, aural, braille, ... HTML 5 extended this to any kind of media queries, which are a superset of the allowed values of HTML 4. - Browsers not supporting the CSS3 Media Queries won't necessarily recognize the adequate link; do not forget to set fallback links, the restricted set of media queries defined in HTML 4.
    <dt> ping HTML5 </dt>
    The 'ping' attribute, if present, sends the URLs of the resources a notification/ping if the user follows the hyperlink.
    <dt> rel </dt>
    For anchors containing the href attribute, this attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a comma-separated list of link types values. The values and their semantics will be registered by some authority that might have meaning to the document author. The default relationship, if no other is given, is void. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
    <dt> target </dt>
    This attribute specifies where to display the linked resource. In HTML4, this is the name of, or a keyword for, a frame. In HTML5, it is a name of, or keyword for, a browsing context (for example, tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings: - _self: Load the response into the same HTML4 frame (or HTML5 browsing context) as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified. - _blank: Load the response into a new unnamed HTML4 window or HTML5 browsing context. - _parent: Load the response into the HTML4 frameset parent of the current frame or HTML5 parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. - _top: In HTML4: Load the response into the full, original window, canceling all other frames. In HTML5: Load the response into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
    <dt> type </dt>
    This attribute specifies the media type in the form of a MIME type for the link target. Generally, this is provided strictly as advisory information; however, in the future a browser might add a small icon for multimedia types. For example, a browser might add a small speaker icon when type is set to audio/wav. For a complete list of recognized MIME types, see Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
    Obsolete <dt> charset Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute defines the character encoding of the linked resource. The value is a space- and/or comma-delimited list of character sets as defined in RFC 2045. The default value is ISO-8859-1. Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5 and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use the HTTP Content-Type header on the linked resource.
    <dt> coords HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    For use with object shapes, this attribute uses a comma-separated list of numbers to define the coordinates of the object on the page.
    <dt> name HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute is required in an anchor defining a target location within a page. A value for name is similar to a value for the id core attribute and should be an alphanumeric identifier unique to the document. Under the HTML 4.01 specification, id and name both can be used with the <a> element as long as they have identical values. Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5, use global attribute id instead.
    <dt> rev HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute specifies a reverse link, the inverse relationship of the rel attribute. It is useful for indicating where an object came from, such as the author of a document.
    <dt> shape HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute is used to define a selectable region for hypertext source links associated with a figure to create an image map. The values for the attribute are circle, default, polygon, and rect. The format of the coords attribute depends on the value of shape. For circle, the value is x,y,r where x and y are the pixel coordinates for the center of the circle and r is the radius value in pixels. For rect, the coords attribute should be x,y,w,h. The x,y values define the upper-left-hand corner of the rectangle, while w and h define the width and height respectively. A value of polygon for shape requires x1,y1,x2,y2,... values for coords. Each of the x,y pairs defines a point in the polygon, with successive points being joined by straight lines and the last point joined to the first. The value default for shape requires that the entire enclosed area, typically an image, be used. Note: It is advisable to use the usemap attribute for the <img> element and the associated <map> element to define hotspots instead of the shape attribute.
    Non standard
    This attribute specifies the column name from that data source object that supplies the bound data. Usage note: This attribute is non-standard and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use scripting and a mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest to populate the page dynamically
    Support Gecko Presto WebKit Trident
    Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented IE4, IE5, IE6, IE7 (Removed in IE8)
    Normative document Microsoft's Data Binding: dataFld Property (MSDN)
    This attribute indicates the ID of the data source object that supplies the data that is bound to this element. Usage note: This attribute is non-standard and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use scripting and a mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest to populate the page dynamically.
    Support Gecko Presto WebKit Trident
    Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented IE4, IE5, IE6, IE7 (Removed in IE8)
    Normative document Microsoft's Data Binding: dataSrc Property (MSDN)
    The value of this attribute provides information about the functions that might be performed on an object. The values generally are given by the HTTP protocol when it is used, but it might (for similar reasons as for the title attribute) be useful to include advisory information in advance in the link. For example, the browser might choose a different rendering of a link as a function of the methods specified; something that is searchable might get a different icon, or an outside link might render with an indication of leaving the current site. This attribute is not well understood nor supported, even by the defining browser, Internet Explorer 4. Methods Property (MSDN)
    This supposedly Microsoft-supported attribute relates a uniform resource name (URN) with the link. While it is based on standards work years back, the meaning of URNs is still not well defined, so this attribute is meaningless. urn Property (MSDN)

    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> download HTML5 </dt>

    This attribute, if present, indicates that the author intends the hyperlink to be used for downloading a resource so that when the user clicks on the link they will be prompted to save it as a local file. If the attribute has a value, the value will be used as the pre-filled file name in the Save prompt that opens when the user clicks on the link (the user can change the name before actually saving the file of course). There are no restrictions on allowed values (though / and \ will be converted to underscores, preventing specific path hints), but you should consider that most file systems have limitations with regard to what punctuation is supported in file names, and browsers are likely to adjust file names accordingly. Note: - Can be used with blob: URLs and data: URLs, to make it easy for users to download content that is generated programmatically using JavaScript (e.g. a picture created using an online drawing Web app). - If the HTTP header Content-Disposition: is present and gives a different filename than this attribute, the HTTP header has priority over this attribute. - If this attribute is present and Content-Disposition: is set to inline, Firefox gives priority to Content-Disposition, like for the filename case, while Chrome gives priority to the download attribute. - This attribute is only honored for links to resources with the same-origin.
    <dt> href </dt>
    This was the single required attribute for anchors defining a hypertext source link, but is no longer required in HTML5. Omitting this attribute creates a placeholder link. The href attribute indicates the link target, either a URL or a URL fragment. A URL fragment is a name preceded by a hash mark (#), which specifies an internal target location (an ID) within the current document. URLs are not restricted to Web (HTTP)-based documents. URLs might use any protocol supported by the browser. For example, file, ftp, and mailto work in most user agents. Note: You can use the special fragment "top" to create a link back to the top of the page; for example <a href="#top">Return to top</a>. This behavior is specified by HTML5.
    <dt> hreflang </dt>
    This attribute indicates the language of the linked resource. It is purely advisory. Allowed values are determined by BCP47 for HTML5 and by RFC1766 for HTML4. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
    <dt> media HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute specifies the media which the linked resource applies to. Its value must be a media query. This attribute is mainly useful when linking to external stylesheets by allowing the user agent to pick the best adapted one for the device it runs on. Usage note: - In HTML 4, only simple white-space-separated list of media description literals, i.e. media types and groups, where defined and allowed as values for this attribute, like print, screen, aural, braille, ... HTML 5 extended this to any kind of media queries, which are a superset of the allowed values of HTML 4. - Browsers not supporting the CSS3 Media Queries won't necessarily recognize the adequate link; do not forget to set fallback links, the restricted set of media queries defined in HTML 4.
    <dt> ping HTML5 </dt>
    The 'ping' attribute, if present, sends the URLs of the resources a notification/ping if the user follows the hyperlink.
    <dt> rel </dt>
    For anchors containing the href attribute, this attribute specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a comma-separated list of link types values. The values and their semantics will be registered by some authority that might have meaning to the document author. The default relationship, if no other is given, is void. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
    <dt> target </dt>
    This attribute specifies where to display the linked resource. In HTML4, this is the name of, or a keyword for, a frame. In HTML5, it is a name of, or keyword for, a browsing context (for example, tab, window, or inline frame). The following keywords have special meanings: - _self: Load the response into the same HTML4 frame (or HTML5 browsing context) as the current one. This value is the default if the attribute is not specified. - _blank: Load the response into a new unnamed HTML4 window or HTML5 browsing context. - _parent: Load the response into the HTML4 frameset parent of the current frame or HTML5 parent browsing context of the current one. If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. - _top: In HTML4: Load the response into the full, original window, canceling all other frames. In HTML5: Load the response into the top-level browsing context (that is, the browsing context that is an ancestor of the current one, and has no parent). If there is no parent, this option behaves the same way as _self. Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
    <dt> type </dt>
    This attribute specifies the media type in the form of a MIME type for the link target. Generally, this is provided strictly as advisory information; however, in the future a browser might add a small icon for multimedia types. For example, a browser might add a small speaker icon when type is set to audio/wav. For a complete list of recognized MIME types, see Use this attribute only if the href attribute is present.
    Obsolete <dt> charset Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute defines the character encoding of the linked resource. The value is a space- and/or comma-delimited list of character sets as defined in RFC 2045. The default value is ISO-8859-1. Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5 and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use the HTTP Content-Type header on the linked resource.
    <dt> coords HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    For use with object shapes, this attribute uses a comma-separated list of numbers to define the coordinates of the object on the page.
    <dt> name HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute is required in an anchor defining a target location within a page. A value for name is similar to a value for the id core attribute and should be an alphanumeric identifier unique to the document. Under the HTML 4.01 specification, id and name both can be used with the <a> element as long as they have identical values. Usage note: This attribute is obsolete in HTML5, use global attribute id instead.
    <dt> rev HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute specifies a reverse link, the inverse relationship of the rel attribute. It is useful for indicating where an object came from, such as the author of a document.
    <dt> shape HTML 4 only, Obsolete since HTML5 </dt>
    This attribute is used to define a selectable region for hypertext source links associated with a figure to create an image map. The values for the attribute are circle, default, polygon, and rect. The format of the coords attribute depends on the value of shape. For circle, the value is x,y,r where x and y are the pixel coordinates for the center of the circle and r is the radius value in pixels. For rect, the coords attribute should be x,y,w,h. The x,y values define the upper-left-hand corner of the rectangle, while w and h define the width and height respectively. A value of polygon for shape requires x1,y1,x2,y2,... values for coords. Each of the x,y pairs defines a point in the polygon, with successive points being joined by straight lines and the last point joined to the first. The value default for shape requires that the entire enclosed area, typically an image, be used. Note: It is advisable to use the usemap attribute for the <img> element and the associated <map> element to define hotspots instead of the shape attribute.
    Non standard
    This attribute specifies the column name from that data source object that supplies the bound data. Usage note: This attribute is non-standard and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use scripting and a mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest to populate the page dynamically
    Support Gecko Presto WebKit Trident
    Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented IE4, IE5, IE6, IE7 (Removed in IE8)
    Normative document Microsoft's Data Binding: dataFld Property (MSDN)
    This attribute indicates the ID of the data source object that supplies the data that is bound to this element. Usage note: This attribute is non-standard and should not be used by authors. To achieve its effect, use scripting and a mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest to populate the page dynamically.
    Support Gecko Presto WebKit Trident
    Not implemented Not implemented Not implemented IE4, IE5, IE6, IE7 (Removed in IE8)
    Normative document Microsoft's Data Binding: dataSrc Property (MSDN)
    The value of this attribute provides information about the functions that might be performed on an object. The values generally are given by the HTTP protocol when it is used, but it might (for similar reasons as for the title attribute) be useful to include advisory information in advance in the link. For example, the browser might choose a different rendering of a link as a function of the methods specified; something that is searchable might get a different icon, or an outside link might render with an indication of leaving the current site. This attribute is not well understood nor supported, even by the defining browser, Internet Explorer 4. Methods Property (MSDN)
    This supposedly Microsoft-supported attribute relates a uniform resource name (URN) with the link. While it is based on standards work years back, the meaning of URNs is still not well defined, so this attribute is meaningless. urn Property (MSDN)

  2. class Acronym extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Acronym Element (<acronym>) allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that compose an acronym or abbreviation for a word.

    The HTML Acronym Element (<acronym>) allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that compose an acronym or abbreviation for a word.

    Usage note: This element has been removed in HTML5 and shouldn't be used anymore. Instead web developers should use the <abbr> element.

  3. class Address extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Address Element (<address>) should be used by authors to supply contact information for its nearest <article> or <body> ancestor; in the latter case, it applies to the whole document.

    The HTML Address Element (<address>) should be used by authors to supply contact information for its nearest <article> or <body> ancestor; in the latter case, it applies to the whole document.

    Usage note:

    • To represent an arbitrary address, one that is not related to the contact information, use a <p> element rather than the <address> element.
    • This element should not contain more information than the contact information, like a publication date (which belongs in a <time> element).
    • Typically an <address> element can be placed inside the <footer> element of the current section, if any.
  4. class Applet extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Applet Element (<applet>) identifies the inclusion of a Java applet.

    The HTML Applet Element (<applet>) identifies the inclusion of a Java applet.

    Usage note: This element has been removed in HTML5 and shouldn't be used anymore. Instead web developers should use the more generic <object> element.

  5. class Area extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <area> element defines a hot-spot region on an image, and optionally associates it with a hypertext link.

    The HTML <area> element defines a hot-spot region on an image, and optionally associates it with a hypertext link. This element is used only within a <map> element.

  6. class Article extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Article Element (<article>) represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, e.g., in syndication.

    The HTML Article Element (<article>) represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, e.g., in syndication. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry, or any other independent item of content. Each <article> should be identified, typically by including a heading (h1-h6 element) as a child of the <article> element.

    Usage notes:

    • When an <article> element is nested, the inner element represents an article related to the outer element. For example, the comments of a blog post can be <article> elements nested in the <article> representing the blog post.
    • Author information of an <article> element can be provided through the <address> element, but it doesn't apply to nested <article> elements.
    • The publication date and time of an <article> element can be described using the datetime attribute of a <time> element. Note that the pubdate attribute of <time> is no longer a part of the W3C HTML 5 standard.
  7. class Audio extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <audio> element is used to embed sound content in documents.

    The HTML <audio> element is used to embed sound content in documents. It may contain several audio sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element; the browser will choose the most suitable one. Fallback content for browser not supporting the <audio> element can be added too. You can use the Web Audio API to directly generate and manipulate audio streams from JavaScript code. See Web Audio API for details.

  8. class B extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <b> Element represents a span of text stylistically different from normal text, without conveying any special importance or relevance.

    The HTML <b> Element represents a span of text stylistically different from normal text, without conveying any special importance or relevance. It is typically used for keywords in a summary, product names in a review, or other spans of text whose typical presentation would be boldfaced. Another example of its use is to mark the lead sentence of each paragraph of an article.

    Usage notes:

    • Do not confuse the <b> element with the <strong>, <em>, or <mark> elements. The <strong> element represents text of certain importance, <em> puts some emphasis on the text and the <mark> element represents text of certain relevance. The <b> element doesn't convey such special semantic information; use it only when no others fit. - Similarly, do not mark titles and headings using the <b> element. For this purpose, use the <h1> to <h6> tags. Further, stylesheets can change the default style of these elements, with the result that they are not necessarily displayed in bold. - It is a good practice to use the class attribute on the <b> in order to convey additional semantic information (for example <b class="lead"> for the first sentence in a paragraph). This eases the development of several stylings of a web document, without the need to change its HTML code. - Historically, the <b> element was meant to make text boldface. Styling information has been deprecated since HTML4, so the meaning of the <b> element has been changed. - If there is no semantic purpose on using the <b> element, using css property font-weight with bold value would be a better choice for making text bold.
  9. class Base extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Base Element (<base>) specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document.

    The HTML Base Element (<base>) specifies the base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within a document. There can be only one <base> element in a document.  The base URL of a document can be queried from a script using document.baseURI. Usage Note: If multiple <base> elements are specified, only the first href and first target value are used; all others are ignored.

  10. class Basefont extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML basefont element (<basefont>) establishes a default font size for a document.

    The HTML basefont element (<basefont>) establishes a default font size for a document. Font size then can be varied relative to the base font size using the <font> element.

    Usage note:

    Do not use this element! Though once (imprecisely) normalized in HTML 3.2, it wasn't supported in all major browsers. Further, browsers, and even successive versions of browsers, never implemented it in the same way: practically, using it has always brought indeterminate results.

    The <basefont> element was deprecated in the standard at the same time as all elements related to styling only. Starting with HTML 4, HTML does not convey styling information anymore (outside the <style> element or the style attribute of each element). In HTML5, this element has been removed completely. For any new web development, styling should be written using CSS only.

    The former behavior of the <font> element can be achieved, and even better controlled using the font, font-family, font-size, font-size-adjust, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, @font-face properties.

  11. class Big extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Big Element (<big>) makes the text font size one size bigger (for example, from small to medium, or from large to x-large) up to the browser's maximum font size.

    The HTML Big Element (<big>) makes the text font size one size bigger (for example, from small to medium, or from large to x-large) up to the browser's maximum font size.

    Usage note: As it was purely presentational, this element has been removed in HTML5 and shouldn't be used anymore. Instead web developers should use CSS properties.

  12. class Body extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Body Element (<body>) represents the content of an HTML document.

    The HTML Body Element (<body>) represents the content of an HTML document. There can be only one <body> element in a document.

  13. class Br extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <br> Element (or HTML Line Break Element) produces a line break in text (carriage-return).

    The HTML <br> Element (or HTML Line Break Element) produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant. Do not use <br> to increase the gap between lines of text; use the CSS margin property or the <p> element.

  14. class Button extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <button> Element represents a clickable button.

    The HTML <button> Element represents a clickable button.

  15. class Canvas extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    This element includes the global attributes.

    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> height </dt>

    The height of the coordinate space in CSS pixels. Defaults to 150.
    <dt> moz-opaque </dt>
    Lets the canvas know whether or not translucency will be a factor. If the canvas knows there's no translucency, painting performance can be optimized.
    <dt> width </dt>
    The width of the coordinate space in CSS pixels. Defaults to 300.

  16. class Caption extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <caption> Element (or HTML Table Caption Element) represents the title of a table.

    The HTML <caption> Element (or HTML Table Caption Element) represents the title of a table. Though it is always the first descendant of a <table>, its styling, using CSS, may place it elsewhere, relative to the table. Usage note: When the <table> element that is the parent of this <caption> is the only descendant of a <figure> element, use the <figcaption> element instead.

  17. class Center extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Center Element (<center>) is a block-level element that can contain paragraphs and other block-level and inline elements.

    The HTML Center Element (<center>) is a block-level element that can contain paragraphs and other block-level and inline elements. The entire content of this element is centered horizontally within its containing element (typically, the <body>). This tag has been deprecated in HTML 4 (and XHTML 1) in favor of the CSS text-align property, which can be applied to the <div> element or to an individual <p>. For centering blocks, use other CSS properties like margin-left and margin-right and set them to auto (or set margin to 0 auto).

  18. class Code extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Code Element (<code>) represents a fragment of computer code.

    The HTML Code Element (<code>) represents a fragment of computer code. By default, it is displayed in the browser's default monospace font.

  19. class Col extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Table Column Element (<col>) defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells.

    The HTML Table Column Element (<col>) defines a column within a table and is used for defining common semantics on all common cells. It is generally found within a <colgroup> element.

  20. class Colgroup extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Table Column Group Element (<colgroup>) defines a group of columns within a table.

    The HTML Table Column Group Element (<colgroup>) defines a group of columns within a table.

  21. class Content extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <content> element is used inside of Shadow DOM as an insertion point.

    The HTML <content> element is used inside of Shadow DOM as an insertion point. It is not intended to be used in ordinary HTML. It is used with Web Components.

  22. class Datalist extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Datalist Element (<datalist>) contains a set of <option> elements that represent the values available for other controls.

    The HTML Datalist Element (<datalist>) contains a set of <option> elements that represent the values available for other controls.

  23. class Dd extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Description Element (<dd>) indicates the description of a term in a description list (<dl>) element.

    The HTML Description Element (<dd>) indicates the description of a term in a description list (<dl>) element. This element can occur only as a child element of a definition list and it must follow a <dt> element.

  24. class Del extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Deleted Text Element (<del>) represents a range of text that has been deleted from a document.

    The HTML Deleted Text Element (<del>) represents a range of text that has been deleted from a document. This element is often (but need not be) rendered with strike-through text.

  25. class Details extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Details Element (<details>) is used as a disclosure widget from which the user can retrieve additional information.

    The HTML Details Element (<details>) is used as a disclosure widget from which the user can retrieve additional information.

  26. class Dialog extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <dialog> element represents a dialog box or other interactive component, such as an inspector or window.

    The HTML <dialog> element represents a dialog box or other interactive component, such as an inspector or window. <form> elements can be integrated within a dialog by specifying them with the attribute method="dialog". When such a form is submitted, the dialog is closed with a returnValue attribute set to the value of the submit button used. The ::backdrop CSS pseudo-element can be used to style behind a <dialog> element, for example to dim inaccessible content whilst a modal dialog is active.

  27. class Dir extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML directory element (<dir>) represents a directory, namely a collection of filenames.

    The HTML directory element (<dir>) represents a directory, namely a collection of filenames. Usage note: Do not use this element. Though present in the early HTML specification, it has been deprecated in HTML 4, then is obsolete in HTML5. Use the <ul> instead.

  28. class Div extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <div> element (or HTML Document Division Element) is the generic container for flow content, which does not inherently represent anything.

    The HTML <div> element (or HTML Document Division Element) is the generic container for flow content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because they share attribute values, such as lang. It should be used only when no other semantic element (such as <article> or <nav>) is appropriate.

  29. class Dl extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <dl> Element (or HTML Description List Element) encloses a list of pairs of terms and descriptions.

    The HTML <dl> Element (or HTML Description List Element) encloses a list of pairs of terms and descriptions. Common uses for this element are to implement a glossary or to display metadata (a list of key-value pairs). Prior to HTML5, <dl> was known as a Definition List.

  30. class Dt extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <dt> element (or HTML Definition Term Element) identifies a term in a definition list.

    The HTML <dt> element (or HTML Definition Term Element) identifies a term in a definition list. This element can occur only as a child element of a <dl>. It is usually followed by a <dd> element; however, multiple <dt> elements in a row indicate several terms that are all defined by the immediate next <dd> element.

  31. class Element extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <element> element is used to define new custom DOM elements.

    The HTML <element> element is used to define new custom DOM elements.

  32. class Em extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Emphasis Element (<em>) marks text that has stress emphasis.

    The HTML Emphasis Element (<em>) marks text that has stress emphasis. The <em> element can be nested, with each level of nesting indicating a greater degree of emphasis. Usage Note: Typically this element is displayed in italic type. However, it should not be used simply to apply italic styling; use the CSS styling for that purpose. Use the <cite> element to mark the title of a work (book, play, song, etc.); it is also typically styled with italic type, but carries different meaning. Use the <strong> element to mark text that has greater importance than surrounding text.

  33. class Embed extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <embed> Element represents an integration point for an external application or interactive content (in other words, a plug-in).

    The HTML <embed> Element represents an integration point for an external application or interactive content (in other words, a plug-in).

    Note: This topic documents only the element that is defined as part of HTML5. It does not address earlier, non-standardized implementation of the element.

  34. class Fieldset extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    This element includes the global attributes.

    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> disabled HTML5 </dt>

    If this Boolean attribute is set, the form controls that are its descendants, except descendants of its first optional <legend> element, are disabled, i.e., not editable. They won't receive any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones. Often browsers display such controls as gray.
    form HTML5
    This attribute has the value of the id attribute of the <form> element its related to. Its default value is the id of the nearest <form> element it is a descendant of.
    name HTML5
    The name associated with the group, which is submitted with the form data. The label for the field set is given by the first <legend> element that is a child of this field set.

  35. class Figcaption extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <figcaption> Element represents a caption or a legend associated with a figure or an illustration described by the rest of the data of the <figure> element which is its immediate ancestor which means <figcaption> can be the first or last element inside a <figure> block. Also, the HTML Figcaption Element is optional; if not provided, then the parent figure element will have no caption.

    The HTML <figcaption> Element represents a caption or a legend associated with a figure or an illustration described by the rest of the data of the <figure> element which is its immediate ancestor which means <figcaption> can be the first or last element inside a <figure> block. Also, the HTML Figcaption Element is optional; if not provided, then the parent figure element will have no caption.

  36. class Figure extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <figure> Element represents self-contained content, frequently with a caption (<figcaption>), and is typically referenced as a single unit.

    The HTML <figure> Element represents self-contained content, frequently with a caption (<figcaption>), and is typically referenced as a single unit. While it is related to the main flow, its position is independent of the main flow. Usually this is an image, an illustration, a diagram, a code snippet, or a schema that is referenced in the main text, but that can be moved to another page or to an appendix without affecting the main flow.

    Usage notes:

    • Being a sectioning root, the outline of the content of the <figure> element is excluded from the main outline of the document.
    • A caption can be associated with the <figure> element by inserting a <figcaption> inside it (as the first or the last child).
  37. class Footer extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Footer Element (<footer>) represents a footer for its nearest sectioning content or sectioning root element.

    The HTML Footer Element (<footer>) represents a footer for its nearest sectioning content or sectioning root element. A footer typically contains information about the author of the section, copyright data or links to related documents.

    Usage notes:

    • Enclose information about the author in an <address> element that can be included into the <footer> element.
    • The <footer> element is not sectioning content and therefore doesn't introduce a new section in the outline.
  38. class Form extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls to submit information to a web server.

    The HTML <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls to submit information to a web server. It is possible to use the :valid and :invalid CSS pseudo-classes to style a <form> element.

  39. class Frame extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    <frame> is an HTML element which defines a particular area in which another HTML document can be displayed.

    <frame> is an HTML element which defines a particular area in which another HTML document can be displayed. A frame should be used within a <frameset>. Using the <frame> element is not encouraged because of certain disadvantages such as performance problems and lack of accessibility for users with screen readers. Instead of the <frame> element, <iframe> may be preferred.

  40. class Frameset extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    <frameset> is an HTML element which is used to contain <frame> elements.

    <frameset> is an HTML element which is used to contain <frame> elements. Note: Because the use of frames is now discouraged in favor of using <iframe>, this element is not typically used by modern web sites.

  41. class H1 extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least.

    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically.

  42. class H2 extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least.

    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically.

  43. class H3 extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least.

    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically.

  44. class H4 extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least.

    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically.

  45. class H5 extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least.

    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically.

  46. class H6 extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least.

    Heading elements implement six levels of document headings, <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces. Heading information may be used by user agents, for example, to construct a table of contents for a document automatically.

  47. trait HTMLTag extends AnyRef

  48. class Head extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Head Element (<head>) provides general information (metadata) about the document, including its title and links to or definitions of scripts and style sheets

    The HTML Head Element (<head>) provides general information (metadata) about the document, including its title and links to or definitions of scripts and style sheets

  49. class Header extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <header> Element represents a group of introductory or navigational aids.

    The HTML <header> Element represents a group of introductory or navigational aids. It may contain some heading elements but also other elements like a logo, wrapped section's header, a search form, and so on.

    Usage note:

    • The <header> element is not sectioning content and therefore doesn't introduce a new section in the outline.
  50. class Hgroup extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <hgroup> Element (HTML Headings Group Element) represents the heading of a section.

    The HTML <hgroup> Element (HTML Headings Group Element) represents the heading of a section. It defines a single title that participates in the outline of the document as the heading of the implicit or explicit section that it belongs to. Its text for the outline algorithm is the text of the first HTML Heading Element of highest rank (i.e., the first <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> or <h6> with the smallest number among its descendants) and the rank is the rank of this very same HTML Heading Element. Therefore this element groups several headings, contributing only the main one to the outline of the document. It allows associating secondary titles, like subheadings, alternative titles, or even taglines, with the main heading, without polluting the outline of the document.

  51. class Hr extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements (for example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic with a section).

    The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements (for example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic with a section). In previous versions of HTML, it represented a horizontal rule. It may still be displayed as a horizontal rule in visual browsers, but is now defined in semantic terms, rather than presentational terms.

  52. class Html extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Root Element (<html>) represents the root of an HTML document.

    The HTML Root Element (<html>) represents the root of an HTML document. All other elements must be descendants of this element.

  53. class I extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <i> Element represents a range of text that is set off from the normal text for some reason, for example, technical terms, foreign language phrases, or fictional character thoughts.

    The HTML <i> Element represents a range of text that is set off from the normal text for some reason, for example, technical terms, foreign language phrases, or fictional character thoughts. It is typically displayed in italic type.

  54. class Iframe extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Inline Frame Element (<iframe>) represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page.

    The HTML Inline Frame Element (<iframe>) represents a nested browsing context, effectively embedding another HTML page into the current page. In HTML 4.01, a document may contain a head and a body or a head and a frame-set, but not both a body and a frame-set. However, an <iframe> can be used within a normal document body. Each browsing context has its own session history and active document. The browsing context that contains the embedded content is called the parent browsing context. The top-level browsing context (which has no parent) is typically the browser window.

  55. class Img extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Image Element (<img>) represents an image of the document.

    The HTML Image Element (<img>) represents an image of the document.

    Usage note:
    Browsers do not always display the image referenced by the element. This is the case for non-graphical browsers (including those used by people with vision impairments), if the user chooses not to display images, or if the browser is unable to display the image because it is invalid or an unsupported type. In these cases, the browser may replace the image with the text defined in this element's alt attribute.

  56. class Input extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user.

    The HTML <input> element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user. How an <input> works varies considerably depending on the value of its type attribute.

  57. class Ins extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <ins> Element (or HTML Inserted Text) HTML represents a range of text that has been added to a document.

    The HTML <ins> Element (or HTML Inserted Text) HTML represents a range of text that has been added to a document.

  58. class Isindex extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    <isindex> is an HTML element which is used for putting a text field in the document for querying document.

    <isindex> is an HTML element which is used for putting a text field in the document for querying document. <isindex> is intented to use inside of <head> element by W3C, however browsers provide support wherever it is used in the document. This element deprecated in HTML 4.01. Because, it is not a good idea to use <isindex> for any purpose. Same effect can be created with a HTML form in a modern way.

  59. class Keygen extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> autofocus </dt>

    This Boolean attribute lets you specify that the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control. Only one form element in a document can have the autofocus attribute, which is a Boolean.
    <dt> challenge </dt>
    A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key. Defaults to an empty string if not specified.
    <dt> disabled </dt>
    This Boolean attribute indicates that the form control is not available for interaction.
    <dt> form </dt>
    The form element that this element is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be an id of a <form> element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, this element must be a descendant of a <form> element. This attribute enables you to place <keygen> elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements.
    <dt> keytype </dt>
    The type of key generated. The default value is RSA.
    <dt> name </dt>
    The name of the control, which is submitted with the form data.
    The element is written as follows: <keygen name="name" challenge="challenge string" keytype="type" keyparams="pqg-params"> The keytype parameter is used to specify what type of key is to be generated.

    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> autofocus </dt>

    This Boolean attribute lets you specify that the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control. Only one form element in a document can have the autofocus attribute, which is a Boolean.
    <dt> challenge </dt>
    A challenge string that is submitted along with the public key. Defaults to an empty string if not specified.
    <dt> disabled </dt>
    This Boolean attribute indicates that the form control is not available for interaction.
    <dt> form </dt>
    The form element that this element is associated with (its form owner). The value of the attribute must be an id of a <form> element in the same document. If this attribute is not specified, this element must be a descendant of a <form> element. This attribute enables you to place <keygen> elements anywhere within a document, not just as descendants of their form elements.
    <dt> keytype </dt>
    The type of key generated. The default value is RSA.
    <dt> name </dt>
    The name of the control, which is submitted with the form data.
    The element is written as follows: <keygen name="name" challenge="challenge string" keytype="type" keyparams="pqg-params"> The keytype parameter is used to specify what type of key is to be generated. Valid values are "RSA", which is the default, "DSA" and "EC". The name and challenge attributes are required in all cases. The keytype attribute is optional for RSA key generation and required for DSA and EC key generation. The keyparams attribute is required for DSA and EC key generation and ignored for RSA key generation. PQG is a synonym for keyparams. That is, you may specify keyparams="pqg-params" or pqg="pqg-params". For RSA keys, the keyparams parameter is not used (ignored if present). The user may be given a choice of RSA key strengths. Currently, the user is given a choice between "high" strength (2048 bits) and "medium" strength (1024 bits). For DSA keys, the keyparams parameter specifies the DSA PQG parameters which are to be used in the keygen process. The value of the pqg parameter is the the BASE64 encoded, DER encoded Dss-Parms as specified in IETF RFC 3279. The user may be given a choice of DSA key sizes, allowing the user to choose one of the sizes defined in the DSA standard. For EC keys, the keyparams parameter specifies the name of the elliptic curve on which the key will be generated. It is normally a string from the table in nsKeygenHandler.cpp. (Note that only a subset of the curves named there may actually be supported in any particular browser.) If the keyparams parameter string is not a recognized curve name string, then a curve is chosen according to the user's chosen key strength (low, medium, high), using the curve named "secp384r1" for high, and the curve named "secp256r1" for medium keys. (Note: choice of the number of key strengths, default values for each strength, and the UI by which the user is offered a choice, are outside of the scope of this specification.) The <keygen> element is only valid within an HTML form. It will cause some sort of selection to be presented to the user for selecting key size. The UI for the selection may be a menu, radio buttons, or possibly something else. The browser presents several possible key strengths. Currently, two strengths are offered, high and medium. If the user's browser is configured to support cryptographic hardware (e.g. "smart cards") the user may also be given a choice of where to generate the key, i.e., in a smart card or in software and stored on disk. When the submit button is pressed, a key pair of the selected size is generated. The private key is encrypted and stored in the local key database. PublicKeyAndChallenge ::= SEQUENCE { spki SubjectPublicKeyInfo, challenge IA5STRING } SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge ::= SEQUENCE { publicKeyAndChallenge PublicKeyAndChallenge, signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, signature BIT STRING } The public key and challenge string are DER encoded as PublicKeyAndChallenge, and then digitally signed with the private key to produce a SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge. The SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge is Base64 encoded, and the ASCII data is finally submitted to the server as the value of a form name/value pair, where the name is name as specified by the name attribute of the keygen element. If no challenge string is provided, then it will be encoded as an IA5STRING of length zero. Here is an example form submission as it would be delivered to a CGI program by the HTTP server: commonname=John+Doe&[email protected]&org=Foobar+Computing+Corp.& orgunit=Bureau+of+Bureaucracy&locality=Anytown&state=California&country=US& key=MIHFMHEwXDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAANLADBIAkEAnX0TILJrOMUue%2BPtwBRE6XfV%0AWtKQbsshxk5ZhcUwcwyvcnIq9b82QhJdoACdD34rqfCAIND46fXKQUnb0mvKzQID%0AAQABFhFNb3ppbGxhSXNNeUZyaWVuZDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAANBAAKv2Eex2n%2FS%0Ar%2F7iJNroWlSzSMtTiQTEB%2BADWHGj9u1xrUrOilq%2Fo2cuQxIfZcNZkYAkWP4DubqW%0Ai0%2F%2FrgBvmco%3D

  60. class Label extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Label Element (<label>) represents a caption for an item in a user interface.

    The HTML Label Element (<label>) represents a caption for an item in a user interface. It can be associated with a control either by placing the control element inside the <label> element, or by using the for attribute. Such a control is called the labeled control of the label element.

  61. class Legend extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    This element only includes the global attributes.

    This element only includes the global attributes.

  62. class Li extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML List Item Element (<li>) is used to represent an item in a list.

    The HTML List Item Element (<li>) is used to represent an item in a list. It must be contained in a parent element: an ordered list (<ol>), an unordered list (<ul>), or a menu (<menu>). In menus and unordered lists, list items are usually displayed using bullet points. In ordered lists, they are usually displayed with an ascending counter on the left, such as a number or letter.

  63. class Link extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Link Element (<link>) specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource.

    The HTML Link Element (<link>) specifies relationships between the current document and an external resource. Possible uses for this element include defining a relational framework for navigation. This Element is most used to link to style sheets. <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">

  64. class Listing extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Listing Element (<listing>) renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the HTML in between and using a monospaced font.

    The HTML Listing Element (<listing>) renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the HTML in between and using a monospaced font. The HTML 2 standard recommended that lines shouldn't be broken when not greater than 132 characters. Note: Do not use this element.

    • It is deprecated since HTML 3.2 and was neither implemented by all browsers, nor in a consistent way. Even more it is obsoleted in HTML5 and may be rendered by conforming user-agents as the <pre> element, which will interpret the internal HTML!
    • Instead use the <pre> element or if semantically adequate the <code> element, eventually escaping the HTML '<' and '>' so that they don't get interpreted.
    • A monospaced font can also be obtained on a simple <div> element, by applying an adequate CSS style using monospace as the generic-font value in a font-family property.
  65. class Main extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Main Element (<main>) can be used as a container for the dominant contents of the document.

    The HTML Main Element (<main>) can be used as a container for the dominant contents of the document. The main content area consists of content that is directly related to, or expands upon the central topic of a section or the central functionality of an application. This content should be unique to the document, excluding any content that is repeated across a set of documents such as sidebars, navigation links, copyright information, site logos, and search forms (unless, of course, the document's main function is as a search form). Unlike <article> and <section>, this element does not contribute to the document outline.

  66. class Map extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    This element includes the global attributes.

    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> name </dt>

    The name attribute gives the map a name so that it can be referenced. The attribute must be present and must have a non-empty value with no space characters. The value of the name attribute must not be a compatibility-caseless match for the value of the name attribute of another map element in the same document. If the id attribute is also specified, both attributes must have the same value.

  67. class Menu extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    This element includes the global attributes.

    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> label </dt>

    The name of the menu as shown to the user. Used within nested menus, to provide a label through which the submenu can be accessed. Must only be specified when the parent element is a <menu> in the context menu state.
    <dt> type </dt>
    This attribute indicates the kind of menu being declared, and can be one of two values. - context: The context menu state, which represents a group of commands activated through another element. This might be through the menu attribute of a <button>, or an element with a contextmenu attribute. When nesting <menu> elements directly within one another, this is the missing value default if the parent is already in this state. - list: The list menu state, which represents a series of commands for user interaction. This is the missing value default, except where the parent element is a <menu> in the context menu state.

  68. class Menuitem extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <menuitem> element represents a command that a user is able to invoke through a popup menu.

    The HTML <menuitem> element represents a command that a user is able to invoke through a popup menu. This includes context menus, as well as menus that might be attached to a menu button. A command can either be defined explicitly, with a textual label and optional icon to describe its appearance, or alternatively as an indirect command whose behavior is defined by a separate element. Commands can also optionally include a checkbox or be grouped to share radio buttons. (Menu items for indirect commands gain checkboxes or radio buttons when defined against elements <input type="checkbox"> and <input type="radio">.)

  69. class Meta extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Meta Element (<meta>) represents any metadata information that cannot be represented by one of the other HTML meta-related elements (<base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>).

    The HTML Meta Element (<meta>) represents any metadata information that cannot be represented by one of the other HTML meta-related elements (<base>, <link>, <script>, <style> or <title>). Depending on the attributes set, the kind of metadata can be one of the following:

    • If name is set, it is document-level metadata, applying to the whole page.
    • If http-equiv is set, it is a pragma directive, i.e. information normally given by the web server about how the web page should be served.
    • If charset is set, it is a charset declaration, i.e. the charset used for the serialized form of the webpage. HTML5
    • If itemprop is set, it is user-defined metadata, transparent for the user-agent as the semantics of the metadata is user-specific. Living Standard Unimplemented
  70. class Meter extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <meter> Element represents either a scalar value within a known range or a fractional value.

    The HTML <meter> Element represents either a scalar value within a known range or a fractional value. Usage note: Unless the value attribute is between 0 and 1 (inclusive), the min attribute and max attribute should define the range so that the value attribute's value is within it.

  71. class Nav extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Navigation Element (<nav>) represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links.

    The HTML Navigation Element (<nav>) represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links.

    Usage notes:

    • Not all links of a document must be in a <nav> element, which is intended only for major block of navigation links; typically the <footer> element often has a list of links that don't need to be in a <nav> element.
    • A document may have several <nav> elements, for example, one for site navigation and one for intra-page navigation.
    • User agents, such as screen readers targeting disabled users, can use this element to determine whether to omit the initial rendering of this content.
  72. class Noscript extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <noscript> Element defines a section of html to be inserted if a script type on the page is unsupported or if scripting is currently turned off in the browser.

    The HTML <noscript> Element defines a section of html to be inserted if a script type on the page is unsupported or if scripting is currently turned off in the browser.

  73. class Object extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Embedded Object Element (<object>) represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin.

    The HTML Embedded Object Element (<object>) represents an external resource, which can be treated as an image, a nested browsing context, or a resource to be handled by a plugin.

  74. class Ol extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <ol> Element (or HTML Ordered List Element) represents an ordered list of items.

    The HTML <ol> Element (or HTML Ordered List Element) represents an ordered list of items. Typically, ordered-list items are displayed with a preceding numbering, which can be of any form, like numerals, letters or Romans numerals or even simple bullets. This numbered style is not defined in the HTML description of the page, but in its associated CSS, using the list-style-type property. There is no limitation to the depth and overlap of lists defined with the <ol> and <ul> elements. Usage note: The <ol> and <ul> both represent a list of items. They differ in the way that, with the <ol> element, the order is meaningful. As a rule of thumb to determine which one to use, try changing the order of the list items; if the meaning is changed, the <ol> element should be used, else the <ul> is adequate.

  75. class Optgroup extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    In a Web form, the HTML <optgroup> element  creates a grouping of options within a <select> element. Note: Optgroup elements may not be nested.

    In a Web form, the HTML <optgroup> element  creates a grouping of options within a <select> element. Note: Optgroup elements may not be nested.

  76. class Option extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    This element includes the global attributes.

    This element includes the global attributes. <dt> disabled </dt>

    If this Boolean attribute is set, this option is not checkable. Often browsers grey out such control and it won't receive any browsing event, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones. If this attribute is not set, the element can still be disabled if one its ancestors is a disabled <optgroup> element.
    This attribute is text for the label indicating the meaning of the option. If the label attribute isn't defined, its value is that of the element text content. Usage note: the label attribute is designed to contain a short label typically used in a hierarchical menu. The value attribute describes a longer label designed to be used near a radio button, for example.
    If present, this Boolean attribute indicates that the option is initially selected. If the <option> element is the descendant of a <select> element whose multiple attribute is not set, only one single <option> of this <select> element may have the selected attribute.
    The content of this attribute represents the value to be submitted with the form, should this option be selected. If this attribute is omitted, the value is taken from the text content of the option element.

  77. class Output extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <output> element represents the result of a calculation or user action.

    The HTML <output> element represents the result of a calculation or user action.

  78. class P extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <p> element (or HTML Paragraph Element) represents a paragraph of text. Paragraphs are block-level elements.

    The HTML <p> element (or HTML Paragraph Element) represents a paragraph of text. Paragraphs are block-level elements.

  79. class Param extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <param> Element (or HTML Parameter Element) defines parameters for <object>.

    The HTML <param> Element (or HTML Parameter Element) defines parameters for <object>.

  80. class Plaintext extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Plaintext Element (<plaintext>) renders everything following the start tag as raw text, without interpreting any HTML.

    The HTML Plaintext Element (<plaintext>) renders everything following the start tag as raw text, without interpreting any HTML. There is no closing tag, since everything after it is considered raw text. Note: Do not use this element. 

    • This element has been deprecated since HTML 2 and was never implemented by all browsers; even those that did implement it didn't do so consistently. In addition, it is obsoleted in HTML 5; browsers that still accept it may simply treat it as a <pre> element, which still interprets HTML within, even though that's not what you probably want.
    • If the <plaintext> element is the first element on the page (other than any non-displayed elements), do not use HTML at all. Configure your server to send your page with the text/plain MIME-type.
    • Instead of using this element, you should use the <pre> element or, if semantically adequate, the <code> element. Be sure to escape any "<", ">" and "&" characters, to avoid inadvertently interpreting content as HTML.
    • A monospaced font can also be applied to a simple <div> element by applying an adequate CSS style using monospace as the generic-font value in a font-family property.
  81. class Pre extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Preformatted Text (<pre>) represents preformatted text.

    The HTML Preformatted Text (<pre>) represents preformatted text. Text within this element is typically displayed in a non-proportional font exactly as it is laid out in the file. Whitespaces inside this element are displayed as typed.

  82. class Progress extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <progress> Element is used to view the completion progress of a task.

    The HTML <progress> Element is used to view the completion progress of a task. While the specifics of how it's displayed is left up to the browser developer, it's typically displayed as a progress bar. Javascript can be used to manipulate the value of progress bar.

  83. class Script extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Script Element (<script>) is used to embed or reference an executable script within an HTML or XHTML document.

    The HTML Script Element (<script>) is used to embed or reference an executable script within an HTML or XHTML document. Scripts without async or defer attributes, as well as inline scripts, are fetched and executed immediately, before the browser continues to parse the page.

  84. class Section extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Section Element (<section>) represents a generic section of a document, i.e., a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading.

    The HTML Section Element (<section>) represents a generic section of a document, i.e., a thematic grouping of content, typically with a heading. Each <section> should be identified, typically by including a heading (<h1>-<h6> element) as a child of the <section> element.

    Usage notes :

    • If it makes sense to separately syndicate the content of a <section> element, use an <article> element instead.
    • Do not use the <section> element as a generic container; this is what <div> is for, especially when the sectioning is only for styling purposes. A rule of thumb is that a section should logically appear in the outline of a document.
  85. class Select extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML select (<select>) element represents a control that presents a menu of options.

    The HTML select (<select>) element represents a control that presents a menu of options. The options within the menu are represented by <option> elements, which can be grouped by <optgroup> elements. Options can be pre-selected for the user.

  86. class Shadow extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <shadow> element is used as a shadow DOM insertion point.

    The HTML <shadow> element is used as a shadow DOM insertion point. You might use it if you have created multiple shadow roots under a shadow host. It is not useful in ordinary HTML. It is used with Web Components.

  87. class Small extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Small Element (<small>) makes the text font size one size smaller (for example, from large to medium, or from small to x-small) down to the browser's minimum font size.  In HTML5, this element is repurposed to represent side-comments and small print, including copyright and legal text, independent of its styled presentation.

    The HTML Small Element (<small>) makes the text font size one size smaller (for example, from large to medium, or from small to x-small) down to the browser's minimum font size.  In HTML5, this element is repurposed to represent side-comments and small print, including copyright and legal text, independent of its styled presentation.

  88. class Source extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <source> element is used to specify multiple media resources for <picture>, <audio> and <video> elements.

    The HTML <source> element is used to specify multiple media resources for <picture>, <audio> and <video> elements. It is an empty element. It is commonly used to serve the same media in multiple formats supported by different browsers.

  89. class Spacer extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    <spacer> is an HTML element which is used for inserting white spaces to web pages.

    <spacer> is an HTML element which is used for inserting white spaces to web pages. It was created by NetScape for achieving same effect as a single-pixel layout GIF image, which was something web designers used to use to add white spaces to web pages, without actually using a GIF. However <spacer> is not supported by any major browser and same effects can be created with various CSS rules. In Mozilla applications, support for this element was removed in Gecko 2.0. Therefore usage of <spacer> is unnecessary.

  90. class Span extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <span> element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything.

    The HTML <span> element is a generic inline container for phrasing content, which does not inherently represent anything. It can be used to group elements for styling purposes (using the class or id attributes), or because they share attribute values, such as lang. It should be used only when no other semantic element is appropriate. <span> is very much like a <div> element, but <div> is a block-level element whereas a <span> is an inline element.

  91. class Strike extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Strikethrough Element (<strike>) renders text with a strikethrough, or a line through it.

    The HTML Strikethrough Element (<strike>) renders text with a strikethrough, or a line through it. Usage Note: As with all purely styling elements, <strike> has been deprecated in HTML 4 and XHTML 1, and obsoleted in HTML5. If semantically appropriate, i.e., if it represents deleted content, use the <del> instead; in all other cases use a <span> element and style it with the CSS text-decoration property, with the line-through value.

  92. class Strong extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Strong Element (<strong>) gives text strong importance, and is typically displayed in bold.

    The HTML Strong Element (<strong>) gives text strong importance, and is typically displayed in bold.

  93. class Style extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Style Element (<style>) contains style information for a document, or part of a document.

    The HTML Style Element (<style>) contains style information for a document, or part of a document. By default, the style instructions written inside that element are expected to be CSS.

  94. class Summary extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML summary element (<summary>) is used as a summary, caption, or legend for the content of a <details> element.

    The HTML summary element (<summary>) is used as a summary, caption, or legend for the content of a <details> element. Note: If the <summary> element is omitted, the heading "details" will be used.

  95. class Table extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Table Element (<table>) represents data in two dimensions or more.

    The HTML Table Element (<table>) represents data in two dimensions or more. Note: Prior to the creation of CSS, HTML <table> elements were often used as a method for page layout. This usage has been discouraged since HTML 4, and the <table> element should not be used for layout purposes. However, HTML emails are an exception, where tables are still commonly used for layout purposes.

  96. class Tbody extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Table Body Element (<tbody>) defines one or more <tr> element data-rows to be the body of its parent <table> element (as long as no <tr> elements are immediate children of that table element.)  In conjunction with a preceding <thead> and/or <tfoot> element, <tbody> provides additional semantic information for devices such as printers and displays. Of the parent table's child elements, <tbody> represents the content which, when longer than a page, will most likely differ for each page printed; while the content of <thead> and <tfoot> will be the same or similar for each page printed. For displays, <tbody> will enable separate scrolling of the <thead>, <tfoot>, and <caption> elements of the same parent <table> element.  Note that unlike the <thead>, <tfoot>, and <caption> elements however, multiple <tbody> elements are permitted (if consecutive), allowing the data-rows in long tables to be divided into different sections, each separately formatted as needed.  

    The HTML Table Body Element (<tbody>) defines one or more <tr> element data-rows to be the body of its parent <table> element (as long as no <tr> elements are immediate children of that table element.)  In conjunction with a preceding <thead> and/or <tfoot> element, <tbody> provides additional semantic information for devices such as printers and displays. Of the parent table's child elements, <tbody> represents the content which, when longer than a page, will most likely differ for each page printed; while the content of <thead> and <tfoot> will be the same or similar for each page printed. For displays, <tbody> will enable separate scrolling of the <thead>, <tfoot>, and <caption> elements of the same parent <table> element.  Note that unlike the <thead>, <tfoot>, and <caption> elements however, multiple <tbody> elements are permitted (if consecutive), allowing the data-rows in long tables to be divided into different sections, each separately formatted as needed.  

  97. class Td extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The Table cell HTML element (<td>) defines a cell of a table that contains data.

    The Table cell HTML element (<td>) defines a cell of a table that contains data. It participates in the table model.

  98. class Template extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML template element <template> is a mechanism for holding client-side content that is not to be rendered when a page is loaded but may subsequently be instantiated during runtime using JavaScript.  Think of a template as a content fragment that is being stored for subsequent use in the document.

    The HTML template element <template> is a mechanism for holding client-side content that is not to be rendered when a page is loaded but may subsequently be instantiated during runtime using JavaScript.  Think of a template as a content fragment that is being stored for subsequent use in the document. While the parser does process the contents of the <template> element while loading the page, it does so only to ensure that those contents are valid; the element's contents are not rendered, however.

  99. class Textarea extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <textarea> element represents a multi-line plain-text editing control.

    The HTML <textarea> element represents a multi-line plain-text editing control.

  100. class Tfoot extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Table Foot Element (<tfoot>) defines a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table.

    The HTML Table Foot Element (<tfoot>) defines a set of rows summarizing the columns of the table.

  101. class Th extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Table Header Cell Element (<th>) defines a cell that is a header for a group of cells of a table.

    The HTML Table Header Cell Element (<th>) defines a cell that is a header for a group of cells of a table. The group of cells that the header refers to is defined by the scope and headers attribute.

  102. class Thead extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Table Head Element (<thead>) defines a set of rows defining the head of the columns of the table.

    The HTML Table Head Element (<thead>) defines a set of rows defining the head of the columns of the table.

  103. class Title extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Title Element (<title>) defines the title of the document, shown in a browser's title bar or on the page's tab.

    The HTML Title Element (<title>) defines the title of the document, shown in a browser's title bar or on the page's tab. It can only contain text and any contained tags are not interpreted.

  104. class Tr extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Table Row Element (<tr>) defines a row of cells in a table.

    The HTML Table Row Element (<tr>) defines a row of cells in a table. Those can be a mix of <td> and <th> elements.

  105. class Track extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    Content categories None Permitted content None, it is an empty element. Tag omission As it is a void element, the start tag must be present and the end tag must not be present. Permitted parent elements A media element, before any flow content. Normative document HTML5, section 4.8.9

    Content categories None Permitted content None, it is an empty element. Tag omission As it is a void element, the start tag must be present and the end tag must not be present. Permitted parent elements A media element, before any flow content. Normative document HTML5, section 4.8.9

  106. class Tt extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Teletype Text Element (<tt>) produces an inline element displayed in the browser's default monotype font.

    The HTML Teletype Text Element (<tt>) produces an inline element displayed in the browser's default monotype font. This element was intended to style text as it would display on a fixed width display, such as a teletype. It probably is more common to display fixed width type using the <code> element. This element is obsolete. Use a more appropriate element, such as <code> or <span> with CSS, instead.

  107. class Ul extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML unordered list element (<ul>) represents an unordered list of items, namely a collection of items that do not have a numerical ordering, and their order in the list is meaningless.

    The HTML unordered list element (<ul>) represents an unordered list of items, namely a collection of items that do not have a numerical ordering, and their order in the list is meaningless. Typically, unordered-list items are displayed with a bullet, which can be of several forms, like a dot, a circle or a squared. The bullet style is not defined in the HTML description of the page, but in its associated CSS, using the list-style-type property. There is no limitation to the depth and imbrication of lists defined with the <ol> and <ul> elements. Usage note: The <ol> and <ul> elements both represent a list of items. They differ in that, with the <ol> element, the order is meaningful. As a rule of thumb to determine which one to use, try changing the order of the list items; if the meaning is changed, the <ol> element should be used, otherwise you can use <ul>.

  108. class Video extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML <video> element is used to embed video content.

    The HTML <video> element is used to embed video content. It may contain several video sources, represented using the src attribute or the <source> element; the browser will choose the most suitable one. For a list of supported formats, see Media formats supported by the audio and video elements.

  109. class Xmp extends state.Tag with HTMLTag


    The HTML Example Element (<xmp>) renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the HTML in between and using a monospaced font.

    The HTML Example Element (<xmp>) renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the HTML in between and using a monospaced font. The HTML2 specification recommended that it should be rendered wide enough to allow 80 characters per line. Note: Do not use this element.

    • It has been deprecated since HTML3.2 and was not implemented in a consistent way. It was completely removed from the language in HTML5.
    • Use the <pre> element or, if semantically adequate, the <code> element instead. Note that you will need to escape the '<' character as '&lt;' to make sure it is not interpreted as markup.
    • A monospaced font can also be obtained on any element, by applying an adequate CSS style using monospace as the generic-font value for the font-family property.

Value Members

  1. object HTMLTag

