Interface HttpCredentialsProvider.Builder<TypeToBuildT extends HttpCredentialsProvider,​BuilderT extends HttpCredentialsProvider.Builder<?,​?>>

    • Method Detail

      • asyncCredentialUpdateEnabled

        BuilderT asyncCredentialUpdateEnabled​(Boolean asyncCredentialUpdateEnabled)
        Configure whether the provider should fetch credentials asynchronously in the background. If this is true, threads are less likely to block when credentials are loaded, but additional resources are used to maintain the provider.

        By default, this is disabled.

      • endpoint

        BuilderT endpoint​(String endpoint)
        Override the default hostname (not path) that is used for credential refreshing. Most users do not need to modify this behavior, except for testing purposes where mocking the HTTP credential source would be useful.
      • build

        TypeToBuildT build()
        Build the credentials provider based on the configuration on this builder.