Interface Aws4SignerParams.Builder<B extends Aws4SignerParams.Builder<B>>

    • Method Detail

      • doubleUrlEncode

        B doubleUrlEncode​(Boolean doubleUrlEncode)
        Set this value to double url-encode the resource path when constructing the canonical request. By default, all services except S3 enable double url-encoding.
        doubleUrlEncode - Set true to enable double url encoding. Otherwise false.
      • normalizePath

        B normalizePath​(Boolean normalizePath)
        Whether the resource path should be "normalized" according to RFC3986 when constructing the canonical request. By default, all services except S3 enable resource path normalization.
      • awsCredentials

        B awsCredentials​(AwsCredentials awsCredentials)
        Sets the aws credentials to use for computing the signature.
        awsCredentials - Aws Credentials to use for computing the signature.
      • signingName

        B signingName​(String signingName)
        The name of the AWS service to be used for computing the signature.
        signingName - Name of the AWS service to be used for computing the signature.
      • signingRegion

        B signingRegion​(Region signingRegion)
        The AWS region to be used for computing the signature.
        signingRegion - AWS region to be used for computing the signature.
      • timeOffset

        B timeOffset​(Integer timeOffset)
        The time offset (for clock skew correction) to use when computing the signing date for the request.
        timeOffset - The time offset (for clock skew correction) to use when computing the signing date for the request.
      • signingClockOverride

        B signingClockOverride​(Clock signingClockOverride)
        The clock to use for overriding the signing time when computing signature for a request. By default, current time of the system is used for signing. This parameter can be used to set custom signing time. Useful option for testing.
        signingClockOverride - The clock to use for overriding the signing time when computing signature for a request.
      • checksumParams

        B checksumParams​(SignerChecksumParams checksumParams)
        Checksum params required to compute the Checksum while data is read for signing the Checksum.
        checksumParams - SignerChecksumParams that defines the Algorithm and headers to pass Checksum.