Class ProcessCredentialsProvider.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • asyncCredentialUpdateEnabled

        public ProcessCredentialsProvider.Builder asyncCredentialUpdateEnabled​(Boolean asyncCredentialUpdateEnabled)
        Configure whether the provider should fetch credentials asynchronously in the background. If this is true, threads are less likely to block when credentials are loaded, but additional resources are used to maintain the provider.

        By default, this is disabled.

      • command

        public ProcessCredentialsProvider.Builder command​(String command)
        The recommended approach is to specify the command as a list of Strings, using command(List) instead, which makes it easier to programmatically add parameters to commands without needing to escape those parameters to protect against command injection.
        Configure the command that should be executed to retrieve credentials. See ProcessBuilder for details on how this command is used.
      • credentialRefreshThreshold

        public ProcessCredentialsProvider.Builder credentialRefreshThreshold​(Duration credentialRefreshThreshold)
        Configure the amount of time between when the credentials expire and when the credentials should start to be refreshed. This allows the credentials to be refreshed *before* they are reported to expire.

        Default: 15 seconds.

      • processOutputLimit

        public ProcessCredentialsProvider.Builder processOutputLimit​(long outputByteLimit)
        Configure the maximum amount of data that can be returned by the external process before an exception is raised.

        Default: 64000 bytes (64KB).