Class SetAlarmStateRequest

    • Method Detail

      • alarmName

        public final String alarmName()

        The name of the alarm.

        The name of the alarm.
      • stateReason

        public final String stateReason()

        The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state, in text format.

        The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state, in text format.
      • stateReasonData

        public final String stateReasonData()

        The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state, in JSON format.

        For SNS or EC2 alarm actions, this is just informational. But for EC2 Auto Scaling or application Auto Scaling alarm actions, the Auto Scaling policy uses the information in this field to take the correct action.

        The reason that this alarm is set to this specific state, in JSON format.

        For SNS or EC2 alarm actions, this is just informational. But for EC2 Auto Scaling or application Auto Scaling alarm actions, the Auto Scaling policy uses the information in this field to take the correct action.

      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object