Class Dimension

    • Method Detail

      • name

        public final String name()

        The name of the dimension. Dimension names must contain only ASCII characters, must include at least one non-whitespace character, and cannot start with a colon (:). ASCII control characters are not supported as part of dimension names.

        The name of the dimension. Dimension names must contain only ASCII characters, must include at least one non-whitespace character, and cannot start with a colon (:). ASCII control characters are not supported as part of dimension names.
      • value

        public final String value()

        The value of the dimension. Dimension values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace character. ASCII control characters are not supported as part of dimension values.

        The value of the dimension. Dimension values must contain only ASCII characters and must include at least one non-whitespace character. ASCII control characters are not supported as part of dimension values.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)