Interface MetricMathAnomalyDetector.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • metricDataQueries

        MetricMathAnomalyDetector.Builder metricDataQueries​(Collection<MetricDataQuery> metricDataQueries)

        An array of metric data query structures that enables you to create an anomaly detector based on the result of a metric math expression. Each item in MetricDataQueries gets a metric or performs a math expression. One item in MetricDataQueries is the expression that provides the time series that the anomaly detector uses as input. Designate the expression by setting ReturnData to true for this object in the array. For all other expressions and metrics, set ReturnData to false. The designated expression must return a single time series.

        metricDataQueries - An array of metric data query structures that enables you to create an anomaly detector based on the result of a metric math expression. Each item in MetricDataQueries gets a metric or performs a math expression. One item in MetricDataQueries is the expression that provides the time series that the anomaly detector uses as input. Designate the expression by setting ReturnData to true for this object in the array. For all other expressions and metrics, set ReturnData to false. The designated expression must return a single time series.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • metricDataQueries

        MetricMathAnomalyDetector.Builder metricDataQueries​(MetricDataQuery... metricDataQueries)

        An array of metric data query structures that enables you to create an anomaly detector based on the result of a metric math expression. Each item in MetricDataQueries gets a metric or performs a math expression. One item in MetricDataQueries is the expression that provides the time series that the anomaly detector uses as input. Designate the expression by setting ReturnData to true for this object in the array. For all other expressions and metrics, set ReturnData to false. The designated expression must return a single time series.

        metricDataQueries - An array of metric data query structures that enables you to create an anomaly detector based on the result of a metric math expression. Each item in MetricDataQueries gets a metric or performs a math expression. One item in MetricDataQueries is the expression that provides the time series that the anomaly detector uses as input. Designate the expression by setting ReturnData to true for this object in the array. For all other expressions and metrics, set ReturnData to false. The designated expression must return a single time series.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • metricDataQueries

        MetricMathAnomalyDetector.Builder metricDataQueries​(Consumer<MetricDataQuery.Builder>... metricDataQueries)

        An array of metric data query structures that enables you to create an anomaly detector based on the result of a metric math expression. Each item in MetricDataQueries gets a metric or performs a math expression. One item in MetricDataQueries is the expression that provides the time series that the anomaly detector uses as input. Designate the expression by setting ReturnData to true for this object in the array. For all other expressions and metrics, set ReturnData to false. The designated expression must return a single time series.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the MetricDataQuery.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via MetricDataQuery.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #metricDataQueries(List).

        metricDataQueries - a consumer that will call methods on MetricDataQuery.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also: