Interface PutDashboardResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • dashboardValidationMessages

        PutDashboardResponse.Builder dashboardValidationMessages​(Collection<DashboardValidationMessage> dashboardValidationMessages)

        If the input for PutDashboard was correct and the dashboard was successfully created or modified, this result is empty.

        If this result includes only warning messages, then the input was valid enough for the dashboard to be created or modified, but some elements of the dashboard might not render.

        If this result includes error messages, the input was not valid and the operation failed.

        dashboardValidationMessages - If the input for PutDashboard was correct and the dashboard was successfully created or modified, this result is empty.

        If this result includes only warning messages, then the input was valid enough for the dashboard to be created or modified, but some elements of the dashboard might not render.

        If this result includes error messages, the input was not valid and the operation failed.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • dashboardValidationMessages

        PutDashboardResponse.Builder dashboardValidationMessages​(DashboardValidationMessage... dashboardValidationMessages)

        If the input for PutDashboard was correct and the dashboard was successfully created or modified, this result is empty.

        If this result includes only warning messages, then the input was valid enough for the dashboard to be created or modified, but some elements of the dashboard might not render.

        If this result includes error messages, the input was not valid and the operation failed.

        dashboardValidationMessages - If the input for PutDashboard was correct and the dashboard was successfully created or modified, this result is empty.

        If this result includes only warning messages, then the input was valid enough for the dashboard to be created or modified, but some elements of the dashboard might not render.

        If this result includes error messages, the input was not valid and the operation failed.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • dashboardValidationMessages

        PutDashboardResponse.Builder dashboardValidationMessages​(Consumer<DashboardValidationMessage.Builder>... dashboardValidationMessages)

        If the input for PutDashboard was correct and the dashboard was successfully created or modified, this result is empty.

        If this result includes only warning messages, then the input was valid enough for the dashboard to be created or modified, but some elements of the dashboard might not render.

        If this result includes error messages, the input was not valid and the operation failed.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the DashboardValidationMessage.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via DashboardValidationMessage.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #dashboardValidationMessages(List).

        dashboardValidationMessages - a consumer that will call methods on DashboardValidationMessage.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also: