Interface ParameterizedStatement.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • statement

        ParameterizedStatement.Builder statement​(String statement)

        A PartiQL statment that uses parameters.

        statement - A PartiQL statment that uses parameters.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • parameters

        ParameterizedStatement.Builder parameters​(AttributeValue... parameters)

        The parameter values.

        parameters - The parameter values.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure

        ParameterizedStatement.Builder returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure​(String returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure)

        An optional parameter that returns the item attributes for a PartiQL ParameterizedStatement operation that failed a condition check.

        There is no additional cost associated with requesting a return value aside from the small network and processing overhead of receiving a larger response. No read capacity units are consumed.

        returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure - An optional parameter that returns the item attributes for a PartiQL ParameterizedStatement operation that failed a condition check.

        There is no additional cost associated with requesting a return value aside from the small network and processing overhead of receiving a larger response. No read capacity units are consumed.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure, ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure
      • returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure

        ParameterizedStatement.Builder returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure​(ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure)

        An optional parameter that returns the item attributes for a PartiQL ParameterizedStatement operation that failed a condition check.

        There is no additional cost associated with requesting a return value aside from the small network and processing overhead of receiving a larger response. No read capacity units are consumed.

        returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure - An optional parameter that returns the item attributes for a PartiQL ParameterizedStatement operation that failed a condition check.

        There is no additional cost associated with requesting a return value aside from the small network and processing overhead of receiving a larger response. No read capacity units are consumed.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure, ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure