Interface TransactWriteItemsResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • consumedCapacity

        TransactWriteItemsResponse.Builder consumedCapacity​(Collection<ConsumedCapacity> consumedCapacity)

        The capacity units consumed by the entire TransactWriteItems operation. The values of the list are ordered according to the ordering of the TransactItems request parameter.

        consumedCapacity - The capacity units consumed by the entire TransactWriteItems operation. The values of the list are ordered according to the ordering of the TransactItems request parameter.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • consumedCapacity

        TransactWriteItemsResponse.Builder consumedCapacity​(ConsumedCapacity... consumedCapacity)

        The capacity units consumed by the entire TransactWriteItems operation. The values of the list are ordered according to the ordering of the TransactItems request parameter.

        consumedCapacity - The capacity units consumed by the entire TransactWriteItems operation. The values of the list are ordered according to the ordering of the TransactItems request parameter.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • itemCollectionMetrics

        TransactWriteItemsResponse.Builder itemCollectionMetrics​(Map<String,​? extends Collection<ItemCollectionMetrics>> itemCollectionMetrics)

        A list of tables that were processed by TransactWriteItems and, for each table, information about any item collections that were affected by individual UpdateItem, PutItem, or DeleteItem operations.

        itemCollectionMetrics - A list of tables that were processed by TransactWriteItems and, for each table, information about any item collections that were affected by individual UpdateItem, PutItem, or DeleteItem operations.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.