Interface IncrementalExportSpecification.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • exportFromTime

        IncrementalExportSpecification.Builder exportFromTime​(Instant exportFromTime)

        Time in the past which provides the inclusive start range for the export table's data, counted in seconds from the start of the Unix epoch. The incremental export will reflect the table's state including and after this point in time.

        exportFromTime - Time in the past which provides the inclusive start range for the export table's data, counted in seconds from the start of the Unix epoch. The incremental export will reflect the table's state including and after this point in time.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • exportToTime

        IncrementalExportSpecification.Builder exportToTime​(Instant exportToTime)

        Time in the past which provides the exclusive end range for the export table's data, counted in seconds from the start of the Unix epoch. The incremental export will reflect the table's state just prior to this point in time. If this is not provided, the latest time with data available will be used.

        exportToTime - Time in the past which provides the exclusive end range for the export table's data, counted in seconds from the start of the Unix epoch. The incremental export will reflect the table's state just prior to this point in time. If this is not provided, the latest time with data available will be used.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • exportViewType

        IncrementalExportSpecification.Builder exportViewType​(String exportViewType)

        The view type that was chosen for the export. Valid values are NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES and NEW_IMAGES. The default value is NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES.

        exportViewType - The view type that was chosen for the export. Valid values are NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES and NEW_IMAGES. The default value is NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ExportViewType, ExportViewType
      • exportViewType

        IncrementalExportSpecification.Builder exportViewType​(ExportViewType exportViewType)

        The view type that was chosen for the export. Valid values are NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES and NEW_IMAGES. The default value is NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES.

        exportViewType - The view type that was chosen for the export. Valid values are NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES and NEW_IMAGES. The default value is NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ExportViewType, ExportViewType