Interface SourceTableFeatureDetails.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • localSecondaryIndexes

        SourceTableFeatureDetails.Builder localSecondaryIndexes​(Collection<LocalSecondaryIndexInfo> localSecondaryIndexes)

        Represents the LSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema and Projection for the LSIs on the table at the time of backup.

        localSecondaryIndexes - Represents the LSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema and Projection for the LSIs on the table at the time of backup.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • localSecondaryIndexes

        SourceTableFeatureDetails.Builder localSecondaryIndexes​(LocalSecondaryIndexInfo... localSecondaryIndexes)

        Represents the LSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema and Projection for the LSIs on the table at the time of backup.

        localSecondaryIndexes - Represents the LSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema and Projection for the LSIs on the table at the time of backup.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • globalSecondaryIndexes

        SourceTableFeatureDetails.Builder globalSecondaryIndexes​(Collection<GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo> globalSecondaryIndexes)

        Represents the GSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema, Projection, and ProvisionedThroughput for the GSIs on the table at the time of backup.

        globalSecondaryIndexes - Represents the GSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema, Projection, and ProvisionedThroughput for the GSIs on the table at the time of backup.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • globalSecondaryIndexes

        SourceTableFeatureDetails.Builder globalSecondaryIndexes​(GlobalSecondaryIndexInfo... globalSecondaryIndexes)

        Represents the GSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema, Projection, and ProvisionedThroughput for the GSIs on the table at the time of backup.

        globalSecondaryIndexes - Represents the GSI properties for the table when the backup was created. It includes the IndexName, KeySchema, Projection, and ProvisionedThroughput for the GSIs on the table at the time of backup.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • streamDescription

        SourceTableFeatureDetails.Builder streamDescription​(StreamSpecification streamDescription)

        Stream settings on the table when the backup was created.

        streamDescription - Stream settings on the table when the backup was created.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • timeToLiveDescription

        SourceTableFeatureDetails.Builder timeToLiveDescription​(TimeToLiveDescription timeToLiveDescription)

        Time to Live settings on the table when the backup was created.

        timeToLiveDescription - Time to Live settings on the table when the backup was created.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • sseDescription

        SourceTableFeatureDetails.Builder sseDescription​(SSEDescription sseDescription)

        The description of the server-side encryption status on the table when the backup was created.

        sseDescription - The description of the server-side encryption status on the table when the backup was created.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.