Class ImportTableDescription

    • Method Detail

      • importArn

        public final String importArn()

        The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) corresponding to the import request.

        The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) corresponding to the import request.
      • tableArn

        public final String tableArn()

        The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the table being imported into.

        The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the table being imported into.
      • tableId

        public final String tableId()

        The table id corresponding to the table created by import table process.

        The table id corresponding to the table created by import table process.
      • clientToken

        public final String clientToken()

        The client token that was provided for the import task. Reusing the client token on retry makes a call to ImportTable idempotent.

        The client token that was provided for the import task. Reusing the client token on retry makes a call to ImportTable idempotent.
      • s3BucketSource

        public final S3BucketSource s3BucketSource()

        Values for the S3 bucket the source file is imported from. Includes bucket name (required), key prefix (optional) and bucket account owner ID (optional).

        Values for the S3 bucket the source file is imported from. Includes bucket name (required), key prefix (optional) and bucket account owner ID (optional).
      • errorCount

        public final Long errorCount()

        The number of errors occurred on importing the source file into the target table.

        The number of errors occurred on importing the source file into the target table.
      • cloudWatchLogGroupArn

        public final String cloudWatchLogGroupArn()

        The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the Cloudwatch Log Group associated with the target table.

        The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the Cloudwatch Log Group associated with the target table.
      • inputFormatAsString

        public final String inputFormatAsString()

        The format of the source data going into the target table.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, inputFormat will return InputFormat.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from inputFormatAsString().

        The format of the source data going into the target table.
        See Also:
      • inputFormatOptions

        public final InputFormatOptions inputFormatOptions()

        The format options for the data that was imported into the target table. There is one value, CsvOption.

        The format options for the data that was imported into the target table. There is one value, CsvOption.
      • inputCompressionTypeAsString

        public final String inputCompressionTypeAsString()

        The compression options for the data that has been imported into the target table. The values are NONE, GZIP, or ZSTD.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, inputCompressionType will return InputCompressionType.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from inputCompressionTypeAsString().

        The compression options for the data that has been imported into the target table. The values are NONE, GZIP, or ZSTD.
        See Also:
      • tableCreationParameters

        public final TableCreationParameters tableCreationParameters()

        The parameters for the new table that is being imported into.

        The parameters for the new table that is being imported into.
      • startTime

        public final Instant startTime()

        The time when this import task started.

        The time when this import task started.
      • endTime

        public final Instant endTime()

        The time at which the creation of the table associated with this import task completed.

        The time at which the creation of the table associated with this import task completed.
      • processedSizeBytes

        public final Long processedSizeBytes()

        The total size of data processed from the source file, in Bytes.

        The total size of data processed from the source file, in Bytes.
      • processedItemCount

        public final Long processedItemCount()

        The total number of items processed from the source file.

        The total number of items processed from the source file.
      • importedItemCount

        public final Long importedItemCount()

        The number of items successfully imported into the new table.

        The number of items successfully imported into the new table.
      • failureCode

        public final String failureCode()

        The error code corresponding to the failure that the import job ran into during execution.

        The error code corresponding to the failure that the import job ran into during execution.
      • failureMessage

        public final String failureMessage()

        The error message corresponding to the failure that the import job ran into during execution.

        The error message corresponding to the failure that the import job ran into during execution.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)