Interface StreamDescription.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • streamArn

        StreamDescription.Builder streamArn​(String streamArn)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream.

        streamArn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the stream.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • streamLabel

        StreamDescription.Builder streamLabel​(String streamLabel)

        A timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, for this stream.

        Note that LatestStreamLabel is not a unique identifier for the stream, because it is possible that a stream from another table might have the same timestamp. However, the combination of the following three elements is guaranteed to be unique:

        • the Amazon Web Services customer ID.

        • the table name

        • the StreamLabel

        streamLabel - A timestamp, in ISO 8601 format, for this stream.

        Note that LatestStreamLabel is not a unique identifier for the stream, because it is possible that a stream from another table might have the same timestamp. However, the combination of the following three elements is guaranteed to be unique:

        • the Amazon Web Services customer ID.

        • the table name

        • the StreamLabel

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • streamStatus

        StreamDescription.Builder streamStatus​(String streamStatus)

        Indicates the current status of the stream:

        • ENABLING - Streams is currently being enabled on the DynamoDB table.

        • ENABLED - the stream is enabled.

        • DISABLING - Streams is currently being disabled on the DynamoDB table.

        • DISABLED - the stream is disabled.

        streamStatus - Indicates the current status of the stream:

        • ENABLING - Streams is currently being enabled on the DynamoDB table.

        • ENABLED - the stream is enabled.

        • DISABLING - Streams is currently being disabled on the DynamoDB table.

        • DISABLED - the stream is disabled.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        StreamStatus, StreamStatus
      • streamStatus

        StreamDescription.Builder streamStatus​(StreamStatus streamStatus)

        Indicates the current status of the stream:

        • ENABLING - Streams is currently being enabled on the DynamoDB table.

        • ENABLED - the stream is enabled.

        • DISABLING - Streams is currently being disabled on the DynamoDB table.

        • DISABLED - the stream is disabled.

        streamStatus - Indicates the current status of the stream:

        • ENABLING - Streams is currently being enabled on the DynamoDB table.

        • ENABLED - the stream is enabled.

        • DISABLING - Streams is currently being disabled on the DynamoDB table.

        • DISABLED - the stream is disabled.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        StreamStatus, StreamStatus
      • streamViewType

        StreamDescription.Builder streamViewType​(String streamViewType)

        Indicates the format of the records within this stream:

        • KEYS_ONLY - only the key attributes of items that were modified in the DynamoDB table.

        • NEW_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared after they were modified.

        • OLD_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared before they were modified.

        • NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES - both the new and the old images of the items from the table.

        streamViewType - Indicates the format of the records within this stream:

        • KEYS_ONLY - only the key attributes of items that were modified in the DynamoDB table.

        • NEW_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared after they were modified.

        • OLD_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared before they were modified.

        • NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES - both the new and the old images of the items from the table.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        StreamViewType, StreamViewType
      • streamViewType

        StreamDescription.Builder streamViewType​(StreamViewType streamViewType)

        Indicates the format of the records within this stream:

        • KEYS_ONLY - only the key attributes of items that were modified in the DynamoDB table.

        • NEW_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared after they were modified.

        • OLD_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared before they were modified.

        • NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES - both the new and the old images of the items from the table.

        streamViewType - Indicates the format of the records within this stream:

        • KEYS_ONLY - only the key attributes of items that were modified in the DynamoDB table.

        • NEW_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared after they were modified.

        • OLD_IMAGE - entire items from the table, as they appeared before they were modified.

        • NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES - both the new and the old images of the items from the table.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        StreamViewType, StreamViewType
      • creationRequestDateTime

        StreamDescription.Builder creationRequestDateTime​(Instant creationRequestDateTime)

        The date and time when the request to create this stream was issued.

        creationRequestDateTime - The date and time when the request to create this stream was issued.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • tableName

        StreamDescription.Builder tableName​(String tableName)

        The DynamoDB table with which the stream is associated.

        tableName - The DynamoDB table with which the stream is associated.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • keySchema

        StreamDescription.Builder keySchema​(Collection<KeySchemaElement> keySchema)

        The key attribute(s) of the stream's DynamoDB table.

        keySchema - The key attribute(s) of the stream's DynamoDB table.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • keySchema

        StreamDescription.Builder keySchema​(KeySchemaElement... keySchema)

        The key attribute(s) of the stream's DynamoDB table.

        keySchema - The key attribute(s) of the stream's DynamoDB table.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • shards

        StreamDescription.Builder shards​(Collection<Shard> shards)

        The shards that comprise the stream.

        shards - The shards that comprise the stream.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • shards

        StreamDescription.Builder shards​(Shard... shards)

        The shards that comprise the stream.

        shards - The shards that comprise the stream.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • shards

        StreamDescription.Builder shards​(Consumer<Shard.Builder>... shards)

        The shards that comprise the stream.

        This is a convenience method that creates an instance of the Shard.Builder avoiding the need to create one manually via Shard.builder().

        When the Consumer completes, is called immediately and its result is passed to #shards(List).

        shards - a consumer that will call methods on Shard.Builder
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
      • lastEvaluatedShardId

        StreamDescription.Builder lastEvaluatedShardId​(String lastEvaluatedShardId)

        The shard ID of the item where the operation stopped, inclusive of the previous result set. Use this value to start a new operation, excluding this value in the new request.

        If LastEvaluatedShardId is empty, then the "last page" of results has been processed and there is currently no more data to be retrieved.

        If LastEvaluatedShardId is not empty, it does not necessarily mean that there is more data in the result set. The only way to know when you have reached the end of the result set is when LastEvaluatedShardId is empty.

        lastEvaluatedShardId - The shard ID of the item where the operation stopped, inclusive of the previous result set. Use this value to start a new operation, excluding this value in the new request.

        If LastEvaluatedShardId is empty, then the "last page" of results has been processed and there is currently no more data to be retrieved.

        If LastEvaluatedShardId is not empty, it does not necessarily mean that there is more data in the result set. The only way to know when you have reached the end of the result set is when LastEvaluatedShardId is empty.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.