Interface ListImportsRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • tableArn

        ListImportsRequest.Builder tableArn​(String tableArn)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the table that was imported to.

        tableArn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) associated with the table that was imported to.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • pageSize

        ListImportsRequest.Builder pageSize​(Integer pageSize)

        The number of ImportSummary objects returned in a single page.

        pageSize - The number of ImportSummary objects returned in a single page.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • nextToken

        ListImportsRequest.Builder nextToken​(String nextToken)

        An optional string that, if supplied, must be copied from the output of a previous call to ListImports. When provided in this manner, the API fetches the next page of results.

        nextToken - An optional string that, if supplied, must be copied from the output of a previous call to ListImports. When provided in this manner, the API fetches the next page of results.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.