Class ListBackupsRequest

    • Method Detail

      • tableName

        public final String tableName()

        Lists the backups from the table specified in TableName. You can also provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the table in this parameter.

        Lists the backups from the table specified in TableName. You can also provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the table in this parameter.
      • limit

        public final Integer limit()

        Maximum number of backups to return at once.

        Maximum number of backups to return at once.
      • timeRangeLowerBound

        public final Instant timeRangeLowerBound()

        Only backups created after this time are listed. TimeRangeLowerBound is inclusive.

        Only backups created after this time are listed. TimeRangeLowerBound is inclusive.
      • timeRangeUpperBound

        public final Instant timeRangeUpperBound()

        Only backups created before this time are listed. TimeRangeUpperBound is exclusive.

        Only backups created before this time are listed. TimeRangeUpperBound is exclusive.
      • exclusiveStartBackupArn

        public final String exclusiveStartBackupArn()

        LastEvaluatedBackupArn is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup last evaluated when the current page of results was returned, inclusive of the current page of results. This value may be specified as the ExclusiveStartBackupArn of a new ListBackups operation in order to fetch the next page of results.

        LastEvaluatedBackupArn is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the backup last evaluated when the current page of results was returned, inclusive of the current page of results. This value may be specified as the ExclusiveStartBackupArn of a new ListBackups operation in order to fetch the next page of results.
      • backupType

        public final BackupTypeFilter backupType()

        The backups from the table specified by BackupType are listed.

        Where BackupType can be:

        • USER - On-demand backup created by you. (The default setting if no other backup types are specified.)

        • SYSTEM - On-demand backup automatically created by DynamoDB.

        • ALL - All types of on-demand backups (USER and SYSTEM).

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, backupType will return BackupTypeFilter.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from backupTypeAsString().

        The backups from the table specified by BackupType are listed.

        Where BackupType can be:

        • USER - On-demand backup created by you. (The default setting if no other backup types are specified.)

        • SYSTEM - On-demand backup automatically created by DynamoDB.

        • ALL - All types of on-demand backups (USER and SYSTEM).

        See Also:
      • backupTypeAsString

        public final String backupTypeAsString()

        The backups from the table specified by BackupType are listed.

        Where BackupType can be:

        • USER - On-demand backup created by you. (The default setting if no other backup types are specified.)

        • SYSTEM - On-demand backup automatically created by DynamoDB.

        • ALL - All types of on-demand backups (USER and SYSTEM).

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, backupType will return BackupTypeFilter.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from backupTypeAsString().

        The backups from the table specified by BackupType are listed.

        Where BackupType can be:

        • USER - On-demand backup created by you. (The default setting if no other backup types are specified.)

        • SYSTEM - On-demand backup automatically created by DynamoDB.

        • ALL - All types of on-demand backups (USER and SYSTEM).

        See Also:
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object