Class ExecuteStatementRequest

    • Method Detail

      • statement

        public final String statement()

        The PartiQL statement representing the operation to run.

        The PartiQL statement representing the operation to run.
      • hasParameters

        public final boolean hasParameters()
        For responses, this returns true if the service returned a value for the Parameters property. This DOES NOT check that the value is non-empty (for which, you should check the isEmpty() method on the property). This is useful because the SDK will never return a null collection or map, but you may need to differentiate between the service returning nothing (or null) and the service returning an empty collection or map. For requests, this returns true if a value for the property was specified in the request builder, and false if a value was not specified.
      • parameters

        public final List<AttributeValue> parameters()

        The parameters for the PartiQL statement, if any.

        Attempts to modify the collection returned by this method will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

        This method will never return null. If you would like to know whether the service returned this field (so that you can differentiate between null and empty), you can use the hasParameters() method.

        The parameters for the PartiQL statement, if any.
      • consistentRead

        public final Boolean consistentRead()

        The consistency of a read operation. If set to true, then a strongly consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is used.

        The consistency of a read operation. If set to true, then a strongly consistent read is used; otherwise, an eventually consistent read is used.
      • nextToken

        public final String nextToken()

        Set this value to get remaining results, if NextToken was returned in the statement response.

        Set this value to get remaining results, if NextToken was returned in the statement response.
      • returnConsumedCapacityAsString

        public final String returnConsumedCapacityAsString()
        Returns the value of the ReturnConsumedCapacity property for this object.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, returnConsumedCapacity will return ReturnConsumedCapacity.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from returnConsumedCapacityAsString().

        The value of the ReturnConsumedCapacity property for this object.
        See Also:
      • limit

        public final Integer limit()

        The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching items). If DynamoDB processes the number of items up to the limit while processing the results, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to that point, along with a key in LastEvaluatedKey to apply in a subsequent operation so you can pick up where you left off. Also, if the processed dataset size exceeds 1 MB before DynamoDB reaches this limit, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to the limit, and a key in LastEvaluatedKey to apply in a subsequent operation to continue the operation.

        The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching items). If DynamoDB processes the number of items up to the limit while processing the results, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to that point, along with a key in LastEvaluatedKey to apply in a subsequent operation so you can pick up where you left off. Also, if the processed dataset size exceeds 1 MB before DynamoDB reaches this limit, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to the limit, and a key in LastEvaluatedKey to apply in a subsequent operation to continue the operation.
      • returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure

        public final ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure()

        An optional parameter that returns the item attributes for an ExecuteStatement operation that failed a condition check.

        There is no additional cost associated with requesting a return value aside from the small network and processing overhead of receiving a larger response. No read capacity units are consumed.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure will return ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailureAsString().

        An optional parameter that returns the item attributes for an ExecuteStatement operation that failed a condition check.

        There is no additional cost associated with requesting a return value aside from the small network and processing overhead of receiving a larger response. No read capacity units are consumed.

        See Also:
      • returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailureAsString

        public final String returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailureAsString()

        An optional parameter that returns the item attributes for an ExecuteStatement operation that failed a condition check.

        There is no additional cost associated with requesting a return value aside from the small network and processing overhead of receiving a larger response. No read capacity units are consumed.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure will return ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from returnValuesOnConditionCheckFailureAsString().

        An optional parameter that returns the item attributes for an ExecuteStatement operation that failed a condition check.

        There is no additional cost associated with requesting a return value aside from the small network and processing overhead of receiving a larger response. No read capacity units are consumed.

        See Also:
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object