Interface FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • launchTemplateId

        FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification.Builder launchTemplateId​(String launchTemplateId)

        The ID of the launch template.

        You must specify the LaunchTemplateId or the LaunchTemplateName, but not both.

        launchTemplateId - The ID of the launch template.

        You must specify the LaunchTemplateId or the LaunchTemplateName, but not both.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • launchTemplateName

        FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification.Builder launchTemplateName​(String launchTemplateName)

        The name of the launch template.

        You must specify the LaunchTemplateName or the LaunchTemplateId, but not both.

        launchTemplateName - The name of the launch template.

        You must specify the LaunchTemplateName or the LaunchTemplateId, but not both.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • version

        FleetLaunchTemplateSpecification.Builder version​(String version)

        The launch template version number, $Latest, or $Default. You must specify a value, otherwise the request fails.

        If the value is $Latest, Amazon EC2 uses the latest version of the launch template.

        If the value is $Default, Amazon EC2 uses the default version of the launch template.

        version - The launch template version number, $Latest, or $Default. You must specify a value, otherwise the request fails.

        If the value is $Latest, Amazon EC2 uses the latest version of the launch template.

        If the value is $Default, Amazon EC2 uses the default version of the launch template.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.