Class RestoreSnapshotTierResponse

    • Method Detail

      • snapshotId

        public final String snapshotId()

        The ID of the snapshot.

        The ID of the snapshot.
      • restoreStartTime

        public final Instant restoreStartTime()

        The date and time when the snapshot restore process started.

        The date and time when the snapshot restore process started.
      • restoreDuration

        public final Integer restoreDuration()

        For temporary restores only. The number of days for which the archived snapshot is temporarily restored.

        For temporary restores only. The number of days for which the archived snapshot is temporarily restored.
      • isPermanentRestore

        public final Boolean isPermanentRestore()

        Indicates whether the snapshot is permanently restored. true indicates a permanent restore. false indicates a temporary restore.

        Indicates whether the snapshot is permanently restored. true indicates a permanent restore. false indicates a temporary restore.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object