Class StateReason

    • Method Detail

      • code

        public final String code()

        The reason code for the state change.

        The reason code for the state change.
      • message

        public final String message()

        The message for the state change.

        • Server.InsufficientInstanceCapacity: There was insufficient capacity available to satisfy the launch request.

        • Server.InternalError: An internal error caused the instance to terminate during launch.

        • Server.ScheduledStop: The instance was stopped due to a scheduled retirement.

        • Server.SpotInstanceShutdown: The instance was stopped because the number of Spot requests with a maximum price equal to or higher than the Spot price exceeded available capacity or because of an increase in the Spot price.

        • Server.SpotInstanceTermination: The instance was terminated because the number of Spot requests with a maximum price equal to or higher than the Spot price exceeded available capacity or because of an increase in the Spot price.

        • Client.InstanceInitiatedShutdown: The instance was shut down using the shutdown -h command from the instance.

        • Client.InstanceTerminated: The instance was terminated or rebooted during AMI creation.

        • Client.InternalError: A client error caused the instance to terminate during launch.

        • Client.InvalidSnapshot.NotFound: The specified snapshot was not found.

        • Client.UserInitiatedHibernate: Hibernation was initiated on the instance.

        • Client.UserInitiatedShutdown: The instance was shut down using the Amazon EC2 API.

        • Client.VolumeLimitExceeded: The limit on the number of EBS volumes or total storage was exceeded. Decrease usage or request an increase in your account limits.

        The message for the state change.

        • Server.InsufficientInstanceCapacity: There was insufficient capacity available to satisfy the launch request.

        • Server.InternalError: An internal error caused the instance to terminate during launch.

        • Server.ScheduledStop: The instance was stopped due to a scheduled retirement.

        • Server.SpotInstanceShutdown: The instance was stopped because the number of Spot requests with a maximum price equal to or higher than the Spot price exceeded available capacity or because of an increase in the Spot price.

        • Server.SpotInstanceTermination: The instance was terminated because the number of Spot requests with a maximum price equal to or higher than the Spot price exceeded available capacity or because of an increase in the Spot price.

        • Client.InstanceInitiatedShutdown: The instance was shut down using the shutdown -h command from the instance.

        • Client.InstanceTerminated: The instance was terminated or rebooted during AMI creation.

        • Client.InternalError: A client error caused the instance to terminate during launch.

        • Client.InvalidSnapshot.NotFound: The specified snapshot was not found.

        • Client.UserInitiatedHibernate: Hibernation was initiated on the instance.

        • Client.UserInitiatedShutdown: The instance was shut down using the Amazon EC2 API.

        • Client.VolumeLimitExceeded: The limit on the number of EBS volumes or total storage was exceeded. Decrease usage or request an increase in your account limits.

      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object
      • getValueForField

        public final <T> Optional<T> getValueForField​(String fieldName,
                                                      Class<T> clazz)