Interface ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • assignIpv6AddressOnCreation

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder assignIpv6AddressOnCreation​(AttributeBooleanValue assignIpv6AddressOnCreation)

        Specify true to indicate that network interfaces created in the specified subnet should be assigned an IPv6 address. This includes a network interface that's created when launching an instance into the subnet (the instance therefore receives an IPv6 address).

        If you enable the IPv6 addressing feature for your subnet, your network interface or instance only receives an IPv6 address if it's created using version 2016-11-15 or later of the Amazon EC2 API.

        assignIpv6AddressOnCreation - Specify true to indicate that network interfaces created in the specified subnet should be assigned an IPv6 address. This includes a network interface that's created when launching an instance into the subnet (the instance therefore receives an IPv6 address).

        If you enable the IPv6 addressing feature for your subnet, your network interface or instance only receives an IPv6 address if it's created using version 2016-11-15 or later of the Amazon EC2 API.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • mapPublicIpOnLaunch

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder mapPublicIpOnLaunch​(AttributeBooleanValue mapPublicIpOnLaunch)

        Specify true to indicate that network interfaces attached to instances created in the specified subnet should be assigned a public IPv4 address.

        Starting on February 1, 2024, Amazon Web Services will charge for all public IPv4 addresses, including public IPv4 addresses associated with running instances and Elastic IP addresses. For more information, see the Public IPv4 Address tab on the Amazon VPC pricing page.

        mapPublicIpOnLaunch - Specify true to indicate that network interfaces attached to instances created in the specified subnet should be assigned a public IPv4 address.

        Starting on February 1, 2024, Amazon Web Services will charge for all public IPv4 addresses, including public IPv4 addresses associated with running instances and Elastic IP addresses. For more information, see the Public IPv4 Address tab on the Amazon VPC pricing page.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • subnetId

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder subnetId​(String subnetId)

        The ID of the subnet.

        subnetId - The ID of the subnet.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • mapCustomerOwnedIpOnLaunch

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder mapCustomerOwnedIpOnLaunch​(AttributeBooleanValue mapCustomerOwnedIpOnLaunch)

        Specify true to indicate that network interfaces attached to instances created in the specified subnet should be assigned a customer-owned IPv4 address.

        When this value is true, you must specify the customer-owned IP pool using CustomerOwnedIpv4Pool.

        mapCustomerOwnedIpOnLaunch - Specify true to indicate that network interfaces attached to instances created in the specified subnet should be assigned a customer-owned IPv4 address.

        When this value is true, you must specify the customer-owned IP pool using CustomerOwnedIpv4Pool.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • customerOwnedIpv4Pool

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder customerOwnedIpv4Pool​(String customerOwnedIpv4Pool)

        The customer-owned IPv4 address pool associated with the subnet.

        You must set this value when you specify true for MapCustomerOwnedIpOnLaunch.

        customerOwnedIpv4Pool - The customer-owned IPv4 address pool associated with the subnet.

        You must set this value when you specify true for MapCustomerOwnedIpOnLaunch.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • enableDns64

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder enableDns64​(AttributeBooleanValue enableDns64)

        Indicates whether DNS queries made to the Amazon-provided DNS Resolver in this subnet should return synthetic IPv6 addresses for IPv4-only destinations.

        enableDns64 - Indicates whether DNS queries made to the Amazon-provided DNS Resolver in this subnet should return synthetic IPv6 addresses for IPv4-only destinations.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • privateDnsHostnameTypeOnLaunch

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder privateDnsHostnameTypeOnLaunch​(String privateDnsHostnameTypeOnLaunch)

        The type of hostname to assign to instances in the subnet at launch. For IPv4-only and dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) subnets, an instance DNS name can be based on the instance IPv4 address (ip-name) or the instance ID (resource-name). For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID (resource-name).

        privateDnsHostnameTypeOnLaunch - The type of hostname to assign to instances in the subnet at launch. For IPv4-only and dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) subnets, an instance DNS name can be based on the instance IPv4 address (ip-name) or the instance ID (resource-name). For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID (resource-name).
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        HostnameType, HostnameType
      • privateDnsHostnameTypeOnLaunch

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder privateDnsHostnameTypeOnLaunch​(HostnameType privateDnsHostnameTypeOnLaunch)

        The type of hostname to assign to instances in the subnet at launch. For IPv4-only and dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) subnets, an instance DNS name can be based on the instance IPv4 address (ip-name) or the instance ID (resource-name). For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID (resource-name).

        privateDnsHostnameTypeOnLaunch - The type of hostname to assign to instances in the subnet at launch. For IPv4-only and dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) subnets, an instance DNS name can be based on the instance IPv4 address (ip-name) or the instance ID (resource-name). For IPv6 only subnets, an instance DNS name must be based on the instance ID (resource-name).
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        HostnameType, HostnameType
      • enableResourceNameDnsARecordOnLaunch

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder enableResourceNameDnsARecordOnLaunch​(AttributeBooleanValue enableResourceNameDnsARecordOnLaunch)

        Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS A records.

        enableResourceNameDnsARecordOnLaunch - Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS A records.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • enableResourceNameDnsAAAARecordOnLaunch

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder enableResourceNameDnsAAAARecordOnLaunch​(AttributeBooleanValue enableResourceNameDnsAAAARecordOnLaunch)

        Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS AAAA records.

        enableResourceNameDnsAAAARecordOnLaunch - Indicates whether to respond to DNS queries for instance hostnames with DNS AAAA records.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • enableLniAtDeviceIndex

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder enableLniAtDeviceIndex​(Integer enableLniAtDeviceIndex)

        Indicates the device position for local network interfaces in this subnet. For example, 1 indicates local network interfaces in this subnet are the secondary network interface (eth1). A local network interface cannot be the primary network interface (eth0).

        enableLniAtDeviceIndex - Indicates the device position for local network interfaces in this subnet. For example, 1 indicates local network interfaces in this subnet are the secondary network interface (eth1). A local network interface cannot be the primary network interface (eth0).
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • disableLniAtDeviceIndex

        ModifySubnetAttributeRequest.Builder disableLniAtDeviceIndex​(AttributeBooleanValue disableLniAtDeviceIndex)

        Specify true to indicate that local network interfaces at the current position should be disabled.

        disableLniAtDeviceIndex - Specify true to indicate that local network interfaces at the current position should be disabled.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.