Class PutRecordRequest

    • Method Detail

      • streamName

        public final String streamName()

        The name of the stream to put the data record into.

        The name of the stream to put the data record into.
      • data

        public final SdkBytes data()

        The data blob to put into the record, which is base64-encoded when the blob is serialized. When the data blob (the payload before base64-encoding) is added to the partition key size, the total size must not exceed the maximum record size (1 MiB).

        The data blob to put into the record, which is base64-encoded when the blob is serialized. When the data blob (the payload before base64-encoding) is added to the partition key size, the total size must not exceed the maximum record size (1 MiB).
      • partitionKey

        public final String partitionKey()

        Determines which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to. Partition keys are Unicode strings with a maximum length limit of 256 characters for each key. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams uses the partition key as input to a hash function that maps the partition key and associated data to a specific shard. Specifically, an MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data records to shards. As a result of this hashing mechanism, all data records with the same partition key map to the same shard within the stream.

        Determines which shard in the stream the data record is assigned to. Partition keys are Unicode strings with a maximum length limit of 256 characters for each key. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams uses the partition key as input to a hash function that maps the partition key and associated data to a specific shard. Specifically, an MD5 hash function is used to map partition keys to 128-bit integer values and to map associated data records to shards. As a result of this hashing mechanism, all data records with the same partition key map to the same shard within the stream.
      • explicitHashKey

        public final String explicitHashKey()

        The hash value used to explicitly determine the shard the data record is assigned to by overriding the partition key hash.

        The hash value used to explicitly determine the shard the data record is assigned to by overriding the partition key hash.
      • sequenceNumberForOrdering

        public final String sequenceNumberForOrdering()

        Guarantees strictly increasing sequence numbers, for puts from the same client and to the same partition key. Usage: set the SequenceNumberForOrdering of record n to the sequence number of record n-1 (as returned in the result when putting record n-1). If this parameter is not set, records are coarsely ordered based on arrival time.

        Guarantees strictly increasing sequence numbers, for puts from the same client and to the same partition key. Usage: set the SequenceNumberForOrdering of record n to the sequence number of record n-1 (as returned in the result when putting record n-1). If this parameter is not set, records are coarsely ordered based on arrival time.
      • streamARN

        public final String streamARN()

        The ARN of the stream.

        The ARN of the stream.
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object