Interface UpdateShardCountRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • streamName

        UpdateShardCountRequest.Builder streamName​(String streamName)

        The name of the stream.

        streamName - The name of the stream.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • targetShardCount

        UpdateShardCountRequest.Builder targetShardCount​(Integer targetShardCount)

        The new number of shards. This value has the following default limits. By default, you cannot do the following:

        • Set this value to more than double your current shard count for a stream.

        • Set this value below half your current shard count for a stream.

        • Set this value to more than 10000 shards in a stream (the default limit for shard count per stream is 10000 per account per region), unless you request a limit increase.

        • Scale a stream with more than 10000 shards down unless you set this value to less than 10000 shards.

        targetShardCount - The new number of shards. This value has the following default limits. By default, you cannot do the following:

        • Set this value to more than double your current shard count for a stream.

        • Set this value below half your current shard count for a stream.

        • Set this value to more than 10000 shards in a stream (the default limit for shard count per stream is 10000 per account per region), unless you request a limit increase.

        • Scale a stream with more than 10000 shards down unless you set this value to less than 10000 shards.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • scalingType

        UpdateShardCountRequest.Builder scalingType​(String scalingType)

        The scaling type. Uniform scaling creates shards of equal size.

        scalingType - The scaling type. Uniform scaling creates shards of equal size.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ScalingType, ScalingType
      • scalingType

        UpdateShardCountRequest.Builder scalingType​(ScalingType scalingType)

        The scaling type. Uniform scaling creates shards of equal size.

        scalingType - The scaling type. Uniform scaling creates shards of equal size.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        ScalingType, ScalingType
      • streamARN

        UpdateShardCountRequest.Builder streamARN​(String streamARN)

        The ARN of the stream.

        streamARN - The ARN of the stream.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.